A few fresh beings stepped on this unique bus, and after giving the money, what caught their eyes was the scene of the spicy eyes in the back seat.

The black graffiti face grinned, the white teeth were a little dazzling, and the most amazing thing was the pink, which made people can't help but stop and explore.

As soon as the citizens saw the few people who appeared on the TV, their faces immediately bloomed, what is the highest audience group of RM?

Not high-level, not white-collar workers, not elites, but these ordinary citizens who are so ordinary that they can no longer be ordinary, it can be said that even if they wear masks, they can recognize who these people are from the uniforms and figures, let alone simply put on makeup.

Liu Zaishi looked kindly to the two little girls sitting in the front row and looked at them curiously, adults were a little shy because of the camera and did not want to enter the camera, but children did not have so many concerns.

As entertainers, their first reaction to such a cute "polite gaze" of two little girls is to wave and greet them.

It can only be said that fortunately, these two girls are also quite old and their psychological quality is hard enough, otherwise, they may have been scared to cry now.

"Didn't get taken aback, did you?" Chi Shizhen asked kindly, he didn't realize how terrifying it was for his face to probe like this.

But the little girls didn't care, and the fan clothes sister-in-law looked at her relatives with an inquiring gaze, and her expression was completely "Are these really the people you see on TV?" "This feeling.

The little girl in yellow looked more mature, and she covered her mouth and smiled excitedly, not knowing what to do to react.

Seeing such a cute little girl, the members all hoped to become the most popular one, and they all leaned over and asked a little question, wanting to be good.

But the two little girls couldn't do anything except laugh, and they didn't even respond to the conversation, and the members were also cute when they saw this look, and they were also laughing, in fact, they were a little embarrassed, after all, their current appearance is likely to affect the three views of these little girls.

They could only try to look kinder, but their faces limited their thoughts, and everyone in the car stared at them with amused eyes.

Soon, the two little girls calmed down and looked curiously at the most eye-catching Li Guangzhu, who thought that he was the most popular, and also tried to smile to make himself look nicer.

The two little girls looked at his face and were also "whispering~"

"He has writing on his forehead."

"I know~"

"Is Kim Jae-ho the most handsome?"

"Yes, it is Kim Jae-ho who is the most handsome."

Li Guangzhu's face was black, this whisper was inevitably too loud...

Almost the entire car heard it, and they all looked curiously at the crooked Kim Jae-ho handsome words on Lee Kwang-joo's forehead.

Li Guangzhu was embarrassed and just wanted to find a place to hide

It's a shame!!

Unexpectedly, these words turned out to be more lethal than the lethality on his face, and with the assistance of the little girls, it became something that the entire carriage was discussing now.

In a way, he also realized this idea that attracted everyone's attention, but the method was slightly shameful.

A pair of aunts and uncles next to them who looked like husband and wife had to talk to everyone's attention.

"Who is Kim Jae-ho?" The uncle asked a little ignorantly.

"It's the guy who is always lazy." Auntie seems to be a veteran viewer.

"Oooh, he? Is that handsome? The uncle remembered it too.

"yes, it's good."

The uncle nodded while recalling his face, and Li Guangzhu couldn't help but interject on the side.

"It's not! Not handsome at all!! He doesn't look good at all!! "


Li Guangzhu's sincere look directly made everyone laugh.

"Haha, Guangzhu~" Liu Zaishi said.

Li Guangzhu saw that everyone laughed and smiled, and at the same time wanted to pretend to be very angry, plus the pink face, the picture was particularly joyful.

"Ah, when I see Guangzhu's face, I think of his underwear~" Chi Shi vibrated the golden sentence.

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed.

"Yay! Elder brother! "Li Guangzhu is anxious, why did he talk about his underwear again?

In general, this bus is quite happy, although in the end because of the gradual increase in people, everyone took the initiative to give up their seats, but standing is also quite happy.

The main thing is Chi Shizhen, a guy saw the face of Chi Shizhen who suddenly approached, it was he wanted to laugh and was embarrassed to laugh.

Chi Shi Zhen said understandingly, "It's okay if you laugh directly. "

Everyone was amused, and the young man was also embarrassed to laugh when he was discovered, it was the first time he was so close to a star, a little shy.

But Chi Shizhen is indeed very close to the people, and he helps the little brother rub his shoulders while talking, which can be regarded as helping the little brother massage.

"I wish you happiness, we lost, lost and became like this."

A citizen also plucked up the courage to say, "Liu Zaishi, you are so handsome!" "

"Thank you~"

Liu Zaishi also immediately walked out with a smile, shook her hand, and said that he was handsome and a good person.

Chi Shizhen stabbed on the side, "Do you say that this looks handsome?" "

Everyone laughed, Chi Shizhen is true, what big truth is he talking about?

Indeed, Liu Zaishi, who is like this now, looks a little outstanding, and Li Guangzhu can fight, but the eldest sister looks at inner beauty, can you manage it?

Thirty minutes later, everyone got out of the car, took pictures with the citizens who stayed until the end, and finally came to a group photo, and the episode ended.

I don't know how long it has been, anyway, it was just dark when I came, and the sun was just right when I left.

Kim Jae-ho is lying on the big bed where he can turn over a few times (Nono's), because the mattress is very soft and comfortable, and when he gets into bed, he will have a soft feeling of danger, so now he sleeps so comfortably.

After experiencing so much, the energy is also exhausted, it can be said that the sticky bed is sleeping, and the hot weather does not have any effect, because he does not have to pay his own electricity bill, so the air conditioner is almost turned on as long as he is at home, but he has to cover the quilt.

The most comfortable thing is to sleep with the air conditioner covered in the summer with the quilt, and the happiness of curling up really makes people forget the troubles.

The two-story villa is quiet, only the low roar of air conditioning, the prosperity fades, and the stars are just ordinary people.

Work, eating, sleeping, laughing, crying, loneliness, silence, struggle, frustration, stress, all the same, everyone changes.

The difference is that living in front of the camera is what everyone likes, that's their profession, without the camera, they are us..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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