The game says that this short and fat figure is not good, but for girls in the variety show industry, this figure is very eye-catching, very delicious, first of all, regardless of winning or losing, this game Jin Shenying has brought enough laughs to everyone, it can be said that this person is easy to remember by everyone.

But it is true that this round is also the period of Jin Xunying's suffering, and she walked back weakly when her stomach was attacked, Sun Danfei smiled embarrassedly, and Liu Zaishi sighed.

"It's the first time I've seen someone pinch Kim Shin-young's belly hahaha"

"Wow, Danfei..." Jin Xunying sighed while touching his stomach and walking back with a painful face.

"This is the essence of the game~" Liu Zaishi concluded while supporting Jin Xuanying.

Everyone also cooperated with Kim Junying to react.

"My stomach laughs so much..." Sun Danfei stood weakly, his face a little red.

Next is the duel between Seven and Song Zhongji, after all, the guests are coming, let the guests go first, and the same as Seven is only Zhongji.

While they were preparing, Sun Danfei and Jin Xuanying, who were still fighting hard just now, now have a good relationship to help each other pull out the bucket stacked on their feet, and everyone still has a good relationship outside the game.

Although it's a little confusing...

"Want to help?" Kim Jae-ho

When Kim Jae-ho saw it, he also walked over, and walked around by the way to familiarize himself with the operation under his feet.

Sun Danfei saw that it was Kim Jae-ho coming, and also smiled and nodded, and then with the help of Kim Jae-ho, he also forcefully pulled out the bucket on one of Kim Jae-young's feet, Kim Xunying was quite comfortable lying on the ground, like a grandfather, and leisurely changed one foot, so that Kim Jae-ho and Sun Danfei continued to help.

But I have to say that the stack is quite stable, Kim Jae-ho is notoriously weak in strength, and the force application site is only four fingers, which is very uncomfortable, and the two people have not succeeded in using the power of the flood waste.

Soon everyone from the blue team also came to help, Liu Zaishi arrived first, and Chi Shizhen Li Guangzhu was behind.

The three people worked hard together, suddenly, the barrel was violently pumped out, Liu Zaishi directly lost his balance because of excessive force, and kept going back, and he also pulled Kim Jae-ho in a hurry.

Kim Jae-ho was caught by Liu Zaishi and fell back unprepared, and Sun Danfei next to him also subconsciously wanted to grab Kim Jae-ho's hand, but Kim Jae-ho dodged her hand and directly grabbed Lee Guangzhu next to him when he fell, but he was so undead that he grabbed Lee Guangzhu's pants.

Instantly, a spicy pink color appeared in everyone's eyes, and the fallen Kim Jae-ho was still pulling Li Guangzhu's pants in his hand, and Li Guangzhu's pants were directly taken off by him...

Li Guangzhu was also directly sat on the ground by Kim Jae-ho's sudden pull, the pink panties were perfectly exposed to the air, and Sun Danfei, who was facing him, did not dare to look at it, covering his eyes.

Because Liu Zaishi lost his balance alone, it also caused four people to lie on the ground, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen were already on the ground without knowing what happened, Chi Shizhen and Liu Zaishi were rolling together, and the scene was very hilarious.

Li Guangzhu only felt that it was slightly cool below, and immediately wanted to put his pants on after reacting, but fortunately, Kim Jae-ho reacted quickly, and when he knew what happened, especially when the pink color in front of him, he also immediately put his pants up to Li Guangzhu.

Even so, everyone should see or see, Li Guangzhu blushed so much that he didn't say anything, anyway, it was very embarrassing.

Kim Jae-ho saw Lee Kwang-joo's embarrassed look, and he was also rolling with laughter.

Everyone accused Li Guangzhu, but rest assured, Li Guangzhu will be coded in the later stage hahaha, and the production team is very happy.

After Li Guangzhu stood up, he was speechless when he saw Kim Jae-ho who was about to die of laughter on the ground, the initiator was him, but it was just an accident, and it was he who put his pants up at the first time, in general, it was still a little human, but why was it so unpleasant.

Lee Kwang-joo walked over speechlessly and Kim Jae-ho pulled up, Kim Jae-ho saw Lee Kwang-joo's hand in front of him, and also grabbed and stood up, and an indescribable emotion appeared on Li Guangzhu's feet.

"Aaaaaa!!a Foot, foot, foot!!! Lee Kwang-joo patted Kim Jae-ho's foot.

It turned out that when Kim Jae-ho stood up, he accidentally stepped on Lee Kwang-joo's foot, which was the edge of a bucket, and it hurt.

Everyone laughed, today is probably the Good Friday of Light Pearl, it is simply possessed by the god of variety shows, this minute is simply a sky show, show a wave of operations, tell everyone, unlucky people, what should be like.

Of course, it is still indispensable to Kim Jae-ho's divine assist, and these two people together seem to cause some wonderful chemical reaction, which directly makes the unlucky light bead become even more unlucky than the original.

But everyone laughed at that time, the exhaustion of the late night disappeared in an instant, replaced by joy, Sun Danfei laughed until his stomach hurt, and Kim Jae-ho sat next to Sun Danfei, he is now minimizing his walking.

Now that they were watching the round of Qi and Song Zhongji, Sun Danfei asked Kim Jae-ho sitting next to him curiously.

"Have you always been so funny?"

Sun Danfei is afraid that he has finished laughing tonight, and his mouth is a little soft now.

"Almost." Kim Jae-ho smiled.

"I envy you guys." Sun Danfei said.

"Envy?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Sun Danfei unexpectedly.

"Yes, envy." Sun Danfei said, as if there was something else in his eyes.

Kim Jae-ho shrugged his shoulders, did not care, indeed should be envied, although tired, but can play with this group of people, is also a very happy thing, in the previous life he was also envious, but in this life, he is also lucky, directly involved.

Song Zhongji and their are about to start, Kim Jae-ho stands back in the group, next to Haha Ge, he stands on the outermost.

At the beginning, Song Zhongji and they were full of gunpowder.

"However, if Seven returns after three years, can it also win him?" Song Zhongji is very confident.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know where his courage came from, anyway, he felt that Song Zhongji was afraid of losing, after all, Qi seemed to be a very strong and very competitive kind of person.

Sure enough, Seven also said without admitting defeat, "I can win too, right?" "

The game was about to break out, I originally thought that they would play a game, but afterwards I didn't expect that halfway through the time they suddenly hugged together and provoked a waltz, it was also a must, these two people, talent!

The result of this round was as expected, seven wins, and then, Kim Jae-ho is ready to go...

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