"Dead! It's really ~" Eun Jing took a sip of water and announced the beginning of this game.

The blue team had already started five minutes to familiarize themselves with the venue, and the whole game was a total of one hour, and within this hour, Kim Jae-ho and they had to catch all the blue team members.

At this time, Liu Zaishi, who was searching for this on the side, saw the movements of the red team, and instantly panicked.

"There they go! Hurry up! Hurry up and come down!! Liu Zaishi said into the walkie-talkie, revealing his true colors as a coward.

Soon, the members of the blue team gathered, intending to escape via the elevator.

"Where did Rong He go?"

The blue team found that there was one less person, and it turned out that Rong He could not withdraw in time because it was too high, so he stayed on it, but even if it was above, it was quite safe.

Completely different from the panicked blue team, the red team seems to be at ease.

"How about it, let's go up and you go below." Kim said.

"Good." Haha nodded, Kim Jae-ho followed, yes, the two of them went together.

"It feels really cool." Jin shook the bell tied to his feet, he experienced it for the first time, it felt very refreshing, it was an invincible feeling, as if the blessing of the Holy Light.

"It's just ~" Haha agreed.

"Hide!! Here we go!!! The two people shouted at the empty building, it can be said that they are unscrupulous, what Jin Zhiguo said is right, these two people may really be funny and can't do anything.

"But it's really high here..." Kim Jae-ho glanced down, not intending to swallow a mouthful of saliva, this must be several stories high, and the middle is empty, and you can directly see the ground.

"Don't, don't get too outside, it's dangerous." Haha is also a coward.

"Come and see..." said Kim Jae-ho looking down and haha.

Haha is also a tease, although it is scared, but hearing Kim Jae-ho say this, he can't help his curiosity, and carefully leaned over to take a look.

"Oh... It's so terrifying..." Haha's face was bloodless, and his face was scared.

There are only iron guardrails blocking people, and it's the kind with a lot of space, the kind that you can get out of below if you want to drill, and it's very insecure.

"Let's go, don't be here, it's scary." Haha said and walked down, they are the team below.

"Oh." Kim Jae-ho also withdrew his gaze, he also wanted to see if there was a blue team figure from here, condescending, but there was no one.

Here is the backstage, the decoration is very simple, it can be said that there is no decoration, it is simple steel and concrete, old and high.

The instigating duo also hurried down.

The two people came to the elevator, "Why don't you sit if there is an elevator~" Kim Jae-ho said proudly.

"That's it, yes~ we're really smart~" Haha also sighed.

"Look, B2!" Kim Jae-ho looked at the number on the elevator.

"What?" Haha didn't react.

"They must have made an elevator to the second basement floor!" Kim Jae-ho reasoned.

"Yes! Hurry up, hurry up! "Haha, hurry up and press the elevator button.

"We are really smart~" Haha sighed again.

"Isn't that nonsense, the two of us are simply invincible, okay~" Kim Jae-ho was proud.

"Haha, it's ~" Haha is also a faceless person.

"It could also be the elevator taken by the production crew." Haha said.

"No matter, let's go find it first, anyway, we were going to start there."

Kim shook the bell on his foot, "I'm going to catch them all this time!" "

"Let's do something big~" Haha is also full of confidence.

As the bell rang, the two people walked out of the elevator and came to the second basement floor.

"Now I'm going to look carefully~" Haha who found the feeling said imposingly.

"It's all hiding!! Kim Jae-ho also loudly frightened the people on this layer, whether there is anyone or not, the momentum is done first.

In an instant, the sound of the bell sounded on the second underground floor, and Chi Shizhen and Liu Zaishi, who were originally looking for the second underground floor, immediately panicked, and Liu Zaishi, who was hiding in a corner, shivered, because he saw Haha and Kim Jae-ho passing by in front of him!

"It's Hao and haha!!" Liu Zaishi whispered to VJ, the bell in his ear ringing, he now knew what Jin Zhiguo said at the beginning, because he was now experiencing it.

In a quiet corner, only the sound of the bell was echoing, and he was found to be really only one position gap just now, and he was almost discovered.

"Wow... That bell sound..." Liu Zaishi's scared voice trembled a little, at first he didn't expect it to be this level, he now regrets choosing the mission team, it is simply challenging his limits!

"Shh!" Chi Shizhen, who was in another area, was also panicked, his face was full of panic, he was now staying in an open place, very insecure, especially the sound of the bell was still coming from a distance.

He immediately moved quickly, trying to escape the bell's pursuit.

Compared with the panic of these two people, Kim Jae-ho and Haha are not panicked at all, and even want to laugh a little.

"Brother, you go here, I'll go over there." Kim Jae-ho said.

The two searched for a while, but did not find anything, but Kim Jae-ho felt that there must be someone on this floor, and at first he thought it was very simple, but because the place is actually too big, it is a little difficult to find it now.

If you want to find a hurry, you have to trot all the way, such as the current haha, it is a trot all the way, Kim Jae-ho just walks slowly.

At this time, Liu Zaishi saw a gap and rushed directly to the elevator.

"Over here! Haha brother! This way!!! "Kim Jae-ho's hearing is very good, he heard movement in the distance, it was the elevator side!

He immediately rushed to that side, Liu Zaishi had rushed into the elevator at this time, covered in sweat, and when he heard Kim Jae-ho's call, he was also panicked, and casually pressed the third floor, and then kept pressing the button to close the door.

"Hurry up, hurry up, !!!" Liu Zaishi frantically pressed the button to close the door, constantly praying in his heart not to be discovered.

Finally, the elevator door closed, Liu Zaishi was lucky not to be caught, and Kim Jae-ho took a step slower.

But he didn't panic, quietly looked at the number of floors above the elevator, and when that number no longer changed, he turned on the walkie-talkie.

"Three layers, three layers!! I don't know who it is, but it stopped at the third floor! Kim Jae-ho said into the walkie-talkie.

Jin Zhiguo and they happened to be on the third floor, and immediately said into the walkie-talkie, "Receive it, we will be on the third floor!" "

After that, he quickly ran.

Liu Zaishi, who had just escaped, did not know that he had fallen into another trap...

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