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What everyone is looking forward to is the CP thing between Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo. The members all know, so at the beginning the audience saw what they wanted to see, because the first topic of conversation at the beginning was about Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo.

Seeing everyone gather fire Song Zhixiao, ridiculing, the audience is also happy to see, tonight's Song Zhixiao is still very beautiful, dignified, sweet smile, like a bud blooming in the dark night.

The camera gave Kim Jae-ho a snicker, everyone was wondering if Kim Jae-ho really liked Song Ji-hyo in private, but what he didn't expect was that Song Ji-hyo never called Song Ji-hyo after exposing Kim Jae-ho's show, and CP fans exploded instantly, thinking that Kim Jae-ho didn't like Song Ji-hyo in private, just a screen CP.

[I just said that there is nothing between them~ they are all acted! ] 】

[Sad! It turned out to be a fake! I've been a fan for so long! Deceive my feelings! 】

[Powdered! ] 】

But just after everyone complained a few words, some didn't even think about how to complain, things turned around again, Kim Jae-ho not only didn't call Song Jihyo, but the members didn't fight, CP fans exploded again, and the people who accused just now didn't know what to say, this slap in the face came too quickly!

And the person who had not yet figured out how to complain immediately stopped the movement in his hand, very glad that he did not send it, otherwise he would be slapped in the face again.

What's even more striking is that one second everyone thought that the two of them had no interaction in private, and the next second they said that Kim Jae-ho sent a support car on Song Ji-hyo's birthday!

Wow, really, CP fans don't mention how cool, it's almost going to float up and walk, this evening's RM is really exciting!

Next, everyone heard Liu Zaishi's complaint, and when they heard Liu Zaishi say that Kim Jae-ho gave him an all-green suit, they were still imagining it in their minds, and the program team used post-special effects to add an all-green suit to Liu Zaishi very humanely, and everyone was really about to laugh crazy when they saw this body, and they all sighed that stars really know how to play~

Next is the guests, although there are no light beads tonight, but the guests who came are very strong and very popular, this they know, many fans have long been in front of the TV, intending to watch their idols coming, and then they were attracted by other members.

And more importantly, the program team also revealed a little news in advance, that is, Li Guangzhu will come back later, which makes people who originally complained that they can't see Li Guangzhu comfortable, knowing that he will come out.

To be honest, although Li Guangzhu is an actor, everyone still prefers to see him appear in variety shows, and in the next period of time, Li Guangzhu will be in the situation that the drama is not popular, but after years of precipitation, a divine drama finally came out, so as long as you are willing to endure, come out.

Then, everyone was most impressed by Kim Jae-ho's cappella singing, singing, perfectly revealing his singing skills, although I know that this song was sung by him, now seeing Kim Jae-ho really sing it, everyone still feels incredible, especially so strong, it is simply a walking CD.

Their idols are so versatile, and the fans are also very satisfied, in fact, they themselves did not expect Kim Jae-ho to sing so well, when he spoke, it seemed that the world had come down, it was simply opening his mouth and kneeling, goosebumps were up, and there was a comfort that penetrated into the soul.

Especially seeing Kim Jae-ho's arrogant look in front, everyone remembered the way Kim Jae-ho appeared at the beginning, Kim Jae-ho back then, and now he has grown into this, but he is still him, just when everyone thought that Kim Jae-ho was going to overturn, Kim Jae-ho sang the feeling of fairy qi, this contrast is indescribable, it can be said that this paragraph will be cut off and then exploded on the Internet.

And this time it is a quieter version, although there will still be a little effect sound, and there are interference such as talking and exclamation in the middle, but it is much better than recording it from the game.

Very fan-absorbing, Kim Jae-ho's singing is very fan-absorbing, this reverse charm, as well as the charm of this solo and a cappella singing, is even more fan-absorbing, not to mention that there is such a stage, the first time I saw the bonus, Kim Jae-ho in the hearts of some people simply seems to be shining, with light.

However, just when everyone thought he was almost perfect, Kim Jae-ho numbed one leg and pulled everyone to reality, everyone sighed, even if you sing well, you are still a funny after all, Kim Jae-ho or that Kim Jae-ho, nothing has changed, just now that may be a fake Kim Jae-ho...

But say so, but in the future they will not say that Kim Jae-ho will only be funny, people will sing, even better than the performance of some very popular singers, the shock to the audience can not be forgotten, which makes some audiences begin to entangle, on the one hand, they want Kim Jae-ho to be a singer, seriously, on the other hand, they want to see Kim Jae-ho active on RM.

But they are not entangled in this, Kim Jae-ho has long planned for this, some audiences who like to listen to songs are afraid to beat their chests, why such a good voice, such a good ability, to run to be a comedian?!

Next is the casual interaction between Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo, the cameras are filmed, everyone looks at it, tonight is simply a carnival of CP fans, they can cut out countless details, and now there is one more powerful detail, that is, Kim Jae-ho is so handsome that he is willing to listen to Song Ji-hyo and wear such ugly clothes, and he is reluctant to take them off, this can't be a misunderstanding or anything, only that Kim Jae-ho really likes Song Ji-hyo.

Next, Song Zhixiao took the initiative to pull Jin Zaihao's hand, which made CP fans scream crazy, in the evening, one by one, they were screaming excitedly, and the people who were eating or resting had a Mao (Qian De Zhao) bone fever, frightened feeling, and felt that the neighbors were crazy again.

Why say again?

The point is coming, grasp the hide, this link of grasping the hide and hide tonight, it can be said that everyone who watches it is exciting! That tense atmosphere, fighting wits and courage, everyone hopes that the mission team can find the mission items at the same time, but also want to see Kim Jae-ho they have gained, this is also very contradictory, the audience's emotions are completely substituted.

This novel way of playing has attracted a lot of fans to RM, and it is rare to have this tense and exciting feeling when watching variety shows, which is simply a clear stream in the era of variety shows.

The most tense and scary is the section of Liu Zaishi's elevator that was blocked by Jin Zhiguo, the elevator door was already about to close, and suddenly a foot appeared, and then as soon as the door opened, Jin Zhiguo suddenly rushed in that sense of impact, which scared many people, and Jin Zhiguo's terrifying image was afraid to settle the detention. _

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