At the entrance at the bottom of the South Hill Tower, members of the red team entered the arena cheering with balls and laughing like piles of children.

After a few jokes, the familiar "entrance and exit blockade" video began to play again, and it seemed that today was going to run inside this tower.

Unlike before, the citizens in this tower can't enter, so only the members and the production team can also concentrate more on the arts.

But to everyone's surprise, this video turned out to be Kim Yuna explaining the task, wow, this person even knows Kim Jae-ho, so I didn't introduce it much.

In general, it is a figure skater, a very powerful player, as for how powerful, go to Baidu yourself.

Anyway, just showing up, everyone is already very excited, staring at the screen, completely trapped.

But at the end, she actually responded to Liu Zaishi alone, and everyone stared at Liu Zaishi enviously, complaining about why she only cheered him up alone.

Liu Zaishi also explained triumphantly in the face of everyone's voice, "I personally actually know Miss Yan'er, and she has been on the show twice with me. "

"Wow, so envious, so envious~" Song Zhongji said on Kim Jae-ho's shoulder.

I don't know when the relationship between these two people became so good, but Kim Jae-ho is very happy, he now has Song Zhongji, Wu has Kim Jiguo, who said that he has no friends in the entertainment industry?

Isn't that what it is?

"All of our RunningMan work hard, why only mention Liu Zaishi's name?" Jin Zhiguo can be said to be very envious.

"Ah~ Although everyone is working hard, she only has this great expectation for me, so I must win today..."

Jin Zhiguo immediately smiled when he heard it, and the black question mark face looked at Liu Zaishi.

What kind of logic this is, everyone did not understand.

Liu Zaishi also brazenly said, "So we have to win~"

"Wow, look at Brother Zaishi's proud look, it's true! ~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's just ~" Haha and Song Zhongji also agreed, it was really too annoying.

But after all, he was given by Kim Yuna alone, and everyone is the same, and Kim Jae-ho's words may be excited to dance.

Liu Zaishi quickly changed the topic, "Does everyone know today's punishment?" "

"What?" Everyone is curious.

"I don't brush my teeth, I don't bathe my hair, I don't comb my hair, and I use public transportation facilities to go home like a sweat."

Hearing this, Jin Zaihao suddenly panicked, "My home is in Anyang!" "

Everyone laughed when they heard it, Nanshan to Anyang has to change buses several times~

"I want to win unconditionally today! Today! Jin Zhiguo immediately said that if he lost, he would be miserable, and he went to squeeze the bus with a stinky sweat, and there was no image at all.

Seeing Jin Zhiguo's panicked look, everyone laughed, and at the same time thought of Li Guangzhu, who was also far away, "Guangzhu, where is your home?" "

"I'm Nanyang Zhou..." said Li Guangzhu with a wry smile.

Hearing this answer, everyone laughed again, it can be said that they are probably the worst.

But in fact, it is a matter of changing buses a few times, after all, the country is not big, it can even be said to be small, of course, it depends on what it compares.

"Where is your home?" Song Zhongji asked Kim Jae-ho next to him.

"Cheongdam Cave." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh, that's not far." Song Zhongji said.

"Then come to my house next time to play~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes." Song Zhongji readily agreed.

In this way, Kim Jae-ho may welcome his first guest, of course, Lee Kwang-joo does not count, he is just passing by and is not a guest, after all, he did not bring anything.

Kim Jae-ho is very familiar with Song Zhongji, compared to other actors, after all, he has watched one of the few TV series "Descendants of the Sun", this TV series he watched twice, when he can say it, he has been chasing, Lee Kwang-joo also made a cameo appearance in it, mainly because Korean dramas are indeed short, even if they are brushed twice, it is actually quite fast.

It is indeed good-looking, Song Zhongji is indeed handsome inside, the man is also very fan-absorbing, and the picture is also beautiful.

After watching it for a long time, I accidentally heard the song "Say! Do? When the prelude to this episode sounded, it was very moving, and even felt like crying, a little exaggerated, but true.

Cheongdam-dong is indeed not far away, in Gangnam District, and then far from Seoul to Seoul, after all, whether it is Cheongdam-dong or Namsan, one in Jung-gu and one in Gangnam, it is all within Seoul, and the home of Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Junguk is outside Seoul.

Most celebrities live in Seoul, especially Cheongdam-dong or something, and celebrities generally live in the cave to facilitate work.

Kim Chengguo did not move because he has always lived with his parents, and Lee Kwang-joo has his own home there because he is rich, and you can see the episode of the raid on Li Kwang-joo's home, which is also funny.

But this punishment was not exciting enough for Liu Zaishi, and he proposed to add another punishment, that is, painting on the face.

The scary thing is that everyone actually thinks that this decision is good, Kim Jae-ho looks at these people blankly, have they never thought that they will lose?

The truth is, they even took the initiative to perfect the proposal, which is to use unwashable paint, the kind that you can't simply erase with your hands.

Kim Jae-ho looked at them dumbfounded and didn't speak, these people are gods and demons? A traitor among us?

Isn't that something the production team wants to do?

Shouldn't they be actively evasive?

Is this kind of initiative to get on the gun is Shi Lezhi?

Life is inherently hard. Why give yourself some excitement?

Of course, undedicated people like Kim Jae-ho can't figure it out, after all, the members are going for the comedic effect, that is, doing their best to be funny, the worse the punishment, the better it looks, this is inevitable.

Now, only Kim Jae-ho treats this as a game, while everyone else treats it as a career.

"In that case, you can't lose," Kim muttered.

Song Zhongji heard and looked at him, and found that his eyes were unprecedentedly firm, at first glance it seemed to be igniting a flame, Song Zhongji also couldn't help it, he is not so afraid of this actor, what is Kim Jae-ho afraid of?

Kim Jae-ho has always been going to the most handsome road, especially to mix into the crowd with a stinky sweat, which simply affects the appearance of the city!

Absolutely not!!

Maybe only Kim Jae-ho really doesn't want to lose, and everyone is still discussing with interest how to increase the difficulty of punishment.

But in the end, the punishment was decided this time, which is what I just said, everyone seemed to be quite interested in the punishment, everyone was smiling, only Kim Jae-ho was the name of their company in his heart, it was M.M.P...

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