Liu Zaishi's ability is still very strong, just two sentences to bring Jin Zaihao into the pit, this hand is fascinating, many guests are like this chatting and were taken in by him, and they can't climb out.

More importantly, not only him, but also a group of divine assists, members tacitly coaxed, Kim Jae-ho's current position has become not good.

Everyone is like this, you still can't get on? Is it not giving face? Believe it or not, wash you?

I don't know when it started, the members took pleasure in pit Kim Jae-ho, and in this matter, everyone suddenly became extremely tacit understanding.

"Is it because you didn't sing it, don't you dare to go up? If you don't dare to go on, forget it, don't force it~" Liu Zaishi pretends to be very sensible and gives Jin Zaihao the look, but in fact, it is still a radical method.

And Kim Jae-ho, the most unbearable thing is to stimulate the law.

"Huh! Joke! I wouldn't dare?! On the !! Kim Jae-ho directly agreed, after all, it has come to this point, it is not okay not to go up, it is better to do some effect.

Kim Junguk patted Kim Jae-ho's back and said, "Behave well!" "

Kim Jae-ho was almost moved to tears, just now this brother screamed the loudest, and he was the most energetic, worthy of being his good big brother!

However, if you don't go on, if you want to go up, you have to become the most tumultuous one!

Even if it's not as attractive as the draw, then make your own characteristics!

"Come on!" Kim said.

“WOW! Oooo Everyone clapped their hands and looked at Kim Jae-ho expectantly.

Kim Jae-ho directly turned around gorgeously, ruffled his hair by the way, put his hands in his pockets, lowered his head and smiled, his body flicked one by one, and stepped towards the stage step by step with his unique steps, one meal after another.

Song Ji Hyo's beautiful eyes flowed, looking at Kim Jae-ho's back - clapping his hands and laughing!!

"Aha! Not again! Classic! "

When everyone saw this scene, they all recalled the beaten and smelly walking posture when Kim Jae-ho first appeared, it was exactly the same, as if replayed, but the costume was a little lacking, and everyone suddenly felt that the pink suit that used to feel spicy eyes was actually the finishing touch, it was their own people who were superficial, and they lacked a little bit of characteristics.

But now it's enough, everyone is about to laugh and sigh, on pretending or Kim Jae-ho is good at it!

I haven't seen Kim Jae-ho like this for a long time, and everyone is looking forward to Kim Jae-ho's next performance.

I saw Kim Jae-ho slowly pacing to the position where the spotlight shined in the center of the stage, and the light on his head was a little dazzling, but it was not a problem at all, and he is not the same person he was back then.

Just when everyone thought that Kim Jae-ho was going to stop and sing, Kim Jae-ho continued to walk, and his body twisted and twisted, and he went straight to the edge of the stage.

Instantly, the production team panicked, what is Kim Jae-ho going to do?

Because, over there, it is already a place where the spotlight does not shine, that is, a darker place.

However, for Kim Jae-ho, the production team generally takes a cooperative attitude, seeing that Kim Jae-ho has been moving forward, PD immediately began to mobilize the lighting crew and the film crew, striving to give Kim Jae-ho the best lighting environment.

PD looked at Kim Jae-ho expectantly, and he had a hunch that Kim Jae-ho was going to do something again.

I saw that Kim Jae-ho quickly walked to the edge of the stage, and in the midst of everyone's doubts, if he took another step, Kim Jae-ho was afraid that he would fall under the stage.

"Oh!!" Liu Zaishi and they exclaimed.

Suddenly, I saw Kim Jae-ho, who was one step away from falling, suddenly, sat down, and actually sat on the edge of the stage!

Kim Jae-ho lowered his head, I don't know why, the huge stage was empty, he sat there alone, inexplicably having a domineering feeling.

In front, empty, sitting alone on the edge of the stage, at the junction of black and white, he closed his eyes, whether it is the back or all angles, he looks very handsome and has a unique charm.

An invisible aura emanated from Kim Jae-ho as the center, shrouding the hearts of everyone at the scene, and everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho with an amazed gaze, the lonely back, the domineering back, the back that seemed to be able to fight against everything, and seemed to be swallowed by everything.


You think Kim Jae-ho is sitting on the edge of the stage to be handsome?

No, in fact, because of soft feet...

And sitting in the center of the stage, it will be very frustrating, so simply walk a few more steps, walk to the edge of the stage, and sit down.

As for why you close your eyes?

Because Kim Jae-ho suddenly found out, here, a little high...

The high stage and the feeling that only his butt touched the entity made him have a great sense of unease, that is, prodded, in order to reduce this feeling of unease, Kim Jae-ho chose to close his eyes.

The scary thing is that after closing your eyes, it is even more terrifying...

Oh, my God! Who will save me?

His whole body was directly stiffened, but he was forced to pretend to be here, and it would be very faceless to retreat now.

"Oh, Moses! (So handsome!) )"

Suddenly, Song Jihyo's voice came from the back of his head, although it was very quiet, but Kim Jae-ho still heard it.

Never mind! Die and die!

Kim Jae-ho raised his head and gave the camera in front of him a decisive look, which is a kind of look that wants to break the net after being prodded to the extreme, but in the eyes of the people behind the camera, it is a shocking look, very domineering, with light and darkness and a mysterious feeling.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the audience in front of him, after all, it was a little terrifying to see below, and then took a deep breath without a trace and spit out the first note.


It was originally a cappella singing, but when he sang the first lyrics, the song in his mind played synchronously, the world turned into the color of "whole", and the whole person was instantly immersed in the music.

When Kim Jae-ho spoke, everyone had a feeling of amazement, some of them had heard the song several times, but when Kim Jae-ho sang the first word, they were still amazed.

The opening is crisp!

Kim Jae-ho's voice entered his mind cleanly and clearly, directly grabbing everyone's ears, and everyone was stunned at this moment, instantly immersed in Kim Jae-ho's singing.


When Kim Jae-ho first sentence, everyone felt goosebumps all over their bodies, it was a kind of soul trembling, for some singers, this is simply incredible, as if listening to the singing of some master figure.

Good to hear suffocation!!

The members looked at the back in amazement, as if the three views were automatically restarting.

Is this a cappella singing?

You're kidding me!

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