Everyone looked at Liu Zaishi squeezing the lemon with an uncomfortable face, that is not a lemon, that is life!

What a troubled life!

Jin Zhiguo's expression at this time was very funny, he was holding his muscles, looking at the lemon in Liu Zaishi's hand with a worried face, his brows were wrinkled, the world's invincible ability also has something to be afraid of!

And that thing is just six and a half little lemons~

"If you eat eleven, the muscles will melt." Chi Shizhen shot an arrow that pierced his heart, and Jin Zhiguo smiled bitterly, indicating that he was very uncomfortable.

"Oh, the saliva came out on its own." Kim Jae-ho swallowed saliva, and when everyone heard this sentence, they unconsciously swallowed saliva, which is called conditioned reflex.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Liu Zaishi still squeezing, frowning with his teeth, feeling that his teeth were sore, and when he drank it, he must swallow it directly, and he couldn't let this evil liquid touch his delicate and fragile teeth.

"Lemon tea is known to be very beneficial to the human body." Liu Zaishi comforted everyone.

Jin Zhiguo, who wanted to live until the end of the world, also nodded, "It's okay to be good for your health." "

Kim Jae-ho's attention was soon attracted by Song Zhixiao next to her12, she stood, looked down at the lemon in Liu Zaishi's hand, her long black hair hung down, the white T-shirt looked so delicate, the early Song Zhixiao was really the peak of her appearance, the thief looked good.

Kim Jae-ho shook his head, secretly said that he was afraid that he was scared by lemon, or the relationship late at night, he didn't dare to look at Song Zhixiao now, he stared at it as soon as he saw it, he prided himself that his resistance was still very good, and now I don't know why this happened, I didn't see Song Zhixiao to withstand a wave of beauty crit.

It's not good, it's not good.

Everything is empty, there is no desire or want...

Kim Jae-ho sat upright in his place, closed his eyes and breathed deeply, and the whole person had a Zen smell.

Ah Shi is really strict, holding the lemon and squeezing it desperately, for fear of missing a little, it looks like the lemon slices are a thin layer.

The final effect was also very impressive, Liu Zaishi took the fruits of his labor and poured them into Jin Zhiguo's cup, and the 100% pure lemon juice almost overflowed the cup.

"It's almost overflowing." Jin Zhiguo looked at the production team aggrievedly, and his expression could be said to be very pitiful.

"It's really excessive."

Kim Jae-ho felt that with his luck, he was afraid that he would not run directly twelve, and according to Murphy's law, he had to prepare for the worst, and twelve might really overflow.

Jin Zhiguo was followed by Song Zhongji, Zhongji was also very decisive, and he threw it directly, and the final result was ten, and the red team exploded ~

"Why are our teams like this?!" Jin Zhiguo said dissatisfied.

Then, because there was one more person, Li Guangzhu didn't have to drink it later, so he was now working very hard and squeezing the lemon juice hard.

However, for his serious work, someone was very unhappy to look at, that is, Song Zhongji, he also rarely said a word, angrily propped up the table, "You come in the evening, extremely ah?!" "

Liu Zaishi also helped explain, "It's because it's late." "

Li Guangzhu also nodded with a serious face, and Ji said directly, "Duh! (Go or should be more appropriate - roll!) )"

Li Guangzhu was also stunned when he heard it, the GM sounded at the right time, he was disliked again, and it was still Song Zhongji.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, but they didn't expect Song Zhongji's variety show to be so good.

"How can people work so hard to let others go~" Liu Zaishi also smiled and helped support his waist.

"But it's abominable! That look! Song Zhongji also said.

"It's just ~!" Kim Jae-ho also helped.

Everyone laughed discouraged when they saw a few of them playing, and it was very sad that they couldn't interject, they couldn't do anything but laugh, and they were also envious that Kim Jae-ho could always interject.

However, after the accusations of the two people on the other side, Li Guangzhu became even harder, seemingly trying to squeeze the skin down.

The final effect is also very gratifying, similar to Jin Zhiguo, he dipped a spoon in his mouth, directly soured, and his expression looked very bad.

When he arrived at Enjing, Enjing was very lucky, it was two, but when Li Guangzhu squeezed the lemon, he also said carefully but very clearly, "That, hand, can the hand go up a little." "

Li Guangzhu was disliked again, this time it was disgusted that his hands were dirty, and the exclusive BGM sounded again, and today is afraid that it is Li Guangzhu's Good Friday.

Chi Shizhen is also very warm-hearted, seeing Li Guangzhu's embarrassed look, he directly took it to help squeeze, but it seems that because of the late night, the lemon did not directly start, to some extent, it was to help Li Guangzhu take revenge.

Everyone saw his dumbfounded appearance, and they also laughed so happily, especially Enjing, who laughed out loud, completely unaware that there was anything wrong.

Two lemons are still very relaxed, not much, Jin Zhiguo Song Zhongji looked at her and was about to die of envy. 、

Finally, it was finally Kim Jae-ho's turn, he held the dice in one hand and grabbed his hair with the other, it was very uncomfortable Now, everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho expectantly, curious about what kind of outcome he would be.

"Twelve..." said Lee Kwang-joo, who was staring blankly at the dice in Kim Jae-ho's hand on the side, unconsciously.

"Yay!! You shut up!!! "Kim Jae-ho has also become very sensitive under the lemon offensive now.

Everyone couldn't help it, and Li Guangzhu was also happy, not embarrassed at all.

The ugly woman must finally see the family 607, and die if she dies!

Kim Jae-ho threw high, the dice bounced a few times on the ground, and everyone stared.

Could it really be twelve?!

"Millions! Million!!! Kim Jae-ho also clasped his hands together and prayed, don't be twelve!!

The speed of the dice gradually slows down, first eight, then twelve!!

"Don't!!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Oh?!" Everyone looked at the dice in amazement, could it really be twelve.

However, maybe it was Kim Jae-ho's qi that was not exhausted, the dice actually turned around again, and finally, the dice stopped steadily, Kim Jae-ho's eyes widened, looking at the numbers above, the whole person was stunned!

"One !!!!!!" Kim Jae-ho held his hands for a second, then raised his hands and shouted.

"Daihatsu !!" Yes!! Everyone exclaimed.

"Ah..." sighed Li Guangzhu regretfully.


It's really one!

What's the situation?!


And this kind of good thing?!

The sky has eyes!!

Kim Jae-ho ran around everyone excitedly, rushed to the middle like crazy and did a forward tumble, the kind that couldn't be overturned, the kind that he had done before, the kind that was very funny!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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