The uncle on the other side who is still working on the last shot:

"It's a fart premeditated! What's the matter with me?! I just drove! "

He cursed, but quickly focused on the script, although this is his own last scene, but there is actually a lot to shoot later, the filming is not filmed according to the development of the plot, it is filmed by watching the scene.

Although some shots in the middle have not yet been filmed, the uncle has to synthesize all the content that belongs to him, and then make a summary in order to decide what state he should be in this last scene and how to act.

Our uncle is already a very good actor, although he has not learned, but he has been crawling and rolling in society for so long, everyone can be an actor, after all, this is no longer a matter of acting, this is life.

And the uncle is a person with a life, climbing up step by step from the bottom to the top, as an agent, he has seen too much, he even experienced the process of almost bankruptcy of a company that has been done for a long time and did it again, and there are acting monsters like Kim Jae-ho around him, these are the reasons why he is strong.

Of course, he didn't make any other efforts during this time except acting, and he didn't even look at the crystal that was performing nearby!

This is really the first act...

Or knowing that he was going to appear on TV all over the country or even the world, he became nervous again and read the script harder.

I saw that the script he was holding, except for the printed font, was densely marked in black, all written by himself.

This is something that even a real actor may not be able to do professionally.

"Is it necessary to be so serious." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's not a question of whether I am serious or not, it's that if I don't take it seriously, this drama will be ruined." The uncle looked at the script and said without turning his head.

"Then you come on, by the way, wait for the dog brother to ask me to eat supper, will you come?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Don't go, let Tae-yu send you, just after dinner, I don't know where your stomach came from for supper..." The uncle said speechlessly, Kim Jae-ho's stomach is really the first unsolved mystery in the universe, and if you study it, you may be able to know how black holes are implanted in the human body to coexist...

"Okay, go ahead." After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, he sat down next to him, preparing to wait for the big battle of the meeting.

"Aren't you nervous?" The uncle asked.

"Why be nervous?" Kim Jae-ho was puzzled.

"That's on the air tonight." The uncle said.

"I know, so what?" Kim Jae-ho's expression was calm.

"Aren't you worried about such a critical moment and working hard for so long?" Uncle asked, this is not only his first time acting in a TV series, as far as he knows, this is also Kim Jae-ho's first time in a TV series, and even the first time as a producer, producer, director, screenwriter... There's even a blah blah in the back.

"You said it all, after working hard for so long, what are you worried about?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the precious dragon fruit in front of him, hesitating to eat it now or come back after eating supper.

"Yes, too."

When the uncle heard this, he also smiled and was relieved.

What they can do, they do, the rest can only be left to the public.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho, who was peeling the dragon fruit hard, the uncle smiled, but his uncle did not see Kim Jae-ho as open-minded.

"I'll do it." The uncle put down the script with a smile and took the dragon fruit.

"You be careful, or call the master brother over, he can eat skin and break the core knife with one hand~" Kim Jae-ho gestured.

"He still has this knife technique?" The uncle was shocked.

"I will do more than that~" The master brother suddenly appeared, cocking his hands and lowering his head to pretend to be handsome.

"How about putting it on?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Take it~" The master brother smiled and stretched out his hand, and the uncle handed the dragon fruit over.

"How can light peeling reflect your heroic technique?" Kim Jae-ho asked suddenly.

"What if else? This thing has no core. The uncle said.

"I have a bold idea that I don't know if I should talk about it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.


"Or you cut the seeds out, hey, one flesh and one seed~!"

The master brother looked at the dragon fruit in his hand, looked at the knife in his hand, and wondered whether it was the knife iron or Kim Jae-ho's head iron?


On the other hand, fans who have just finished the hot search carnival have ushered in their long-awaited TV series in a blink of an eye.

This drama airs on SBS, Mizuki drama, there are two episodes a week, which is equivalent to in recent months, they have been able to see Kim Jae-ho on TV three days a week!

This they didn't dare to think about before, after all, Kim Jae-ho this beep is such a salted fish...

About this drama, they even only know a name, this beep did not have any publicity, as if it was just a small video recorded, everyone was also convinced, except for Reuters, they did not know what was filmed in it.

When you see the name and hear your voice, everyone is guessing what kind of content it will be.

Some people think that this is a story about the deaf, some people think it is a tragic romance drama, some people think that it will be a small daily love drama, and even many people have begun to predict that this will be a bad drama that a traffic star can produce, just consuming fans.

After all, there will be a work that turned out to be a script written by the actor himself, or an actor who appeared in a TV series for the first time.

But anyway, Kim Jae-ho's acting skills are obvious to all, and everyone knows his excellence, although there is as much traffic as there is abuse, but there are still more people who support him than people who criticize him.

This day, everyone is looking forward to it.

When Kim Jae-ho's hot search screen passed a day, people remembered that today was still premiere, and this feeling of wave after wave was too happy.

And what is even happier is that the uncle of this drama sent a message that there will be a replay on station M the next day, which is simply amazing!

Even if you don't see the premiere, you can see the replay for free the next day, just like RM, but how can loyal fans wait for the replay, it must be the premiere to watch.

So before the time came, fans stayed in front of the TV early, looking forward to what drama Kim Jae-ho, who has been acting explosively but has been questioned, can perform.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Here we go! Did the cat feed it? Ms. Park pressed as she sat on the sofa.

"Hey, did you take the takeout?" Mr. Wu jumped onto the sofa, showing the vitality of a young man.

"I must have taken it! Look at the fried chicken beer, the original and spicy flavor of honey mustard, and the green water haha ~ quick, take a sip while cold! "

"The first day of cohabitation! Celebrate! "


"Haa~" The two people felt the power of sparkling water, which was the taste of happiness.

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