Everyone saw the cloth on the plate, combined with what Liu Zaishi said, and immediately understood what Liu Zaishi wanted them to do.

The most important thing is that there is a tool that can't even cover the cloth, that exposed big spoon, no, this is clearly the soup spoon is good?

"I'm really going crazy!!" Jin Zhiguo grabbed his hand nervously, crying and laughing at the things in Liu Zaishi's hand, where is this coffee? It's a human life!

"You choose No. 5~" Liu Zaishi said and wanted to lift the cloth to take a look, and Jin Zhiguo also immediately held his hand.

"Yay! Don't look! "Jin Zhiguo is also very nervous, afraid of being fooled.

Haha said on the side, "Number one, number one." "

"What are you going to choose?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Jin Zhiguo was a very suspicious person and did not listen to their opinions, but chose number two.

"Number two." Jin Zhiguo said while also looking at the things in Liu Zaishi's hand uneasily.

Liu Zaishi also rummaged around, but suddenly said, "Hey, this is the number two..."

I saw that what he was holding in his hand was the large soup spoon that had been recorded at the beginning.

Jin Zhiguo heard the news and the whole person was blinded, but he did see that the big soup spoon in Liu Zaishi's hand also had No. 2 written on it, and the whole person was not good in an instant, and his heart was also mixed, and he didn't know what to say, and he watched speechlessly as Liu Zaishi took a large spoonful of coffee.

But Liu Zaishi is also very good, not completely full, but because the soup spoon is very large, it is also a lot.

"What to do, doesn't brother not drink coffee?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the big spoonful of coffee and suddenly thought.

Jin Zhiguo could only laugh speechlessly when he heard it, he was afraid that he would directly drink all his life's coffee.

The most ridiculous thing is not this, but after Liu Zaishi filled the coffee, he asked Jin Zhiguo, "Here, what size do you want sugar?" "

Jin Zhiguo heard the direct laughter, and everyone was also laughing, this is also too special to bully, right?

But when they thought that this was also what they were going to experience next, the laughter turned into a bitter smile, the helpless kind, they knew that the production team would not be such a good person, but they didn't expect it to be so late.

"Do you want to choose sugar too?" Jin Zhiguo asked again uncertainly.

"Of course, what number do you want?" Liu Zaishi is also not at all emotional, looks very serious, in fact, he may not know how many times he has laughed in his heart.

"Pick number five, number five." Liu Zaishi began to recommend again, the same number five, and he has been saying number five since just now.

"Number five?" Kim Junguo asked.

"I recommend it~"

"Why do you always tell me to pick number five?" Jin Zhiguo was puzzled and always felt that there would be a conspiracy.

"Then you choose something else~" Liu Zaishi said dignifiedly.

Seeing Liu Zaishi's appearance, combined with the fact that Liu Zaishi did not lie to himself last time, Jin Zhiguo resolutely chose to believe Liu Zaishi.

"Then number five!"


Liu Zaishi said, taking out an ear-digging spoon directly from under the cloth.

Everyone saw the instant dissatisfaction, "Aaaaaa What is this?!!! "

Liu Zaishi also ignored these complaints, and did not hurry to dig out an ear spoon of sugar with an ear digging spoon, only a little, put it in the cup, that is, a little white in the ten thousand black bushes, it can be said that it is very happy.

Everyone felt ridiculous laughing, Jin Zhiguo is afraid to be cold, such a pole and extreme, no matter which one is chosen, it is a sin, and the two of them are like Jin Zhiguo, it is simply a great crime.

If at the beginning Liu Zaishi was for the good of Jin Zhiguo, knowing that Jin Zhiguo did not drink coffee so he recommended No. 5, it was really better than Jin Jian, but the latter one would not come back, that is, he wanted to dig a hole for Jin Zhiguo to step on, love and kill each other, which is about these two people who have known each other for ten years.

Liu Zaishi added water to Jin Zhiguo's cup, stirred it with a spoon, and smiled when he looked at himself, "This is Chinese medicine~"

It's bitter to watch.

The next two are Song Zhongji and Kim Junying, both of whom chose well and chose the most appropriate one, but chose the same number.

"Yay! Why didn't you change it?! "Kim found a problem.

"No time to change." Liu Zaishi solved the problem.

Jin Zhiguo wanted to complain, but Liu Zaishi interrupted.

"What do you want to choose?"

Looking at Liu Zaishi's smiling and groaning look, Kim Jae-ho felt cold, and when he thought about it carefully, he only heard Sun Danfei in the distance say, "No. 2." "

"Number two!" Kim Jae-ho didn't think much about it and decided directly.

"Number two?" Liu Zaishi rummaged out a spoon from under the cloth, and as soon as he took it out, everyone instantly burst into laughter.

"Oh!!!" Kim Jae-ho scolded directly and stood up.

Why is Kim Jae-ho so excited?

Just because Liu Zaishi, who was smiling and groaning, was holding a spoon in his hand that was larger than the soup spoon that Jin Zhiguo had just now, he didn't know what kind of spoon it was.

"What is this?! Just kidding?! Kim Jae-ho was also speechless, where is a spoon hidden here, hidden so well, it doesn't show its head.

Everyone thought that Jin Zhiguo took the biggest, but they didn't expect that there was even bigger.

The production team was about to turn over with laughter, and Sun Danfei, the initiator, laughed the moment he saw the spoon come out.

"It's No. 2, yes, take a look for yourself, it's really No. 2." Liu Zaishi said.

"Wow... The mentality collapsed..." Kim Jae-ho slumped in his seat, wondering if God was playing with himself.

"Bring the cup quickly, you can't escape." Liu Zaishi didn't give Kim Jae-ho any time, and said it directly, and Kim Jae-ho could only helplessly stretch out the cup.

Liu Zaishi directly dug a spoonful, and everyone burst into laughter.

"The portion is very small~" Liu Zaishi comforted.

Kim Jae-ho also unwillingly stretched out the cup, and Liu Zaishi took it.

But Jin Zhiguo suddenly pointed and said, "This is very little!" How is it similar to mine? Let's add a little more. "

He actually felt that Liu Zaishi gave Kim Jae-ho too little, less than his own.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Junguk dumbfounded and shouted, "Yay! Elder brother!!!! "

"We're a team!! Why do this to me?!!! "

Kim Jae-ho had a feeling of being betrayed and was very upset.

Jin Junguo smiled wickedly and explained, "I just want to be fun." "

"Wow! It's really..." Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Junguk dumbfounded.

"So what's next?" Sugar. Liu Zaishi said.

"Brother, recommend one to me." Kim Jae-ho looked at Liu Jae-seok sincerely, just begging to let it go.

"Number four, number four, I recommend number four." Liu Zaishi also looked at Kim Jae-ho, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Good! Elder brother! I believe you! Just number four!! Kim Jae-ho made a direct decision.

"Number four, come." Liu Zaishi said and felt out a spoon from under the cloth...

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