"Yay! Which side are you? Liu Zaishi scolded with a smile.

Li Guangzhu looked at Liu Zaishi and said with a confused expression: "Brother... I'm all in the car..."


"By the way, where are we going?" Chi Shizhen, who was driving the car, suddenly asked.


Are you kidding me?

After driving for so long, you don't know where to go, you don't ask earlier.

"Wait, brother, brother nose, light pearl, I, so it seems that the people with bad luck are all here..."

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed.

No, the unlucky kids are all here.

"When you didn't come, you were a prison trio, and after you came, you punished the four-person~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho was upset, but he didn't know how to refute ...

His luck wasn't bad, but it was true that the general punishment was the four of them... Why did they win? It's so hard...

Kim Jae-ho felt that he got into the thief's car, but the door had been welded, and he couldn't get out of the car, it was too late.

Soon Liu Zaishi asked the place where the mermaid princess was on the phone, the so-called mermaid princess is actually a manatee similar to a mermaid, of course, if you search for the mermaid princess on the Internet, there will never be a manatee, which can be associated with it, this is probably the worst time the mermaid princess was hacked.

The origin of this name is said to be centuries ago, when the American continent was just discovered, and at night sailors saw some beautiful "women" with open breasts and skin playing on the water through the water mist in the moonlight, and even carried their babies to their chests to breastfeed, and those women had lower bodies like fish, so they called them mermaids.

This is actually the female manatee, the female manatee has plump udders, and also often uses two fat pectoral fins to pick up the cub to expose the sea, so they are wrong.

These sailors, if not thinking that women are crazy, are probably hungry ...

When you think of something, you will automatically substitute something that you see that is not real...

But the manatee is innocent, people are still very cute, I haven't updated in the past few days just went to see them, this is going out to take materials, not to play.

But I still like walruses more than manatees, fat and thick, stupid and cute.

Once you know your destination, all that's left is to see who arrives first.

"So if we're late now, we might lose?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, that's right, because we're the same number." Liu Zaishi said.

"Groove, that's exciting! Brother, it's time to test your skills! Kim Jae-ho patted Ji Seok-jin's seat.

"Do you want me to come?" Li Guangzhu asked.

Kim Jae-ho panicked when he heard this, and quickly shouted: "Don't let this person touch the steering wheel!! "

Why such a big reaction? Without him, I want to live...

"How can it be so exaggerated..." Li Guangzhu was speechless.



"It's really interesting to record the show~" Kim Jae-ho said, looking at the flow of people outside the window.

"That's not what you said when you played the game just now~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho waved his hand: "Don't make trouble~ it's just a game, where is the show important?" "

Three people in the car: ???

I don't know who is crying and shouting to play the game and refuse to leave?

"Who is it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"That's you!"

"But blame us for carrying you out directly, you haven't put on makeup yet, right?" Chi Shizhen said uncertainly.

"It's okay, naturally beautiful, and you can scare the camera without makeup." Kim Jae-ho said and directly put his face on the camera, a few ugly thieves.

"But I really didn't expect you to come, I thought it was Brother Chengguo who came first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Now you know who is best for you, right?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Come on, you still said that I was the first and the first, and in the end, no one came to pick me up!" Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Yay! You say I'm the first again! Who the hell is one?! Chi Shizhen began to turn over old accounts again.

"Hahaha..." Liu Zaishi laughed, a little embarrassed and overwhelmed.

Kim Jae-ho said, "But what you told me at that time, and that Zhixiao was also there, I decided to get into your car..."

Hearing this, Liu Zaishi suddenly had a bad premonition, he looked at Kim Jae-ho with a weak heart, hoping that he would not find out, but Kim Jae-ho still found out.

"Wait, what about Chihyo?!"

Something went wrong...


On the other side, Song Jihyo only found out that Kim Jae-ho was not there after getting into the car, but she couldn't get off the car, and she finally defected, and she became a two-faced person when she went down, although she is now.

Song Zhongji was super proud, he did a big thing this time, successfully plotted against Song Zhixiao, and also helped Jin Zhiguo turn defeat into victory, and he also won.

They soon knew where to go, and after knowing that they were going to the aquarium, Song Zhixiao was a little unhappy.

"I don't want to go to that aquarium, I want to go with my boyfriend, so I haven't been willing to go..."

Haha heard the comfort: "It's okay, Kim Jae-ho will be there too~"

"What~" Song Zhixiao covered his shyness with a smile, but it didn't succeed.

"If it weren't for Jae-ho not answering the phone, he would definitely be there, but it doesn't matter~" Jin Zhiguo said.

Saying that, in fact, they didn't plan to pick up Kim Jae-ho in the first place, otherwise how could there be Liu Zaishi and their share, after all, Liu Zaishi still had to detour to pick up Li Guangzhu.

After saying that, Jin Zhiguo laughed, glanced at haha, haha was also looking at him, and together issued an intriguing smile.

No brothers, no RM ...

RM, is a team that values friendship so much, simple, warm and happy~

Jin Zhiguo's road has been jammed with traffic, and they arrived with Liu Zaishi and them.

Meeting is war, the two cars in the underground parking lot in various positions is to contain each other, but what they didn't expect was that haha immediately got off from the other side, and the car was even moving.

"Hurry up, hurry up! You also get off!! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Where did I get from!" Li Guangzhu is speechless, if you want to get off the car, is it okay for you to get off there? He was not stopped by Kim Chengguo's car.

"Get out of the back! I just came in from there, very comfortable! "

Li Guangzhu: I especially believe in your evil!

Soon both teams got out of the car, Kim Jae-ho saw Song Jihyo as soon as he got off the car, and the two looked at each other and smiled, but now they are different camps, so they laughed and ran away immediately.

Everyone didn't know where to run, anyway, one person ran, everyone ran, Kim Jae-ho ran slower, only one turn, all the people were gone.

"Groove! Where are they gone? Are these people rabbits?! "Kim Jae-ho is also drunk.

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