But anyway, the wave just now was happy enough, just look at Li Guangzhu's smile.

Maybe he's still a little... Comfortable?

The water in the pool is calm, but under the operation of a little ghost, the wind is surging.

I saw the sound of music sounding, haha rushed into the water, and then suddenly threw out, Kim Jae-ho was directly thrown a face of water, but he was also very happy, wiped it ~ continued to clap his hands with the rhythm.

Haha dancing wildly, using dance to interpret what is called excitement, he played crazy alone.

After shaking his head several times in a row, the haha people were almost gone, Kim Jae-ho quickly called him back to sing, and the pace he walked back - it was so heavy.

The cheerful song begins, and the people of the red team are singing and singing, and suddenly they see a strange creature floating over.

Looking down, it turned out that Li Guangzhu was swimming on his back, like a squid, at this time, Haha suddenly raised the microphone in his hand, and then walked over casually while singing, and stepped on the stomach of Li Guangzhu, who was leisurely backswimming like a squid.

Kim Jae-ho was very happy to see it, and Lee Kwang-joo's move must have wanted to come over and get his own, and haha made him lie down with one move.

Lee Kwang-joo was quite depressed, he originally wanted to make a handsome appearance with this, just like Kim Jae-ho's smile just now pacing behind his back, he didn't expect the illusion to be directly shattered.

He climbed up directly, threw a face of water, and then turned his head to get Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho: ???

Shouldn't it be to get haha?

Step on it!

Doesn't it hurt to step on a foot?

Isn't it fragrant to take this revenge first?

Compared with the new feud, Li Guangzhu obviously wants to solve the old hatred first.

Haha's moment is a physical blow, and Kim Jae-ho's moment is a psychological blow.

I saw Li Guangzhu walking behind Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho showed an uneasy smile, his eyes glanced back, but he couldn't see anything, this feeling was what Li Guangzhu felt just now.

Lee Kwang-joo took off his hat and covered Kim Jae-ho's braincase, and then directly pressed the brim of the hat forward to directly cover Kim Jae-ho's face.

Kim Jae-ho smiled and continued to sing, pretending that nothing had happened, but apparently this was the beginning, and Lee Kwang-joo began to spin wildly in Kim Jae-ho's hat, as if to turn a hole in his head.

What a hairline you have!

The fear of the hairline and the Mediterranean Sea made Lee Kwang-joo's move extremely vicious, and just as he was spinning unscrupulously to interfere, Kim Jae-ho suddenly reached back and grabbed his hair directly.

"Aaaaaa Li Guangzhu screamed in pain, and the miserable and frightened expression with pain really made people want to laugh.

He never expected Kim Jae-ho to fight back!

I saw that while shouting, he threw away the hat on his hand directly, and grabbed Kim Jae-ho's hair like Kim Jae-ho.

Come on!

Hurt each other!

You have my hairstyle!

My hair!

But when the hat rotated, Kim Jae-ho was irreparable, and the strength in his hand was a little greater, and as for the pain, it was manifested in his current voice covering three of them, as well as his eyes that seemed to be as big as a barbell and his singing voice that was obviously gritted teeth.

The people of the yellow team originally wanted to sabotage, but they all laughed when they saw this scene.

Really, it's RM, and it's just a little bit on the TV.

Soon both of them were a little unbearable, and Li Guangzhu shouted: "I shout three two one to let go together!" "

Kim Jae-ho's head was grabbed by Lee Kwang-joo and leaned back, but he nodded anyway.

Then Lee Kwang-joo started shouting.

"Three! Two! One! Put! "

The two people loosened for a moment, and then grabbed harder, but no one let go.

"Hahaha~ Sure enough!" Liu Zaishi had thought of it a long time ago, and smiled happily.

For the first time, Xuan Yingna saw how dirty and hard these people were, and there was no trace of performance at all, these people were really playing.

Lee Kwang-joo finally couldn't stand to let go, and then broke Kim Jae-ho's hand away.

After being relieved, Lee Kwang-joo quickly distanced himself from Kim Jae-ho, and then went around in front of him, and everyone wondered what this guy was going to do.

Even Kim Jae-ho was curious about what bad idea this guy had again, but he could only focus on singing, his eyes fixed on Lee Kwang-joo to keep his eyes on everything.

·0 Ask for flowers...

I saw Lee Kwang-joo with his back to Kim Jae-ho, his legs spread, bent down, and began to use his hat as a container to frantically pour water on Kim Jae-ho, and after adjusting it, the amount of water reached the maximum.


This guy turned out to be like this.

Kim Jae-ho was suddenly facing waves of super large water volume, and it was super difficult to sing, and he now knew how Liu Zaishi felt just now.

Liu Zaishi: No, you don't know.

But Kim Jae-ho did not sit still, only to see that after Lee Kwang-joo made a few strokes, Kim Jae-ho grabbed the microphone and kicked Lee Kwang-joo's ass and kicked him directly into the water.

Kim Jae-ho: Like the show?!


Everyone was about to die of laughter, and these two people were really having fun.


Just when Li Guangzhu got up and was about to take revenge with his next move, the bell suddenly rang.

Song Zhixiao sang wrong in one place.

Kim Jae-ho was so panicked that he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the bell, really, the bell saved him!

"Thank you, ha~" Kim Jae-ho said to Song Ji-hyo.

Song Zhixiao shook his head with a smile.

"Yay! I feel like my scalp is gone! Kim Jae-ho touched the top of his head, with tears in his eyes, and complained to Lee Kwang-joo.

Li Guangzhu didn't respond, just smiled and walked back, these two people, every day it hurts.

It was the turn of the yellow team again, and the red team came out this time, and as soon as they came up, they came directly in front of the yellow team and came a group of demons dance, like a ghost on the body.

But because it has been many times, the force is not very large, and the water is thrown in front.

Kim Jae-ho went to get a hat, no hat is really dangerous, he took off Lee Kwang-joo's hat, and used Lee Kwang-joo's hat to fill water to throw Li Kwang-joo, which is called murder.

But suddenly he saw Song Zhongji next to him, even if he was splashed with water, he was just as handsome.

"Yay! Everyone is ugly! Why can you be so handsome?! He said indignantly.

Song Zhongji: Blame me...

Finally, Song Zhongji, who has been ignored by everyone for a long time, was finally targeted.

Kim Jae-ho went straight up and took his hat off, then played with his hairstyle, sometimes in the middle, sometimes on the head.

It's a lot of fun to play. _

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