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You never know what your enemy is doing, just like now.

Song Zhixiao is about to die of shame when he looks at the side, what kind of strange teammates are these are?

Anyone who watched three men stretch out one hand folded together and excitedly shout down xxx would be ashamed.

These are all old and not small people, and they are still so naïve, really, like three fools.

After shouting the slogan, the three fools were all silly and happy, all feeling full of energy, as if they had accepted some kind of task noble enough to give their lives and go down in history.

It's hard to say how these three people got together stupidly, but it was also fate to get together, probably because of the common hatred, the three people seemed to have established a revolutionary friendship and quickly became comrades-in-arms.

Before, it was a game, and now, for them, "three zero seven", is war!

Listening to the sound of the bell on their feet, the members of the blue team felt unprecedentedly steady, like walking on the road like this, which was something they didn't dare to think about when they were a task team before, and they were instantly comfortable.

Those who do arrest have such advantages, that is, psychological superiority.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho, who did not know why he was reduced to the mission team, was hiding in one place to observe the situation, and he did not know how dangerous his position was now.

After seeing that the surroundings were quite quiet, Kim Jae-ho walked upright.

"Aren't you afraid that you will be discovered if you walk like this?" VJ asked.

"Hey ~ you don't understand, they all thought I would hide, so I walked like this, they wouldn't find out, I could hit them by surprise, hmph, not at all~" Kim Jae-ho smiled confidently at the camera.

But just as he was talking, suddenly a voice came from a distance, "It's Kim Jae-ho!! Fast!!! Kim Jae-ho is here!! "

Suddenly the voice sounded in this relatively quiet place, VJ was frightened, raised the camera and looked over there, only to see a blue sound shadow in the distance, it turned out to be Chi Shizhen!!

But before he could react to run, he only felt a strong wind passing by his side, and when he looked back, he saw that Kim Jae-ho was already a few meters away.

VJ: "??? "

Lying groove, say that the good is not at all? How can you run away so shamelessly ?!

But confused and confused, VJ still reacted to catch up, and if he didn't chase him, he couldn't catch up.

In fact, the moment Kim Jae-ho heard his name, he was like a frightened bird, pulling out his legs and running, without thinking.

Fools don't run!

As for instigation?

How can something from the heart be said to be instigated?

With a swoosh, Kim Jae-ho hid in a safe corner, but the position he chose was very good, and he almost didn't even see VJ following behind.

"Whew... You ran quite crisply..." Xiang Yun couldn't help but complain without gasping.

But he didn't see Kim Jae-ho's shameful expression at all, anyway, it was Kim Jae-ho who booed, signaling him not to argue.

At this moment, Xiang Yun also remembered what his current situation was, and he quickly shrunk his body in, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Kim Jae-ho took a look at the situation outside, pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the movement, and there was no movement at all.

But Kim Jae-ho knew that he couldn't take it lightly, and he stayed in it for a while longer.

VJ looked at the cautious Kim Jae-ho, he was now convinced.

Before he also thought that Kim Jae-ho had no experience, because he had forgotten what the task was at first, and came to ask him.

But now that he saw Kim Jae-ho's cautious look, he knew that he was wrong, this kid's talent in hiding was really too strong.

It's not nice to say, it's really a waste to have the talent not to be a thief...

This thought is so deep that VJ now feels like a thief when he looks at Kim Jae-ho...

Like being a thief with a weak heart, Kim Jae-ho observed the situation outside again, Kim Jae-ho beckoned VJ to go out carefully, the night was very thick, Kim Jae-ho did not pay attention, now VJ looks at him with a little strange eyes...

"What's wrong? Let's go! Kim Jae-ho greeted VJ again and asked him to hurry up, and VJ reacted to follow after a while.

"Real, can you keep up, I still have to save the world~" Kim Jae-ho complained.

VJ rolled his eyes, uncle, I beg you, don't go to the world...

It may be that it was far away just now, Kim Jae-ho ran fast, Ji Shizhen did not catch up, now the surroundings are quiet, not to mention the blue team, he has not seen the figure of his own team........

Kim Jae-ho was finally relieved, he was now sure that he had escaped, and he felt that his position was still well chosen.

"Then the next step is to go on a mission, watch me save the world~" Kim Jae-ho said as he walked back to the camera.

But when he turned his head back, a blue figure suddenly flashed out behind the corner in front.

"Hah!" With a sound, accompanied by an action like an exhibitionist, Ji Seok-jin suddenly jumped out, and Kim Jae-ho and VJ, who were not a little guarded, were directly frightened.

It turned out that although Ji Shizhen lost it, he still went this way, just now, he heard Kim Jae-ho talking, so he quickly ambushed him, just to scare Kim Jae-ho.

There is no doubt that he succeeded, but before he could get a second, Kim Jae-ho actually pulled out his leg and ran away, leaving VJ where he was.

"Yay! Don't run!!! "

Ji Shizhen, who reacted, hurried to catch up, he didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to react so quickly, and ran away almost the moment he was scared, which is really nobody.

But this is actually a normal situation, after being frightened and running away, the instinct came, but Kim 2.0 reacted a little faster than normal people in Hao.

I have to say that Sprint Kim Jae-ho still runs very fast, and his escape skills are first-class, at least a little stronger than Ji Shizhen.

When Kim Jae-ho looked back and was pleasantly surprised to find that he was running faster than Ji Shi Zhen, don't be more happy, but just when he thought he could get rid of Ji Shi Zhen, as soon as he turned his head, there was suddenly an extra Lee Kwang Joo in front of him who was preparing to stop him with open hands.


Kim Jae-ho, who was in a panic, turned the original running trajectory around a corner, ran directly to the side, squatted down and rolled on the ground, although it was a little ugly and a little obscene, but he directly crossed the guardrail.

Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Shi-jin of this operation show are suspicious of life, is this a movie?!

And this operation ?! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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