Enjing can be said to be very well-behaved, and directly obeyed Liu Zaishi's intention and chose to enter the team of Jin Zhiguo.

She belongs to the kind of very recognizable face, that is, you will not confuse her with other women, there are so many people on the stage, you can tell it is her at a glance.

Especially the short hair now, it is more recognizable, and it is also very good-looking, and there is no difference from now, and the personality is also quite hearty and very fan-absorbing.

In this way, it is settled, Jin Zhiguo's team is still similar to the configuration of the previous period, which is nothing more than that the female members have changed from Xianying to Enjing, cough, it can be said that in terms of configuration, it is better than the previous issue, but the opposite side has also been strengthened a lot, and Liu Zaishi's team without the presence of Li Guangzhu is now simply a top match.

Without further ado, Liu Zaishi chose to open directly, holding the prop hat given by the production team and explaining the rules of the game, which is a game to see the face.

The two teams asked the citizens to wear a couple hat together, and after wearing the hat, they had to look directly at each other for ten seconds and then won.

The key is to work with the citizens, and whoever first makes the citizens willing to play the game with themselves wins, so it is said that this is a completely face-watching game.

Jin Zhiguo was relieved when he heard this, "It's very beneficial to us!" Isn't today's haha cute? "

So the Golden Final National Team decided it was you, Halulu!

The funny thing is that the opposite side does not know why Chi Shizhen was chosen, haha saw that the opposite side was Chi Shizhen and immediately said, "If I am defeated by Brother Shi Zhen, I should retire!" "

And in the end, he really lost to Chi Shizhen, and he didn't retreat...

Kim Zhiguo they looked at the haha side, it can be said that they were speechless, Kim Zaihao touched his head, squatted on the ground in disbelief, stared at the camera in front of him with wide eyes, it can be said that he is unloveable.

What is this?!

So sometimes don't be happy too early, you don't know what will happen at the end until the end.

In fact, Chi Shi Zhenchang is no problem, very upright, very affinity, that is, age and nose are a little older, and it is also a very normal choice for citizens to choose him.

It's just that it will cause a strong sense of frustration to haha.

In this warm-up game, the Kim final country team lost, Liu Zaishi team won an RM ball, this thing now everyone knows how important it is, it can be said that one can not be less, one less may be the reason for the other party's victory.

And this first one was obtained by Liu Zaishi's team.

Everyone went to change their clothes, and then they entered the Sejong Cultural Hall, whether it was the first time they came in or not, anyway, the first thing they came in was amazement.

In fact, everyone has experienced this situation several times, but every time you will have the same feeling, that is, you are too awesome!

Whenever I see such a large empty indoor environment, I will have such an exclamation, as if this place is already their own, but tonight, this venue is indeed theirs, and they can run here at will.

But here I have to say that it is really big, and there is a very luxurious feeling, which is not in the scene I have seen before, this is the first time.

"It's the same here as before~" Jin Zhiguo sighed, he now has a feeling that things are different from people.

Liu Zaishi asked, "Have you been here before?" ", but after asking, he regretted it, because Jin Zhiguo immediately began to show off.

"Of course, I've come many times to receive the prize."

"Can you really shoot here?"

Even if they stand here, they still can't believe that this is the first time it has been made public, that is, the first time to shoot a variety show in the current empty situation.

You can imagine how glorious they are and how trenched SBS is!

Awards ceremonies, film festivals, year-end song battles and other large-scale events will come here.

"Wow! It's so big! "

This is probably all Kim Jae-ho's feelings, for him, there is no difference between here and those previous scenes, he doesn't know the meaning of this, he only knows that tonight is afraid that he will be very tired, after all, the venue is so big, the production team must find ways to let them run all over again.

Liu Zaishi began to talk about the punishment in the morning, similar to the last time, no brushing teeth, no bathing, just such a pure and natural state, add a little buff to his face, and take the subway home.

After being reborn, Kim Jae-ho has not taken the subway, but now, he has no interest in the experience of riding the subway.

Liu Zaishi took everyone to see the stage, they all came here, how could they not come to see the empty stage?

Just like at the beginning, when everyone entered the audience, there was a new round of amazement, a large ceiling, more than 3,000 seats, and a three-story audience seat, which can be said to be a big production.

When I stood on the stage, the lights above the ceiling shot down, wow, this feeling is really, indescribable, at this moment, Kim Jae-ho knew why the singers have been constantly pursuing a bigger stage, thinking that performing here is really cool.

As long as there is a chance to perform, everyone wants to stand here, this is the official definition of here.

"I don't know if you know it, this is one of the top ten performance venues in the world."

"Oh! Are you sure? Daihatsu! "

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, tonight is probably the most sighed Kim Jae-ho has ever heard.

Standing here, there is really a very small feeling, and it is really exciting to perform in such a place.

"Although many people have been here, they rarely see the backstage." Kim said.

"Think about it this way, I've only been on stage before, but it's the first time I've been backstage like this." Liu Zaishi echoed.

"Yes, many people should be curious." Kim said.

The two people are now full of tacit understanding, singing and harmonizing, which has the prototype of the two major mountain ranges of RM.

Such a special opportunity is the benefits brought by participating in RM, if it is not for participating in RM, how can you experience such an experience, and say that you feel lucky.

"What song have you sung here?" Liu Zaishi was curious.

Jin Zhiguo laughed when he heard this, how could this brother think of such a topic?

"You can perform on this stage." Liu Zaishi said it directly, and everyone began to coax, wanting to see Jin Zhiguo reappear on the previous stage.

"How many years was that?"

"96 years." Jin Zhiguo answered without hesitation, this is probably a very impressive thing, it has been so long, and he can remember the date so clearly, I am afraid that the award is very meaningful to him.

At that time, Kim Jiguo's group almost swept all kinds of awards, at that time, he was still a member of the group, not a solo singer, his songs at that time, you may not know the name, but definitely heard, there will always be a vague impression, that was his era!

In 96, were you born?

"Think back to the old days, stand in front and sing it again!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Here?" Jin Zhiguo pointed to the center of the stage, where the spotlight was illuminated, and said with a surprised face.

Liu Zaishi nodded and opened his hands, "This is a unique opportunity prepared for you!" "

"Let me do it here?" Jin Zhiguo asked again.


Finally, Jin Zhiguo, under everyone's gaze, re-stood on this special stage, and the spotlight shone brightly, as if he saw himself back then...

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