Under the hostage of the two imps, Liu Zaishi was taken to a nearby chair, and the three of them sat together breathlessly, because seeing that Liu Zaishi was already a turtle in the urn, Kim Jae-ho and Haha were also determined in their hearts and were not in a hurry.

While there are chairs, they all have to slow down.

"Hah... Ha... Oops~ You... There is also today! Kim Jae-ho gasped while holding Yoo Jae-seok's right hand.

"Hahaha~ha..." Haha also echoed and laughed a few times before continuing to gasp.

"Yay! It's really a shame for me to be caught by the two of you! Although Liu Zaishi was caught by two people, he still felt so humiliated.

Even if he said so, the two imps were not angry, but laughed heartily, ha, they caught a big fish this time.

After the three people sat down in harmony, Liu Zaishi put his shoulders on the shoulders of the two people and said, "Very tired, right?" "

"Ha ~ not tired at all ~ relaxed~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"You don't look like that..." Liu Zaishi looked at the sweat on Kim Jae-ho's forehead funny, what else did the person with a white face pretend?

Just when Liu Zaishi was trying to find a way to delay time for himself to rest, Haha suddenly put a foot on Liu Zaishi's thigh, and then patted Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho is also very insightful, and immediately tacitly put a leg on Liu Zaishi's leg, and the two naïve ghosts used this simple method to lock Liu Zaishi's feet, so that Liu Zaishi could not escape.

Liu Zaishi was also crying and laughing when he saw this, but in the next second, the two people looked at each other, locked Liu Zaishi's call and instantly lifted, and Liu Zaishi's face immediately hurt viciously.

"Hahaha! Don't hurry yet... Aaaaa!!a "

Kim Jae-ho begged for mercy without having time to say the word, and shouted out in an instant.

Just when the two people lifted Liu Zaishi's feet, the witty Liu Zaishi immediately pressed his feet inside, and instantly formed a countermeasure, but this time it was Haha and Kim Jae-ho, the two initiators, who screamed in pain.

Unexpectedly so easily countered by Liu Zaishi, the two people are really big fools, too weak, and now locked by Liu Zaishi alone, haha and Kim Jae-ho can't move, only pain.

Two stupid children, now they know what is called cocoon self-binding, originally the two people still wanted to tease Liu Zaishi, this time, it is difficult to escape.

"You have to be careful, too! Haha~"

Feng shui took turns, and now it was Liu Zaishi's turn to laugh.

"Aaaaah! It hurts! Elder brother! I was wrong! Yes! "

"Brother Ultimate Country!!" Haha shouted.

However, just when the three of them were making a comedy, a cute girl wearing a pink red hat suddenly came to the side.

"Oppa~ this can't work!"

It turned out to be Lychee!

"Lychee! Help me!!! Kim Jae-ho said immediately when he saw Lychee.

"Yay! She's on our team! "Liu Zaishi is also crying and laughing when he hears Kim Jae-ho's words, how can there be a reason to ask the enemy for help, he is qualified to ask Litchi for help~."

"Lychee! Get me out of here! Liu Zaishi saw hope of escape.

Although he countered the two fools, it was still difficult for Liu Zaishi to escape, and as soon as he let go, it might be over, so when he saw Litchi coming, Liu Zaishi seemed to see thousands of troops.

However, what he didn't expect, what everyone didn't expect, was that although Litchi came over, she just stepped on the edge of the stool, jumped up, streaked a gust of wind on Liu Zai's stone, and then ran away...

ran away...



The three men who were still struggling all stopped the movement on their feet and looked at Lychee who was holding something and running away with a smile.

"Where is that?" Liu Zaishi asked with a confused look, completely unaware that he was now abandoned.

"Is that the mission?" Kim Jae-ho immediately thought of it.

Haha is just confused.

The three people did not realize at all that there was a treasure hidden above the place where they fought and died!

Seeing Litchi leave with something, Liu Zaishi realized that he hadn't seen it after making trouble here for a long time!

However, just before everyone could react, Kim Jae-ho suddenly moved!

Taking advantage of Liu Zaishi's attention and relaxation by the lychee, Kim Jae-ho pulled his foot out, which can be regarded as saving his life, and then, he pounced on Liu Zaishi intending to tear off his name brand for a quick victory.

However, his freedom also means that Liu Zaishi is free, and one sideways bump again, Liu Zaishi pressed Kim Jae-ho's hand against the wall at this moment of crisis.


Stealing chickens is not a loss, and Kim Jae-ho of rice yells in pain.

Haha saw this and hurriedly wanted to help, but Liu Zaishi's reaction could not be described as unhappy, when he pressed Kim Jae-ho's hand against the wall, he knew that it was too late if he didn't go now, driven by the desire for survival, he quickly got up and avoided Haha's hand, and the foot was hard Haha immediately hurt, and then pressed Kim Jae-ho who wanted to get up back again, and then withdrew from Haha and quickly ran away.

This angry action can simply go down in history, if Liu Zaishi can run away smoothly this time, he will be a hero!

However, the good times did not last long.

What Liu Zaishi never expected was that just when he was so excited that he escaped, Liu Zaishi, who was running in a panic, suddenly screamed.

Less than a meter in front of Liu Zaishi, a red giant beast appeared, and the matter came too suddenly, and even the red beast was startled by Liu Zaishi.

Is it Kim End-guo!!


Liu Zaishi screamed so accurately while hugging Jin Zhiguo, and then was torn off the name tag.

The whole process did not even take more than ten seconds from the occurrence to the end, and the process of Liu Zaishi throwing himself into Jin Zhiguo's arms and being torn off his name tag did not even exceed a second.

The whole process is naturally like Liu Zaishi sent it, if you play a game, Liu Zaishi will be reported to give away people's heads...


My heroic dream that has just burned...

The dream has not yet begun...

It's already over...

Just when Liu Zaishi was sitting on the ground because of excessive fright, two useless hyenas also chased after him.

Haha the first one, very relieved, slapped a few times on the back of the frightened Liu Zaishi.

Kim Jae-ho came later, saw Haha like this, and also learned to slap Liu Zaishi twice like Haha, and laughed while panting.

"Hahaha! Let you run!! Ha... You have today too! "

After speaking, he also leaned weakly against the wall, but before he could rest, he heard the whispers of demons next to him.

"Yay! Where have you been! "

Kim Jae-ho: "..."

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