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When Chi Shizhen gathered, he also kept talking about the ghost story just now, and the hell was true, because he also met just now, and the experience of meeting Jin Zhiguo around the corner is just another upgraded version, called the elevator meets Jin Zhiguo.

This version is much scarier than the corner, Chi Shizhen hid in the elevator, he heard the sound of the bell, but he pressed and closed the elevator door wildly, the elevator door just didn't close, and then, he looked at Jin Zhiguo for a century.

When they looked at each other, the scene was very embarrassing for a while, and the two people could be said to look at each other and smile, and they couldn't help but laugh out loud, and they both felt ridiculous.

Kim Zhiguo's face became a nightmare for two people today, one is Cha Tae-hyun and the other is Ji Seok-jin, and Kim End-guo is the biggest winner.

The third is the leisureliness of a cup of tea, this is Kim Jae-ho's nightmare, and when he hears that it is still this game, the expression can be said to be very happy.

But this time the production team wanted to play something different, it was rare to have such a good scene, and PD also wanted to borrow it.

Memory painting, four members of each team draw by memory after reading the pictures, and the rest think that after reading the pictures, they will go to the exhibition hall and take the corresponding pictures first to win.

It's a very simple game, but this is a very difficult game in the hearts of RM fans, if Kim Jae-ho saw this picture from TV, he would definitely remember what it was, but now when he participates, he has no impression of this game at all, just thinking about what kind of bad tea it will be.

As soon as he heard that he was going to remove a member, Cha Taehyun immediately jumped to become the lazy member, and the members all laughed, this is the first guest they have seen who does not care about weight and only wants to be lazy, as for the members, they have seen a lot, oh~ The person standing next to him, yes, it is Kim Jae-ho, he is simply the originator of RM laziness.

Compared with him, Cha Taehyun is really far behind, because Cha Taehyun just thinks, and Kim Jae-ho will really do it, really doesn't care about the weight at all, and strangely, this guy has a lot of thieves, and every time he is lazy and secretly, he has done what many people can't do.

When Kim Jae-ho heard that he wanted to leave someone, he also wanted to be the one who wanted to stay, but he didn't say, he knew that with the urine nature of those people next to him, as long as he showed the slightest idea of wanting to stay, he would immediately be excluded from the list, and then dragged away by three people, it was as simple as that.

These people are losses, and the more Kim Jae-ho doesn't want to do something, the more they want Kim Jae-ho to do, so reverse thinking, what Kim Jae-ho does now is to show disdain for staying, don't want to stay at all, don't care at all, it's as simple as that.

So he now has a cold expression and does not say a word, as usual.

Soon, after listening to the requirements of the task, everyone began to think about who stayed, first of all, the one who stayed should not be able to draw.

"Is my brother drawing good~?" Liu Zaishi asked Chi Shizhen.

"Not at all." Chi Shizhen said with his hands upturned, not knowing why he said it with confidence.

"What about Zhixiao?" Liu Zaishi asked Song Zhixiao.

Song Zhixiao grabbed his pants, shook his head and said with a confused look, "I won't either..."

"What the hell are you good at?!" Chi asked.

The other half's little clever ghost immediately said, "Salang ~ is the best at love."

Kim Jae-ho next to him also smiled, this is his answer, when he smiled, Kim Jae-ho also frowned, how do you feel that this scene is so familiar?

"This is not the same Zaishi said last time in Hao.

At this time, the camera began to play back what Kim Jae-ho said last time, and suddenly the little clever ghost haha immediately stood up and took a step, "It's better for us to leave Jae-ho and Zhixiao behind~"


Is this worth it?!

Kim Jae-ho immediately rushed up anxiously and covered Haha's mouth, but this operation was already too late, seeing Kim Jae-ho's panicked look, the eldest brothers instantly understood, and coaxed Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho to stay in unison.

Then they clapped their hands and laughed, making it look like a celebration.

"Don't! Elder brother!!! Kim Jae-ho also said anxiously, if he and Song Jihyo stayed alone, how embarrassing would it be?

Song Jihyo is also opposed, and she can also think of how embarrassing it is to wait and stay alone with Kim Jae-ho.

But the brothers are very happy, and the embarrassment of others is their happiness, and Li Guangzhu claps his hands the loudest, just like a loyal fan of the Monday couple.

Everyone actually thought of wanting Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho to continue to develop, after all, this love line is also a point that many viewers discuss very enthusiastically, and everyone knows that this can increase ratings.

"It's to bring you closer together." Liu Zaishi explained.

"We are very close~" Song Zhixiao said quickly.

"Do you know the phone number?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"I know!" Song Zhixiao said immediately.

"Isn't that right, it's not embarrassing to stay if you are a kiss~" Haha said with a bad smile.

"Yay! Come here!!!! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately covered his mouth and dragged him into a corner, unable to let this clever ghost speak anymore, it was simply poisonous.

Everyone watched with relish Kim Jae-ho's angry performance, and the more Kim Jae-ho did this, the happier they were and the more they were coaxed.

Soon, they set off, and when they left, they cheered Kim Jae-ho one by one.

"Zaihao~I want to come on~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Don't you like to be lazy, just right~" Haha laughed.

"You're enough!!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless, unexpectedly a traitor among us, who was betrayed by his best brother.

Song Zhixiao grabbed Chi Shizhen with one hand and Liu Zaishi with the other, preventing them from leaving.

"Zhixiao ah~ the most important thing now is to play (well) ~ what else ~" Liu Zaishi persuaded.

"It's okay to lose the game~" Song Jihyo said coquettishly leaning on the hands of the two people, Kim Jae-ho was also embarrassed to see her like this, and did not dare to look at it.

"You have the right to be exempt from punishment to say that!" Liu Zaishi said, "We don't have the right to be exempt from punishment." "

"Besides, your right to immunity from punishment is still helped by others, you wait to thank people well, let's go first~" Liu Zaishi and they are also anxious to leave, after all, the red team has already left.

"It won't be embarrassing, just don't talk, we'll be back soon." Chi Shizhen said the last word, and then ruthlessly left Song Zhixiao alone.

"How can this be?!"

Song Zhixiao looked at Kim Jae-ho next to him, and Kim Jae-ho also looked at her, suddenly looked at each other, quickly moved away, and there was an embarrassing aura in the air. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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