"There are three chances!"

Because for the guests, it was really difficult, so Haha also gave Ni Kun three chances very "generously".

To be honest, if it weren't for someone with ulterior motives like Kim Jae-ho, he really wouldn't particularly remember such a thing.

And it is clear that haha is also such a person ...

It can only be said that being able to play so well together, the smell is really one of the reasons...

"I know the answer to this~" Kim Jae-ho said loudly, looking proud.

Then Song Zhixiao gave a look, and he didn't dare to speak...


Jin Zhiguo is about to die of laughter, is it not good to live, have to be madly tempted on the edge of being beaten?

Anyway, after asking that question from Haha, Song Zhixiao was like adding a furious buff, which was terrifying.

However, there will always be people who die.

For example, Nikun.

He turned around, looked at Song Zhixiao, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Is it okay for me to hold it?" "

"Can't !!" Kim Jae-ho immediately jumped out and refused with his whole body.


Haha As soon as he saw Kim Jae-ho like this, he immediately said, "Yes ~ this doesn't matter~"

"Brother!" Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Ji-kook, which meant: "Brother! You see haha! He bullied me! "

Jin Zhiguo was also crying and laughing when he saw this, what does this matter to him?

The unhappy person changed from Song Jihyo to Kim Jae-ho, and he stared at Ni Kun with a resentful gaze, and Ni Kun felt that his life was seriously threatened.


How can hot-blooded men be afraid of this?

So he walked over and hugged Song Zhixiao with the princess without saying a word, and turned it upside down...

"I haven't hugged like this..." Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo's shy look on the side, vinegar exploded, and a person was sullen in the corner.

Kim Junguo felt that Kim Jae-ho really contracted his laughter tonight, which was too interesting for this younger brother, but he still had to remind Kim Jae-ho:

"Even if it is for you, you can't hold it, right?"

Pierced the old iron...

Kim Jae-ho's already unhappy mood is now even worse.

"Brother! You don't talk to no one when you're dumb! Kim Jae-ho said resentfully.


On the other side, Nikun was still playing games seriously, and after putting down Song Zhixiao, who felt that his face was very hot, he began to estimate Song Zhixiao's weight, analogous to the person he had hugged before.

Soon, he had the answer!!




Ni Kun's answer really made everyone laugh, Song Zhixiao bit his finger anxiously, the number 55 was as heavy as a stone.

What's even more terrifying is that Ni Kun is still frantically tempting on the verge of death.

I saw him say:

"It's very similar to the feeling when I hugged Zhao Quan~"

Song Zhixiao directly exploded in anger, and pointed at Nikun while jumping cutely and scolded, "Why is it even like you?!" "

The legendary thunderstorm is probably like this.


Everyone also laughed when they saw the angry Song Zhixiao, and it was the first time that everyone saw Song Zhixiao like this.


It's really interesting~

Two opportunities passed in the blink of an eye, and this last one could be cautious and cautious.

“51.5!" Nikun said while covering his hat.


Kim Jae-ho wanted to laugh, but when he opened his mouth, suddenly a familiar feeling hit him, and the hurricane blowing on the microphone directly supported his mouth, and at this moment, the dedicated VJ of course filmed it.

This mouth is filled by the wind and feels really bad, and the power of the hurricane is terrifying!

This spray made Kim Jae-ho have no temper, the whole person was blown out, Song Zhixiao's already unhappy mood is now even more unhappy, holding his breath with his mouth deflated, this baby is angry!

"How much?" Ni Kun asked curiously haha.

Haha said, "52.5~"

It's only one difference!

"What a pity!"

"It's close, really."

Listening to the sounds coming from around, Song Zhixiao was even more upset.

Breath to the waist!!

This move immediately ushered in a wave of imitation, learning to do it one by one, really a group of naïve ghosts.

"Zhixiao is really scary now~ Did you see what she just did?"

After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, he imitated Song Zhixiao's appearance just now, and it was really three points into the wood.

Ni Kun immediately came over to apologize, and Liu Zaishi asked, "Isn't that day's weight real?" "

"No, definitely not the real weight." Song Zhixiao quickly denied it.

"How many kilograms are there in boots?"

"Three kilograms~"

"What about the vest?"

"Two kilograms~"


Haha looking at his masterpiece on the side and feeling very interesting, proud!

No one expected that haha would come up with such a topic.

"Haha, brother, this kind of is really strong~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"Why haven't I seen you boasting so much?" Kim Junguo asked, this was the first time he had heard Kim Jae-ho praise people like this.

Kim Jae-ho was also embarrassed when he was suddenly discovered, and said with a smile, "Don't hold this first~ If you can't answer later, it's not so humiliating~"


The next one is Litchi, haha as soon as the problem area is music, the scope is the characters, and immediately there is a festive voice on the other side.

"What?" Haha are all confused.

What is this situation?

Haha suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the question he asked was not difficult for Litchi at all, because everyone had already said this just now, haha liked a Jamaican-born father of music, all in everyone's control.

Haha didn't even finish asking questions, only said the father of Jamaican music, and Litchi immediately rushed to answer.

Haha are all stunned, and they all began to rush to answer?

Then, there was a spray of shame on his face, and he was actually guessed, haha was also very angry.

But it's not important, there is still a chance, haha immediately used a little cleverness to bring back a city, and sent the common sense expert Song Zhongji away with brainteasers.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Shizhen answered correctly, Jin Zhiguo answered wrong, and the situation instantly came to three to three.

"Next, there are only Guangzhu Zhixiao and Zaihao left..." Liu Zaishi said more and more unconfidently.

"Yay! Win! Haha clenched his fists and felt very confident.

The expressions of the trio were a little embarrassed, and this time the pressure was so great.

"Next! Song Zhixiao! "Haha directly named names.

The big brothers next to him immediately nagged, "It's over, we're all finished..."

But what no one expected was that Song Zhixiao, who was underestimated, directly counter-killed because of Haha's underestimation of the enemy, and the situation was reversed and became four to three!

"There is a chance! There is a chance!! The eight people were instantly excited.

"As long as there is someone in Hao or Guangzhu who answers correctly, they will win!" Chi Shizhen summed up the battle situation.

"It will work!"

Liu Zaishi, who originally thought there was no hope, also rekindled hope.

Just when everyone was full of hope, Jin Zhiguo suddenly realized a very real problem.

"However, the next thing is Hao and Guangzhu..."


As soon as the words fell, the audience fell silent...

"It's over..."

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo: "??? "

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