There are two obstacles on the game path, the first is two low railings, and the second is to superimpose the barrel on your feet, then pick up the tower-like objects on the ground, go around the cylinder, and return to the starting point.

In Li Guangzhu's desperate eyes, Haha steadily stepped on all the barrels on his feet, and he was victorious at the sight, but he didn't expect that when he came to the last step, that is, when he picked up the tower-like model on the ground, he was stuck!

I saw that he was bending forward in one position, touching his feet, and his whole body was almost stacked together, but he couldn't touch the tower-like model on the ground!!

That's a lot of fishing!

No matter how hard you try, you must know that the lower back is very painful, but because it is too short, you can't touch the model on the ground.

"Hahahaha! Haha!! Liu Zaishi laughed while looking at the hard work with distress.

"Haha, it's too short~" Everyone found this scene and laughed loudly, even if it was a team, it was speechless.

"What to do? It's so pitiful hahaha~" Kim Jae-ho said pitifully, but he couldn't help but want to laugh.

That struggling short body, looking so helpless, so melancholy, he kept pressing down, has exerted all the strength of the body, but still can't do it, this is no way, this is a matter of talent.

No way, it's short!

No matter what, it is out of reach, Jin Xunying also pities him, and emits the same short wail, as the same short person, she understands the helplessness of haha best.

But laughing and laughing, Kim Jae-ho suddenly realized that if he kept doing this, he would lose if he didn't get it right!

"Not good! To kneel!! Hahaah! Come on!! "

But shouting cheers was useless, Kim Jae-ho began to use his brain, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Brother!! Spread your legs!! Open!!!! "

Kim Jae-ho suddenly thought of how to pick up something on the ground, that is, to spread his legs.

Kim Junguo, who was anxious on the side, also immediately remembered when he heard Kim Jae-ho's words, and shouted, "Spread your legs!! "

At this time, the blue team also hurried a few more people to go up to help Li Guangzhu tie up, hoping that he could leave quickly.

But on the other side, Haha had already split his legs under everyone's prompts, and immediately got the model on the ground, and quickly started running again.

"That's right! That's it!!! Hurry up!!! Kim Junguk shouted, and Kim Jae-ho was also cheering on on the side.

At this time, Li Guangzhu also set off again, but it was useless, haha missed his body, and soon reached the starting point with the cheers of the red team.

But Li Guangzhu is Li Guangzhu after all, he didn't have to spread his legs, and he easily got the model on the ground, but unexpectedly, he actually fell again when he turned back, and what people couldn't bear to look at directly was that this fall directly threw his underwear out.

Sun Danfei immediately saw it, and turned his head with a smile and did not dare to look.

“Pink! Pink!!!! Hahahaha!!! Kim Jae-ho immediately found the leaking panties and immediately pointed and shouted pink, for fear that others would not see it.

Everyone also immediately saw Lee Kwang-joo's exposed panties under Kim Jae-ho's instructions, pink and very angry.

Kim Jae-ho thought that he liked pink alone, but he didn't expect that Lee Kwang-joo directly had pink underwear, these people can really play, Kim Jae-ho can't do it, it's really too coquettish~

But Li Guangzhu ignored it and seriously stepped on the funny step to return to the starting point, but his walking posture made his pants go down even further, revealing more content.

"Ah!!" Sun Danfei was about to cover his face, hiding to the side and not daring to look at the pink that floated in front of him.

Others laughed, fortunately, Li Guangzhu still turned back to the starting point smoothly, but the miserable thing is that he fell again at the starting point, it seems that the height is not all good, at least the balance is not as good as haha, haha's center of gravity is low, very stable.

"The pants fell off!!" Sun Danfei said with a smile.

"Ah! What is this doing? Jin Xuanying stared with disgust.

"No, I saw the underwear, I have to turn my head so much, but you point to the underwear and underwear, what is the matter?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Jin Shenying explained, "The butt is like a peach, and the peach just came out bulging~"

Li Guangzhu felt so embarrassed that he wanted to cover his face, he was all focused on the game, and he didn't notice that his underwear was exposed, and now he was embarrassed.

"Wow~ I thought only I liked pink~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"As soon as it was revealed just now, Kim Jae-ho immediately pointed and said pinkpink, hahaha!" Liu Zaishi also discovered this.

"No way, it's really too eye-catching." Kim Jae-ho mercilessly continued to mend Lee Kwang-joo's knife, and Lee Kwang-joo was ashamed but could not find a place to hide, so he had to mercilessly accept the ridicule of everyone, especially from Kim Jae-ho.

The next group is Sun Danfei and Jin Junying, and the duel between the two women should be very good-looking.

Because of the success of the last round of haha, this time Alloy Zaihao also continued to tie the tape, and the others tied him uneasily, didn't see that Li Guangzhu lost because of the problem of the tape, he had to be careful and careful.

Tied a few times, he has almost become an expert, knows how to bind the strongest, Kim Jihao is also tied, that is familiar in advance, but also Kim Jae-ho helped, Kim Ji-guo has been gone for a long time, but also very stable, which also proves Kim Jae-ho's binding strength.

Just as he was carefully helping Kim Yoon-young tie up, Liu Zaishi looked at the attentive Kim Jae-ho in the back and thought.

I saw that he carefully went around behind Kim Jae-ho, and then used a tape to connect a bucket with a microphone tied behind Kim Jae-ho, that is, tied together, and successfully made an iron bucket tail for Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho didn't notice the movement behind him at all because of his attention, but when he stood up, he found something wrong.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the iron bucket tied to his butt, and then met Liu Zaishi's eyes.

Liu Zaishi saw that Kim Jae-ho found out, and he couldn't help but laugh when he looked at him.

"Yay!! What is this?!!!!!! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, helplessly walking a few steps, the iron bucket dragged behind him, seeing this funny scene, everyone couldn't help it.

Li Guangzhu saw and finally seized the opportunity to laugh, laughing very hard, especially relieved, a feeling that you also have today.

Kim Jae-ho looked at him speechlessly, thinking that this child was afraid of being sick, and he didn't think at all that he had done the same thing a few minutes ago.

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