Park An-sang looked at the glowing computer screen in front of him, this faint light, he somehow felt a little dazzling now.

The cold sweat on his forehead flowed quietly, and his back was already soaked, and a coolness surged on his body, and this hot summer night was a little cold and frightening.

When his mind was completely drawn from Kim Jae-ho on the screen, he remembered what he was here for...

He didn't come to see Kim Jae-ho!

He came to see the website!

He glanced at Kim Jae-ho on the picture again, the whole person was not good, and he had a cold feeling.

You may wonder why such an exaggeration? Isn't it just a photo, now grab a handful, aesthetics are tired.

But that was eight years ago...

"This effect..."

He knew why he was so gaffe, and it was entirely because of the effect!!

He had never seen such a beautiful picture, and he felt that even if the same photo was used by him as a homepage, he would never be able to achieve this effect.

This beautifies...

This effect...

As a professional, he was directly stunned...

He always thought his page was beautiful, but now that he looks at this, it's unbelievable to compare his own.

What's more, he remembers that it's not just a photo!

He directly closed the website, and then quickly opened it, but at this time, the Internet speed was obviously a little slow, and the page loaded for a while before coming out, which was a little different from the second entry just now.

But he doesn't care, maybe it's his internet speed, and his attention is now completely focused on the page.

"Sure enough, there is a transitional effect!"

When the photo was completely displayed, he was confused again.

Because, the photo that came out this time is different from the one just now, Kim Jae-ho is still the same Kim Jae-ho, but the shape has changed, the set has changed, and the posture has changed, but the same handsomeness.

This time, he just looked at it a few times and didn't look at it, after all, he had just experienced it once, and his immunity now is much better than just now.

More importantly, his attention is now not on the photo at all, but on the effect just now.

It's so beautiful...

Not only that, the switching of that effect is extremely smooth, and he has only now discovered that everything on this web page is extremely smooth, and if there is a description, it is probably silky smooth.

It is pleasing to the eye and extremely comfortable.

He only now feels that his page is extremely blunt, and on this point, he can't compare, no, not only him, maybe many large companies can't compare.

You know, the website, the first glance is very important, in general, you attract at first glance, no matter what, others will be curious to click, traffic will come, traffic will come, there will be advertising what investment to find you, this is very critical, eye-catching!

In this regard, this site is already qualified.

And qualified is an insurance statement.

Very safe...

Very safe...

With this beautification, you can see the designer's skills.

This is of course, this is not only the credit of Kim Jae-ho, it can be said that there are many people's credit, the entire Ministry of Information has made suggestions, because this is to be put on the official website, released here, it is completely an experiment, when the first picture of the official website will be more outstanding!

Park An-shang didn't know this, he clicked, and then, browsing, his fingers slowly slid over the mouse wheel, and the page was slowly scrolling from top to bottom.

Soon, he rolled to the end, after all, it is just a star personal main station, there is no content, especially this star is still Kim Jae-ho, there is no content.

However, when he rolled to the end, Park Anshang was still staring at the screen, and the ten seconds just now had completely refreshed his three views.

The layout of this page...

Park Shilling is now completely confused, and the website can still do this?!!!!

The three English letters M.M.P have refreshed an image in his heart.

What kind of small company is this?!

It's simply a flood beast, right!!

He touched his heart and looked constipated.


I'm sorry!!

Why didn't I enter this company in the first place?!!

Are you stupid????

Is it stupid for such a strong company not to enter?!!


He wants to slap himself hard, if nothing else, he is going to learn new things when he is fighting hard.

At first, I chose a small company for exercise, but now, exercise is exercise, but I definitely don't learn as much as I entered this company!

If nothing else, this layout alone is enough for him to study, not to mention the overall fluency, if he learns this, he can completely impact foreign countries!!

He immediately closed the webpage, opened the recruitment webpage, and looked back at the position he had seen before.


He immediately began browsing other websites, looking at it and gasping for air.

Good fellow, this salary is high, not to mention, this condition has also become extremely harsh, I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to enter.

But fortunately, he is not an average person...

Education, he has, work experience, he has, technology, he also meets ...

What else to say?!


Job hopping!!

Just one word!

If this car is not on again, I am afraid that I will not be able to get on it in the future.

This is probably the fastest decision he has ever made in his life, and there is no one.

Having decided on his life events, he looked back at Kim Jae-ho's personal main station, and this time, the speed of entering was even slower than before, and it could even be said that he was stuck for a while.

He had no idea that it wasn't his net's problem, but that something had happened on the M.M.P.'side!!

"What's going on?!!! Kim Jae-sung asked.

"There are too many people online at the same time, and the server is almost unable to withstand it!"

"How is it possible, is the server for nothing? Are you greedy?! "

"It's the best, but it's not enough, there are too many people online! Much more than expected! "

"So what to do?" Kim Jae-sung asked.

"There are also servers, but they are reserved for the official website that will be launched in the future."

"Leave a fart! Use it for me first! I'll buy it tomorrow! "

"Yes! President! "

Don't look at Kim Jae-seung said so cheerfully, like a local tycoon, but his heart is dripping blood, a server is not cheap, for this website, he has invested enough, just throw money, and now, it seems that more will be smashed.

Kim Jae-seung couldn't help but ask himself, just for the sake of face, is it necessary?

Soon, he got the answer.


It is necessary!

It is very necessary!!

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