"What are you doing?" Kim Jae-ho curiously walked up to Lychee looking out the window.

When Uncle Jidong had already taken it seriously and asked the staff to wear pacemakers to measure the heartbeat, the members took advantage of this time to discuss tactics.

In this program full of "trust" between people, by the way, this so-called heartbeat measuring machine is simply a show, and they have no intention of opening this machine at all, so wait for the whole process, this index will be fixed at zero.

For this so-called pre-war study, Kim Jae-ho very decisively defined it as pre-war nagging, and when he saw Lychee looking bored at the scenery outside the window, he leaned over.


For Kim Jae-ho's sudden concern, Litchi said that she was a little "flattered", but she also clearly knew that it was just Kim Jae-ho's idle egg pain and nothing to talk about.

"What are you looking at? Pitch black~" Kim Jae-ho had his hands behind his head, thinking he was handsome like the protagonist of the anime.

"No~ Don't you think this is beautiful02?" Litchi pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window and smiled.

"Hah! How beautiful are you~" Kim Jae-ho said without thinking about it.

"Ah~Opa~" Litchi said embarrassedly.

"What are you talking about, Oppa?"

A familiar voice came from beside him, Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt a cold breath, captivating, he turned his head mechanically stiffly, sure enough, it was Song Jihyo...

Looking at Song Jihyo's smile, Kim Jae-ho actually had a feeling of being caught in bed, and he had no chance to climb out of the window or hide under the bed, so he had to bite the bullet and say.

"Ha ~ no~ didn't do anything! Wow! The night outside is so beautiful! By the way, we have to discuss tactics quickly! Kim Jae-ho hurried to flee, looking at the crowd who looked at him curiously, and he joined in with a blunt greeting.

"Hey~ what are you guys talking about?"

"What's wrong?" Liu Zaishi asked, subconsciously looked at the side where Jin Zaihao came over, and instantly understood everything.

"Nothing, by the way, how did the tactics discussion?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Very good! Wait for me to be the first to go! Li Guangzhu looked confident.

"Can you?"

Seeing Kim Jae-ho's eyes full of doubt, Lee Kwang-joo wanted to hit someone, how could a man say that he couldn't do it?

"What about you? What are you going to do? Liu Zaishi asked.

"Hah! I've thought about it for a long time! Kim Jae-ho was confident, "Don't worry, I have already prepared a few questions, one ring and one ring, and I will definitely be able to say three words of envy!" "

In Korean, the two words of envy are indeed three, and after reading so many books in Hao, he can recognize words, which is really gratifying and congratulatory~

"Then wait for your second one~" Liu Zai

"Ha, good! If the light beads mess up, change me! Kim Jae-ho teased.

"Yay!" Li Guangzhu listened and wanted to hit someone.

Soon, after putting on the instrument that would not start at all, the game began.

On the surface, this is a one-on-nine game, in fact, this is also a one-on-nine game, but the rules are different.

What Uncle Jidong knows is that he has to keep his heartbeat no more than 130, no matter what others do and say, for a senior in the variety show industry, what winds and waves have not been seen, he is ready to be destroyed by this gang.

He is already enlightened!

"Nervous, brother?" Kim Jae-ho was behind, with an unpredictable smile.

In fact, Uncle Jidong sat in front, and the people standing behind all smiled conspiratorially, looking like a large fraud gang had begun to commit crimes.

"Such a game, I still have confidence, don't worry~" Uncle Jidong looks very calm, showing the style of his predecessors.

"Yes, this is still ignorant of the previous one, the difference is really big..." Kim Jae-ho whispered.


Everyone heard it, and in an instant any tense atmosphere disappeared.

This is complaining that the previous one is a young and beautiful beauty, but this one is a real uncle, really a mean Kim Jae-ho, referred to as Cheap Hao.

"Usually I have a good relationship with Li Xiaoli, right?" Li Guangzhu was the first to stand up.

"Oni!" Kim Jae-ho subconsciously called out as soon as he heard these three words, this is a nightmare-like name, I remember the last time they collaborated on a song, that process, it was really wonderful.

Nu Na and Oni both mean sister, the difference is that one is called by a boy and the other is called by a girl, and you can see how strong his oppression is from Kim Jae-ho's name Lee Hyo-ri Oni.

After all, that's a woman who can even be suppressed by the strongest~

His two words have exposed a lot of things, but no one seems to notice that everyone is still focused on Li Guangzhu, and Li Guangzhu continues to advance the topic just now.

"Even once! Think she's very feminine? Li Guangzhu questioned.

"Yay! Light beads toot kie! (Very smart)," Kim Jae-ho said in surprise.

Uncle Jidong was obviously shocked by this question, they are like this, the most afraid is to be asked about the ambiguous relationship with others, if you are vague, you will immediately be branded as liking her ambiguous relationship.

Uncle Jidong, such an eloquent god, of course, does not put on the trap, but says, "How to say it?" I have hardly felt it from the standpoint of the opposite sex. "

977 This answer is really explosive, he is not saying that he has never regarded Li Xiaoli as a woman, which seems to be very bad and disrespectful to Li Xiaoli, but that he has not felt from the position of the opposite sex, it is that he has never thought about this problem, it is his own problem, not someone else's problem.

And this has never cut off any ambiguity from the root, seniors are seniors, and masters are masters.

Li Guangzhu, who did not get the answer he wanted, was a little distressed, and a little panicked, as far as his simple brain was concerned, he only thought about this step for the time being, Uncle Jidong's unconventional card trick caught him a little off guard, he must now quickly think of a new question, otherwise it will be very stiff, at this time, it is the embodiment of variety show ability.

"Friends like Li Xiaoli are very rich artists and very attractive, if you meet her, you will be very shy, right?"

He is now a little anxious, this question is essentially no different from the previous question, just asked again in a different way, just like some unscrupulous author will always change the same sentence and water it again.

"Huh?" Uncle Jidong was a little confused.

Liu Zaishi almost laughed, Kim Jae-ho was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to look at it, sure enough, it was still early...

But at this time, the savior appeared! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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