"Turn over and split the mountain!"

"Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist!"

"Iron Bull Ploughing the Land!"

"Yasha explores the sea!"

"Double Dragon goes to sea!"

The uncle scolded with a wow, "Your trick is so insidious!" "

"Hahaha! Obscene! Are you scared?! Kim Jae-ho sat on the uncle's body.

"How did I become an adulterer?" The uncle is also unable to complain.

"Don't say much! And watch my next move! "

Just when Kim Jae-ho was about to poison again, suddenly the phone rang.

"Huh? Wait a minute...... Hey~ who? Hahaha! You are IU, then I am Yuanbin! Kim Jae-ho immediately hung up the phone after speaking, and complained, "It's true, the current people scam the phone and turn on the voice changer, it's really a little lower to be hit..."

The uncle poked Kim Jae-ho, "That... She's really IU..."

"Hahaha!" Kim Jae-ho laughed maniacally, "IU might call me?" She doesn't have my phone again~"

"What I just gave..."

“...... What the? Kim Jae-ho's expression suddenly froze.

"What I just gave it, just when you used that trick 'warm and cold', did you read it like this?"


"What are you going to do?"

"Take the knife!"

"Wait! Give it a chance!! 257" Uncle pulled Kim Jae-ho and shouted.

"Oh, you don't have a chance anymore..." said Kim Jae-ho coldly.

"No, I mean give yourself a chance..." said the uncle in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Kim Jae-ho suppressed his anger.

"If you call back now, you still have a chance." The uncle said.

Kim Jae-ho: "..."


An ordinary house with men and women and cats, and cat poop in the litter tray.

In addition to being a couple, a man and a woman can also be brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, that is a magical world, in general, in this case, the sister can easily become a very strong woman, such as Song Zhixiao, on the other hand, boys can easily become boys with good personalities, after all, can grow up alive in the hands of the sister, what else has not been seen?

But I have to say that this is a pair of siblings with good feelings, no, the sister began to give things to her younger brother again.

"What are you looking at now?" The younger brother asked.

"This is Han's variety show, very good-looking ~ very funny~" My sister said enthusiastically.

"Oh..." The younger brother was neither sad nor happy.

Generally speaking, when you have a bcbh drama or someone else, when someone reacts coldly, you know that that person will never read what you introduce.

But when you're a younger brother, you avoid ...

Alas, there is nothing to do anyway, just look at it ...

The younger brother thought so, but didn't hug too, and then, five minutes later...

"Hahahaha! This person is so funny! Hahaha..."

"Haha~ I said it's funny~" My sister smiled and said, to be honest, she didn't think it was funny, it was average, but watching her brother smile so happily, she also had a sense of accomplishment of Amway's success.

"The one you laughed at earlier is called Lee Kwang-joo, and this one is called Kim Jae-ho..."

"Which do you like?" The younger brother looked at the screen and suddenly asked.

Is this torture from the soul?!

However, my sister is a person with a firm position, and she will not get tangled up in such small issues.

"Kim Jae-ho!" Sister said.

"Is it because it's funny?" The younger brother asked.

"No, it's because of handsome..." As soon as the sister finished speaking, she was greeted by her brother's "already known so" look.

"Of course, he is also very funny~" The sister added, greeted by her brother's skeptical eyes, probably thinking that she was an idol filter.

But before he could think much of it, he was captivated by the content again, and laughter filled the room.

"Who is this?" The younger brother asked.

"A more prestigious host, I don't know." My sister looked at Uncle Jidong on the screen, and he was being held by several people.

"The others are fine." The younger brother said.


"By the way, how are my parents?"

"I don't know, let's say I'm going to get divorced, just these days..."


After a period of silence, laughter resumed, Liu Zaishi ran in front like crazy, and Uncle Jidong chased after him.

RM has done more than it thought.

And for pure Kim Jae-ho fans, Kim Jae-ho has not moved in the past few weeks, it can be said that it is very salty, I don't know and think he is a eunuch, only once a week RM let everyone know that this guy is still alive.

But today is different.

"Heroic Haojie", just listening to the name, I thought it was a group of strong men throwing their heads and spilling blood to fight in all directions, anyway, it is very strong, but in fact, this is just a variety show where female artists visit various social groups and experience various community life together.

As soon as it opened, the full girly atmosphere came to the face, and it was also recognized and supported by many audiences, and more importantly, this show was ranked behind RM.

Many people are accustomed to watching a station, and then let the TV be like this, and do not change the station, so the success of RM has also attracted a lot of traffic for heroes and heroes.

After the end of this RM, everyone is still unsatisfied, and it is also a good thing to take a look at the cute girl, so I continued to watch it.

This issue is about girls selling their own food for charity, selling it in a large restaurant for a day, and the proceeds will become charity, which everyone likes, so the girls are also very serious.

It's nightfall, and everyone is still busy.

IU, who hasn't appeared in a long time, appears, and she is a regular member of the show.

Everyone discussed finding some guests to patronize Lala tomorrow, that is, calling acquaintances and calling them.

"I'm going to call a movie actor!" IU。


When I heard that it was a movie actor, everyone paid attention in an instant, because the movie actor was almost standing at the top of the artist level.

"You're going to be scared!" IU Yao said, that proud look is also very cute.

But this time the call failed because the other side did not answer the phone.

With the beeping of the phone, the atmosphere gradually became awkward...

"Are you lying to us!" This is the voice of doubt.

"Yay! In that case, I can also call Su Zhixie! "This is Fengshan's voice, yes, there is still her in this show, I don't know if everyone still has an impression, I just like Jin Zhiguo's one."

"Then I can call Yuanbin!" This is her best friend Liu Inna.

Everyone was booing, and Nicole saw IU's embarrassed look and patted her shoulder next to her to comfort her.

Then, watching others start to call people, IU became more and more anxious, I don't know why, she suddenly thought of someone, someone, her most famous fan......_

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