What Kim Jae-ho didn't expect was that this facility was more direct, more exciting, and faster than the one just now, almost rushing forward, he was iron-clad Kim Jae-ho, and this was what he was most afraid of.

Just as he was shouting madly, a pair of slender hands suddenly stretched out behind him and hugged him.

Kim Jae-ho: !!

He didn't expect Song Zhixiao to hold his hand like just now, and he didn't expect that this time Song Zhixiao actually hugged him directly!

Kim Jae-ho's heart was mentioned, and he felt that the fear in his body disappeared, and this dark slide was not so terrible, he only felt that his body was heating up now, and he didn't know how to react.

Sudden happiness clouded his braincase, and he didn't know how to react except for happiness, his body was hot, and he felt that he was surrounded by great happiness.

"Filial piety! Don't be afraid! Oppa is here! He shouted happily, and his hand also grabbed Song Zhixiao's hand.

Soon, the slide came to an end, and he who felt very scary just now only felt that it was a pity that it ended so quickly.

The hovercraft hit the wall and lost his balance and tumbled, and the people behind him fell into the water with Kim Jae-ho in his arms, Kim Jae-ho accidentally choked on a few mouthfuls of water, but he was just as happy to get up.

Just as he closed his mouth happily and was about to say something, he saw Li Guangzhu wiping the water on his face.

Kim Jae-ho: ...

In an instant, he realized something...

Just now, when they came down, it was Li Guangzhu who sat up.

Now, Lee Kwang-joo is caught in the ravel of Kim Jae-ho, clapping his hands and laughing.

"Is it funny? Lee Kwang-joo? "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho, who was like a dead gray but smiled in front of him, Li Guangzhu subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva...

When Song Jihyo and Song Zhongji in the back came down very happily, Kim Jae-ho was crossing his waist like a shrew and scolding Lee Kwang-joo's bloody head, Li Kwang-joo lowered his head with a pitiful, aggrieved, weak, helpless, and shrunken head.

Seeing this scene, Song Zhixiao and Song Zhongji were happy.

Lee Kwang-joo said that he was easy, and it was not his idea, why was he scolded, and why Kim Jae-ho was really angry, scolding people is not the same, the thief is terrible.

What Li Guangzhu didn't know was that Kim Jae-ho was embarrassed and angry, just now he thought it was Song Zhixiao, and he was happy for so long, and he showed a rippling expression, and comforted Li Guangzhu not to be afraid, this is special...

Thanks to his good temper, otherwise a joint technique would have killed Li Guangzhu in the water.

But who is Li Guangzhu, he is a person who only lives one day, seeing that Kim Jae-ho just disappeared, he immediately smiled at Song Zhongji who came over: "Just now I hugged Jae-ho like this, and then his hand also grabbed me and told me not to be afraid hahaha~"


Song Zhongji is happy, Kim Jae-ho is so funny.

Song Jihyo saw Kim Jae-ho, who was depressed like a dead heart, and she also knew that it was a little too much, so she comforted coquettishly: "Oppa~"

Kim Jae-ho avoided her, but Song Ji-hyo didn't stop.

"Oba Ouba Oba~"

I saw Song Zhihyo shouting Oppa 360 degrees around Kim Jae-ho, and made a cute look, and the tone seemed to be coquettish, this set was really too invincible in the past, Kim Jae-ho couldn't hold back his laughter.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho finally smiled, Song Ji-hyo smiled happily.

Kim Jae-ho just wants to slap himself, alas, soft-hearted people!

But this can't be helped, which man can withstand Song Zhixiao's set?

Can't stand it!

Looking at Lee Kwang-joo and Song Ji-hyo who walked away, Kim Jae-ho and Song Zhong-ki became dejected again.

"Now go to jail." PD said.

"Where is the prison?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I'll take you." After PD finished speaking, he took the two of them to the prison.

"Yay! This place, there is no water! You take us to a place where we can swim," Kim Jae-ho said, looking at a lounge in front of him.

"Yes!" Song Zhongji also said.

"What else is that called a prison?" PD rhetorically.

yes, what else is that called a prison?

"Or you let us play, we promise not to find guests, can we just play?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, just play, don't look for guests." Song Zhongji echoed.

PD ruthlessly refused: "No. "

"It's over, it's really in jail." Kim Jae-ho sat down uncomfortably, can sit why not.

"Ah..." Song Zhongji was also very uncomfortable, "It's rare to come to the water park, and as a result, I played two facilities." "

"Zhongji, do you want to go to fortune telling? I think you really have a problem. Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's the matter with me?" Song Zhongji laughed angrily, every time like this, he had no room to play at all.

In the link of finding guests, he really did not contribute much every time.

"Did you really think that the one behind was Zhixiao Fury?" Song Zhongji said with a smile to relieve boredom.

"yes! The devil knows that there is a change of people, just afraid of the front, I said how there is no sound in the back, alas, I am really too stupid, I hope that when the time comes, there will not be so many shots. Kim Jae-ho could only pray for this, and the eldest brother's subordinates showed mercy.

But this does not exist.

"Hahaha~ I was dying of laughter when I watched you go down just now." Song Zhongji said with a smile, "Your drama has been very popular recently, and there are one everywhere." "

"Hey~so-so~where is your fire~" Kim Jae-ho smiled modestly, but did not give people a sense of modesty.

"Whatever, where do I have your fire, I already knew that I would let you arrange more scenes for me at that time." Song Zhongji said with regret that he ran a trick, and now Guangzhu is super popular because of this drama, at least he was known as an actor.

"Next time, I'll talk about it next time, but you're too expensive, or Li Guangzhu is good, cheap and easy to use." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hahaha~ Guangzhu is going to be sad to hear this~" Song Zhongji said with a smile.

"Will he still be sad? He was very happy when he lied to me just now! Next time I'm going to squeeze a tube of mustard in his meal! "

"It's so ruthless, hahaha~"

"Guess who's coming in next?"

"Brother Zaishi and Brother Shi Zhen." Song Zhongji said.

"No, no, no, I guess there must be Li Guangzhu, and then with Brother Shi Zhen." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Hahaha~ Prison trio? They're so unlucky~"

"Yes, yes, hahahaha~"


Laughing and laughing, the two suddenly stopped talking and fell into an eerie silence.

As people who were killed by others at the beginning, they really have no qualifications to laugh at other people's bad luck, they are not even as good as the prison trio...

Thinking of this, a faint sadness ...

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