Indeed, now Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo's CP can also be seen on Wednesday and Thursday, and now they seem closer than once a week.

When you can see someone every day, you will feel a sense of intimacy, just like a friend you know very well, or even a relative, so that fans will shout when they see their idol: "Son, mom loves you!" "Come like that.

Boys and girls are different, boys like female stars, generally as a wife, rarely shouting "daughter, daddy loves you!" In this case, they will shout, "My wife is awesome!" "

And if the two are screen CPs, everyone has seen too much, and they really feel that they are together, although they are not together yet, they are also together.

Some even thought of their children's names.

For CP fans, their greatest happiness is that their fans' CP can be happy, very simple and pure, because it represents their fantasy of love, beautiful, like a dream.

"Okay, let's go!" Liu Zaishi said.

Kim Jae-ho instantly became nervous, proving that his time had come!

Since joining RM, he was afraid that he would not fit in because he did not know the old 09 songs, it was one thing to have no program effect, and it was another thing to show his stuffing, so he memorized a lot of old songs, which is why haha just said that he lived older than Chi Shizhen.

At the moment when the music started, just two drums, almost everyone raised their hands, except for Li Guangzhu who was still in a condition.

What's going on with this gang?

Is it on?

But it doesn't matter if the reaction is slow, he also raises his hand when he sees others raise their hands, and it's over.

But the first to say the right answer is haha, this is experience, remember to shout the right answer, he is not the first to raise his hand the highest but he is the first to shout the right answer.

"Coo1's woman by the sea!"

This is probably the representative song of summer, this band will release some "heart-cooling" songs every summer, which is very popular with young people.

Of course, the young people of those years are not young now...

But listening to this song in the summer, it is still very good.

So as soon as you listen to the two drums, you can tell that it is this song, and when you say the summer song, everyone guessed that it was this one.

And PD said that he wanted to guess the lyrics, and he definitely wouldn't give some songs that were too cold, it must be songs that everyone is familiar with, and everyone prejudged it.

Start the challenge!

“jump! jump! "Haha hi up.

Kim Jae-ho, who sat for almost an hour, was also infinitely energetic, and he also jumped up, happy!

At this time, Liu Zaishi suddenly made the bad sneak behind Kim Jae-ho and them, and then scooped a handful of water into the water with his hand, intending to break into the obstruction.

Song Zhixiao reacted immediately and looked back, and Jin Jaehyo turned back and followed suit, and what he saw was that Liu Zaishi just scooped up the water and was caught off guard by Song Zhixiao.

Liu Zaishi, who stole the chicken and lost the rice, had to flee in embarrassment.

With the brisk rhythm, Jin laughed and hi, and the happiest thing is Song Zhixiao, bouncing is so cute.

"What is this~This summer, I've been nestling in my room~"

The group of four sang the brisk feeling of summer, and the scene was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Suddenly, the team next to him frantically began to scoop water and fly over.

Kim Jae-ho sang and suddenly some water flew in his mouth, and all the rest hit him in the face.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but shout while the lyrics were switching.

He knew and it began.

He barely sang a few words, but after only a few words, the splash attack that he could tolerate just now suddenly increased, like a light rain turning into a heavy rain, and heading towards the torrential rain.

Kim Jae-ho opened his mouth and closed his eyes, singing by instinct, which was quite embarrassing, because he sang the loudest, so he was attacked only a little less than Kim Junguo next to him.

Singing the loudest song, hitting the hardest splash, he felt that if he continued like this, he would drown on the water.

Haha directly can't sing, he is a real man with his mouth closed and his eyes, and finally he directly can't stand it, "Stop stop!" "

As soon as the music stopped, so did the splash.

Kim Jae-ho originally thought that he would be able to rest when the music stopped, but he didn't expect that the microphone actually started spraying water!

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho shouted as he blocked the splash in front of him, the water was so big that he couldn't see anything.

"Yay! It's war, war! Haha shouted with his eyes closed, his words basically set the tone.

The war, began.

At this moment, the sulking and irritable Junguo looked back and saw that Liu Zaishi had just scooped a handful of water from the water, and then he looked at Jin Zhiguo's ruthless eyes.

Driven by the desire for survival, he instantly covered his face with the water in his hand, and then rubbed it up and down.

Wash your face suddenly!

I'm not trying to mess with you, I'm just trying to wash my face, don't get me wrong.



Everyone who saw it laughed, and such a heartfelt action made Jin Zhiguo couldn't help laughing, it was really a ghost.

Liu Zaishi held the microphone in fear a few meters away from Jin Zhiguo, huddled next to his teammates.

Afraid of .jpg

"Wow... I thought it was raining heavily..." said Kim Jae-ho with a confused look on his face.


The yellow team heard that the Dole 763 was broken.

However, soon it was the turn of the yellow team, and they instantly understood what they just felt, and they quickly lost their armor under the attack of the splash, and the opportunity came to the red team again.

Suddenly, the four of them began to walk in formation and formed a line.

"It's summer!" Jin Zhiguo at the front shouted.

Then he began to dance his arms, Kim Jae-ho followed, and also danced, it turned out to be "Thousand Hands Guanyin"!

Everyone showed a happy smile, and then the three people in front swung to the left and right, revealing Song Zhixiao in the back, and after Song Zhixiao cutely compared a flower, they walked together to the microphone, as if it was a formal stage.

Or will these people play ha~

They started singing, and the obstruction began.

Xuan Ying kept throwing water, and Chi Shizhen was even more ruthless, took a hat and loaded a hat of water directly on Jin Zhiguo's face, it was like touching the butt of a tiger.

How can Jin Zhiguo be so angry, he just won't sing, he has to find out and touch his ass... Oh no, the face man.

As soon as he stopped the music, Chi Shizhen still had the desire to survive, and immediately ran away after covering his water, so Jin Zhiguo wiped the water on his face and turned around, and saw Liu Zaishi who just walked over with a small stool. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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