"This is taken for me by Jihyo~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Oh~" Everyone looked at Song Zhixiao ambiguously, even though Song Zhixiao was used to it, he still couldn't stand these people.

She looked at the ground with a smile on her back, biting her lips, and her left foot was dangling.


Such a good-looking person Kim Jae-ho doesn't see it now, he is seriously sticking stickers, but he can't stick them crookedly, it's uncomfortable!

He doesn't have OCD, he just thinks it's not good-looking, well, not OCD.

Looking at the photo that Fang Fangzheng was pasted in the frame, Kim Jae-ho was in a very happy mood.

This is a clownfish with black and red and a white markings on its head, which looks good.

He loves clownfish, especially Nemo, and Finding Nemo is so good-looking that anything related to clowns seems to be funny.

Kim Jae-ho picked up the pen and started.

"First of all, name, joker~" Kim Jae-ho said as he wrote.

"Really, what English do you say~" Liu Zaishi immediately complained.

"That's it~" Jin Zhiguo also laughed in disgust, Liu Zaishi glanced at him, thinking why there are such shameless people? It is clear that he was such a person four hours ago.

But before he could complain, Kim Jae-ho had already ignored these people's complaining openings.

"Because Haha brother is seven years old..." he said while writing the shameless number 3 to himself, his tone was very naughty, and he was suspected of deliberately pretending to be tender.


"What a three-year-old ah~really~" Liu Zaishi they all felt funny when they looked at it, it was really excessive, they originally thought that haha was already too much, and Kim Jae-ho this guy was even more excessive.

Kim shook his head hesitantly, the corners of his mouth gradually hooked up, which was a big smile.

When the later program was broadcast, when the screen was full of happy hours of "Golden Three Years Old", a barrage was completely different.

"Why do I think this smile is a little weird?"

Of course, this barrage was soon buried in joy.

Kim Jae-ho smiled and glanced into the distance, his eyes seemed to have stars, but after just one glance, he immediately turned his head and continued to write his resume.

He chose three because he is a favorite star and has been away from this world for three years.

Everyone does not know, he himself quietly commemorates.

Life is so short, you never know what will happen tomorrow, you can only cherish the present days, it is impossible to live every day as the last day, and it is not a very powerful big person, but you can make each of your "moments" happier and more meaningful.

A positive and optimistic person, his life will definitely be worthy of every "moment".

So no matter what time, don't forget to give yourself a big smile.

He then very shamelessly wrote the number 180 in the column of his height.

"Aunt Mora?!" Haha, the reaction was super violent.

"What's the problem?" Kim Jae-ho's face was full of shamelessness, and he even dared to cross his waist and say: "What's wrong with me 180?!" "

"Yay! How can you have one eighty-zero?! One seventy-eight is one seventy-eight! "Haha came directly to confront each other, and the scene of two little ghosts nose to nose was very happy.

"You dare to write one seventeen five if you are one hundred and nine, why don't I dare to write one seventeen eight?!" Kim Jae-ho crossed his waist.

Then he picked up the pen and said, "I even dare to add another five!" "

He really added a point five to his 180 in public extremely arrogantly, and this point five terrier can not be passed.


Everyone is about to die of laughter, Kim Jae-ho this guy is really nonsensical, extremely arrogant, haha looked at Kim Jae-ho who crossed his waist and looked very bad, smiled and retreated.

Kim Jae-ho is now righteous, after all, it is still easy to take a shoe insole for one eighty-zero ...

After arrogantly persuading him to retreat with his eyes, Kim Jae-ho continued to write "weight: 60kg" on his resume

"Oh!! How can you be so light?! "

Even the "honest man" Chi Shizhen couldn't see it.

"How can you be so light when you eat so much every day?!"

"Yay! What's wrong with me sixty sixty?! It's normal! Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

"Write seventy, seventy..." Liu Zaishi persuaded bitterly.

"I'm really sixty!" Seeing that no one believed that he was also drunk, he could only ask for help from Kim Junguo, "Brother, you tell me about it!" Really, it makes me look like a liar, I'm such an honest person..."

When Chi Shizhen heard this, he cocked his hands and said slowly: "Ah, if you are honest, there will be no one who is not honest..."

Kim Jae-ho: "??? "

Black question mark face.


Everyone was about to die of laughter with this fatal blow, and Chi Shizhen was really too poisonous and hit the nail on the head.

Kim Ji-guk originally wanted to help Kim Jae-ho speak, but when he heard Ji Shizhen's words, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and forgot all the things he wanted to say.

Kim Jae-ho is indeed such a weight, but it is not a skin and bone, it is still a little weighty, the whole person is thin but there is no feeling of skin and bone, now even the muscles have an outline This weight is not rising, Kim Junguo often measures his weight The person is also drunk.

Especially when he saw Kim Jae-ho eating like that...

Everyone feels the same way.

Kim Jae-ho feels that this is nothing, after all, there is a GD cushioned underneath, and the official weight of the person is 57KG, which is as tall as him.

He was originally similar to GD, that is, recently Jin Zhiguo always fed him muscles, his muscles are up, his weight has also risen, people's sports are weight loss, he has to gain weight.

"Isn't there anything to measure weight?" Song Zhongji asked.

"Yay! What are you doing?! "

As soon as his words fell, Song Zhixiao spoke, and his reaction was super fast.

When it came to weight, Song Zhixiao was suddenly shocked, and she was not confused, feeling that she almost burst out even foul language just now.

Everyone was happy, and they all knew that Song Zhixiao was sensitive to this thing.

Liu Zaishi said: "Then next, stunts!" "


After answering, Kim Jae-ho said while writing, "Next, stunts, that is, handsome!" "


The disgusted voice seemed to be rehearsed, Kim Jae-ho made everyone disgusted every time he put pen, and the desire to complain was unbearable, this time the desire was particularly strong, and the "hey" was even louder.

Kim Jae-ho took the voices of these people as BGM, and quickly switched a few poses that he thought were handsome, and the professionalism of the switch was almost the same as that of a model, that is, every pose was particularly angry, and he especially wanted people to hit him, especially his sincere expression, which was done by people who really thought they were handsome.

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