The people on the red team are now so stressed, everyone's expressions are different, holding a racket, looking at the opposite side with full attention, really, I have not played such a dedicated badminton game since I was born.

Although the last round was skipped in the late stage, the blue team won it, and now the final goal of the third leg is 4-4.

It's because this is the last ball, no matter who wins this ball, this round, wins!

Everyone became serious, holding a racket and looking at the yellow shuttlecock in Liu Zaishi's hand with full attention, confronting each other.

"Ah! Wait a minute!! Haha couldn't resist the pressure to say it, so interrupted, everyone's tense nerves were immediately released again.

"Wait a minute, pause!" Haha said.

"What's wrong?" The blue team also asked, while also taking a deep breath to adjust to the state now.

Too nervous to suffocate, they didn't dare to breathe.

"We don't dare to blink~" Jin Zhiguo complained.

Even the invincible ability in the world feels a lot of pressure, and the feeling of playing a ball is like a war is very exciting.

"The pressure is too great to continue, she just broke her acne." Haha is talking about Kim Junying.

Jin Xianying is also haggard, and it is easier to get acne by staying up all night, but it is too much to break.

"Can anyone tell me?! Isn't it just a game? Why so nervous?!!!! Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but complain.

Everyone agreed with this sentence, but they did not speak, I am afraid that it was the first time that they did not want to speak, playing, these people are serious.

"Then count to three." PD also understands, but the game still has to continue dripping.

"Three..." Seven is counting.

"Wait a minute! Don't count! Song Zhongji couldn't help but stop Seven, and the countdown words became even more nervous.

Everyone re-entered the state, and suddenly, Liu Zaishi kicked off.

Jin received the ball dangerously and dangerously, hit back, the blue team immediately shot back, went to the corner, Jin Zhiguo also swung vigorously, looking at the ball going to the back, the blue team everyone was also nervously moving back as a whole, and actually took a few steps back, if you change at the beginning this operation will definitely not be able to do.

After all, everyone is tied to their hands, to be one-minded, that is to say, one person moves, the people next to them have to move, and at the same time, but after so many balls, everyone has a certain tacit understanding, and the strength of the people brought by the heavy pressure grows rapidly.

Come to life!!

The blue team received the ball, and the ball flew straight in front of Kim Jae-ho, and everything depended on whether Kim Jae-ho could catch it.

Seeing the ball coming in front of him, Kim Jae-ho was also very nervous, although he was panicked, but not chaotic, he didn't want to lose! Don't want to!!

He quickly took a step, Kim Junying on both sides tried his best to cooperate with him, Kim Jae-ho seemed to be in the battlefield of one person, at this moment, everyone in the red team was one mind!

Be sure to hit !!

Kim Jae-ho's heart was pounding, and the hand holding the racket swung forward with the strength of his whole body, and the focus of the audience's eyes was on Kim Jae-ho's racket.

Only a sound of "~ bang" was heard, and the ball !!

Kim Jae-ho actually caught the ball at an extreme distance with the top of the little frame of the racket head!!

Everyone only heard a click, and the ball flew high, with a different trajectory than usual, just jumped over the net, a few centimeters from the net, and fell!

Looking at the ball on the other side of the net, everyone in the blue team was already desperate, they had just taken a few steps back in order to receive the ball from Jin Zhiguo, and now, it was simply too late!!

However, how to fight hard, in the moment of reaction, Li Guangzhu Liu Zaishi directly rushed forward, stretching out his hand with all his strength, but even this operation, it was very regrettable to leave the badminton ruler, they knelt on the ground, desperately looked at the badminton that bounced on the ground, and finally lost kinetic energy and lay there quietly.

"Ye ye ye !!!" When the red team saw this result, they cheered instantly, and everyone hugged excitedly, cheered, jumped, and celebrated to their heart's content.

The blue team could only watch all this helplessly.

As a hero, Kim Jae-ho smiled the most, if it weren't for something tied to his hands, he was afraid that he would have to run around the field a few times to vent his current excitement.

Finally, it's my turn to pretend to be forced once!!

It's not easy!!

Finally not slapped in the face!!

People live, do not pretend, what is the difference between that and salted fish?

The enthusiasm cooled down slightly, and Kim Jae-ho quickly began to untie the straps on his hands, which really bound him for a long time.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho was solving, everyone also began to understand, and they almost forgot the existence of this thing.

Kim Jae-ho kept remembering that when he untied it, the upper circle was red, it was very painful, but it was still in the receiving range.

When everyone is ready and gets together again, now in terms of the ball, it is the blue team that loses.

"~ Didn't we win directly? We have more balls. Jin Zhiguo asked.

But PD did not speak, and soon, a staff member came out next to him, pushing a machine that looked like a lottery shaker, and the blue team immediately cheered, which means that they still have a chance.

Kim Jae-ho watched them speechlessly cheer, didn't this be known from the beginning?

He still has a little impression of this lottery, and in the early stage, it is all about this to determine the winner or loser, and the parade of tights is the most interesting~

Soon, PD began to explain the secret of the color of the ball, and Kim Jae-ho looked at him with a confused look to explain, isn't this known to everyone from the beginning?

He was a little frightened, but fortunately he didn't say anything about it, otherwise wouldn't he have become a prophet?

Although he is about the same now.

This incident also reminds himself (Nono's) self to be cautious in words and deeds, and not to say something that everyone does not know now, otherwise it will not be fun to spoil.

The final punishment decision is to put the ball in the machine, that color comes out, that one escapes, it's as simple as that, of course, it's still team mode, and there will be individual mode later.

For these, Kim Jae-ho remembers very well, and he should have seen it and have an impression.

To put it simply, this is a game of character, and the character of this thing, it is really difficult to say, especially for Kim Jae-ho, it is even more confusing, and can never be figured out.

The current record is that there are three red teams and two blue teams, and in terms of probability, the red team has a greater chance of escaping, that is, Kim Jae-ho's team has a greater chance of escaping, in fact, at least two of these balls are the credit of Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho knows that he is very good, but he just doesn't say it, hi ~ Meizzi!! Change! _

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