It's another muggy morning, but it doesn't matter, anyway, the air conditioner is turned on at home, and for an otaku like Kim Jae-ho, in fact, the weather really has little impact.

Two days ago, his single "Whole" was released on major online music platforms, which made fans who were not expecting it directly exploded, and it was only two days before he brushed the song to the top of the major music source lists.

This result, in addition to the quality of the single itself, is also the reason for Kim Jae-ho.

Because Kim Jae-ho has too few works, they used to guard RM to brush ratings, but in fact, this is useless, after all, RM itself is watched by many people, so this makes fans very entangled.

Unknowingly, Kim Jae-ho's group is leaping forward at a level every day, the number of people continues to skyrocket, both domestic and foreign, and even foreign countries have appeared many of their own fan groups, fan names.

The company has set up a fan group special, there is a special person responsible for this matter, that is, through the network fishing wheel or something, to achieve a relatively good orientation, Kim Jae-ho in addition to his own personal account, the company also set up an additional account, responsible for updating Kim Jae-ho every day related matters and issuing some official notices or something.

Although the number of fans posting far exceeds the number of posts posted by this official account, what is the latest announcement, it is still announced by this official, so this official account quickly became a big V account, and the number of followers even almost caught up with Kim Jae-ho's personal account.

The announcement released by this account was updated simultaneously with Kim Jae-ho's personal main site, although the expression may be different, but the content is the same, so when this account announced that Kim Jae-ho's personal single was online, everyone went crazy.

They have decided that no matter how much money it costs, they will support, buy, buy a hundred points or something, because Kim Jae-ho's works are so few, they have no place to spend money to support.

If you have fanned a star, you know what this feels like, that is, you have not bought the idol's album, peripherals, concert tickets, you feel that you are a pseudo fan, not a true love fan, are embarrassed to say that you have fanned him.

So a group of pseudo-fans after seeing this news are all rubbing their hands, wanting to promote true love fans and support idols, they rushed to the major music platforms like a pack of hungry wolves, prepared their wallets, and then searched for whole, and then, there was no then...

Because, they found out that Kim Jae-ho's single turned out to be - no money!!

Add three exclamation points to important things, no money!!

Don't you dare to believe money?

Fans are like a hungry wolf pounced, and for the first time they felt that spending money was also such a difficult thing...

Isn't it just that you want to spend money to support your idol?

Why is it so hard?!

So, a group of enthusiastic fans howled and rushed to the relevant accounts of major Kim Jae-ho, and even the company's accounts, questioning them -

Why not money?!

Why not money?!

We're going to spend money!!

However, as usual, the official did not care about their crying, and the news they sent was lost.

In fact, it's not that the official doesn't work, but this price is actually Kim Jae-haoding, and they don't know what to say, don't you come to me, go to your family idol, we don't know anything?

If you do this, the company will lose face!

It's not easy for the company either...

It's so stressful...

However, although Kim Jae-ho didn't care about this, the uncle was still in the system after all, so when he learned the news, he immediately took the camera to Kim Jae-ho for a short interview.

"Do you know what's going on online lately?" The uncle asked.

Kim Jae-ho is reading a book, it is Freud's "The Analysis of Dreams", he himself does not know that he took such a book back, but this kind of academic book, at first thought it would be boring, but it is quite interesting to look at it.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at his uncle, this guy didn't know what started to change like this, he always thought he was a reporter.

"I don't know, didn't you see me reading? What's the hurry to ask, didn't you see that I was reading? "

"Okay, then I asked directly, is the single that just released not charged because you want to give back to the fans?" The uncle asked.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the book, and without raising his head, he said, "No." "

Uncle: "??? "


Even if it's not, don't say it so directly!!

Do you know that such a straight will lose powder!!

Put the camera back on, straighten it, point it at Kim Jae-ho, and ask strongly, "What is that for?" "

Kim Jae-ho put down the book, uncle has so many questions, he can't read the content, just answer first before speaking.

"In fact, it is very simple, this song is recorded by myself, using my own equipment, did not spend the company's money, there are many similar sound sources on the Internet, you want to listen to the direct download is good, although there are many sound sources, but in terms of sound quality, this one I sent is definitely the best." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So, can you ask when the album is going to be released?" The uncle asked.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at his uncle, which means, don't you know better than me? Ask me why?

But Kim Jae-ho still said, "Next Monday, it's a single album, there is a MV, and a small gift, you can look forward to it, but this is to collect money, everyone has the ability to support it." "

"Okay, don't bother you to read, this issue of Uncle TV is here, by the way, that small gift is not small~" After the uncle added, he turned off the camera, intending to process it again and send it out.

Now he has also learned a lot of post-processing techniques, and he can be said to be half a professional.

Seeing that the uncle turned off the camera, Kim Jae-ho asked, "Don't you know when it will be sent, and why do you ask?" "

The uncle smiled proudly, "Hehe, isn't this just creating momentum in advance~"

Looking at the treacherous laughter of the uncle, Kim Jae-ho scolded an old fox, and continued to read, or read well, addicted to learning, unable to extricate himself.

The uncle handled it quickly, and in the evening, everyone saw that the long-lost uncle TV of Kim Jae-ho's personal main station was updated again, and they all switched to the main station with great interest.

In fact, Uncle TV has broadcast so many episodes, although the single episode time is short, but the content is very good, which has almost become a marriage for everyone to understand the private life of the star, every time there is big news in it, watching it once, I feel that the distance between myself and Kim Jae-ho has shortened, and I know Kim Jae-ho better.

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