"The clothes are too tight!" Liu Zaishi is also uncomfortable.

Now Haha's expression is really miserable, just like the expression after a day of motion sickness, it is a miserable look, Kim Jae-ho has never seen Haha like this.

Liu Zaishi was embarrassed to look at it, but the clothes were really too tight and stuffy.

"You just succeeded, can't you take it off now?" Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Yes." Song Zhixiao also smiled brightly, now the best look in the audience is her.

"Nene, I'm sorry..." Liu Zaishi said that this husband and wife could not say anything, plus it was also his own mistake, so he had to admit it.

But haha's expression is really miserable~

Haha's expression is already a semi-crazy state, which is the state of the madman that Haha often performed before, but this time it is true.


Chi Shizhen and Song Zhongji moved beside him, haha tried his best to maintain his balance and stared at them with the afterglow from the corner of his eye, Liu Zaishi automatically helped him, making him feel a lot better.

However, this also made Chi Shizhen miss the opportunity to catch him, because haha, the whole person leaned on Liu Zaishi, and when Chi Shizhen and Song Zhongji lost their balance and wanted to grab haha, all they reached out and grabbed was air.


Once again, the failure was declared.

"Who's going to fix it?"

Kim Jae-ho felt that he couldn't do it anymore, and he couldn't go on like this...

As the hidden power in RM, he, the brave, the man favored by God, the chosen one, the son of calamity, Jin-in-Hao!

Gotta stand up!

"Me! I got it! "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho who raised his hand, Ji Shizhen glanced at it expressionlessly, pondered for two seconds, and then turned his head and said, "Who to choose?" "

Kim Jae-ho: ???

Ji Seok-jin actually ignored Kim Jae-ho very simply...


Everyone is also about to die of laughter, and Chi Shizhen is a little funny.

"I can really come!" Kim Jae-ho was not convinced.

"Let Jae-ho try it." Liu Zaishi said suddenly.

Liu Zaishi actually helped himself speak!

Sure enough, he is worthy of being his favorite big brother, and this trust is a witness to this time!

He will definitely not live up to this trust!


Just when Kim Jae-ho pressed Liu Zaishi's shoulder and gave him a firm look with emotion, Liu Zaishi suddenly looked at him and added:

"Anyway, there are seven more chances~"

Kim Jae-ho: ...

"Brother, are you sure that I will definitely fail?" Kim Jae-ho asked in disbelief.

Liu Zaishi looked at him, pressed his shoulder, and said seriously, "Yes, that's right. "


Everyone can't help it, this brother is really bad~

Kim Jae-ho: You returned my touch!!

It's too much!

Even the haha, who had been bleak next to him, laughed, Liu Zaishi was really too showy.

After this man showed a wave of operations, he had a new idea, that is, when he was about to fall, the person next to him would shoot it and it could bounce back, and then several big men began to shoot each other, having fun.

Finally, plop down and all go into the water.

Kim Jae-ho rubbed his chest, he felt that he was beaten red, but he was very happy~

Song Zhixiao was very happy to watch, interesting and joyful, but she couldn't participate, and if she participated, the show couldn't be broadcast.

Before Kim Jae-ho left, he reluctantly said to Song Ji-hyo, "Wait for me to come back ha~"

"Pinch, let's go!" Song Zhixiao waved his hand with a look of disgust.

Right next to him, Liu Zaishi was speechless when he heard it: "Ah, it's not what to do... Really..."

"You know? You don't understand! Kim Jae-ho said.

Liu Zaishi heard a very fierce expression and gave Kim Jae-ho a gentle slap on the chest, which was regarded as an act of revenge.

I understand this!

Everyone laughed when they looked at it, including Kim Jae-ho.

This is really a childish ghost, not at all like a forty-year-old uncle, and it is also super cute.

Soon, everyone arrived on the pole, and Kim Jae-ho stood the first one, inexplicably a little nervous.

I didn't feel like a salted fish in the back before, but now I feel the pressure when I stand here.

"Brother, I'm nervous." Kim Jae-ho asked Kim Ji-guk for help.

Kim Junguo glanced at him, pondered for a second, and then, snapped and slapped Kim Jae-ho's chest, and Kim Jae-ho directly flew out upside down.


Watching this scene, everyone was about to die of laughter, Jin Zhiguo himself was scared, did he have such strength? Kim Jae-ho is also too weak, right?

In fact, after Kim Jae-ho felt the backward force, although suddenly, he immediately reacted and jumped back very exaggeratedly, which had such an effect.

After Kim Jae-ho immediately wiped the water on his face as soon as he came out of the water, he looked confused: "Brother! What are you doing?! "

"Aren't you nervous? Still nervous? Jin Zhiguo said with a cheeky smile.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless, didn't know what to say, and his expression was: Can it still be like this?

The camera captured Kim Jae-ho's now confused face is really very gratifying.

After Kim Jae-ho climbed up, he really wasn't nervous.

"Brother, it's useful!" Kim Jae-ho said in surprise.

"Right! How could I lie to you~" Jin Zhiguo showed that he was an honest person with a sincere look, although he didn't think that it was really useful, he just subconsciously wanted to come to it, just now he saw that he was having a lot of fun over there, and he couldn't participate in it.

But he never expected that he originally thought that Kim Jae-ho would just lose his balance, but he didn't expect to fly out directly, and even he himself was shocked.

Kim Jae-ho's acting skills are still first-class, but this is also the talent advantage brought by his body, and he is naturally weak...

Not to mention, this is the fourth challenge, and there are six more to come, but it can't be wasted.

"Unity talent!"

"Victory !!"

After everyone finished shouting, the convention swung again, and Liu Zaishi looked precarious, but he still stabilized.

Jin Zhiguo wants everyone to do what he says, and everyone thinks they can try it.

Kim Jae-ho smiled confidently after he was ready: "Ha! Let you know what OneChance is! "

Whether it can be achieved or not, set up the flag first.

I saw that after Kim Junguo's center of gravity was lowered, Kim Jae-ho clinged to him closely, and then he flicked, and Kim Jae-ho moved and went to the other side.

“wow!" Kim Jae-ho himself was stunned, it was so easy?

He didn't even need Li Guangzhu to help him maintain his balance when he was thrown over, he could be comfortable with himself, he must have been a clown in his previous life, the kind that lived on a tightrope!

"Yes, yes, yes! It's easy! Kim Jae-ho said excitedly, as if he had seen himself become a hero.

The other people also felt hopeful when they heard it, and all of them smiled, except for haha.

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