The men clapped their hands, although they also clapped their hands and smiled in welcome, but this time the reaction gave people a completely different feeling.

Sun Danfei, the queen of the music industry, recently released her fourth album "thequeen" is a hit.

As a solo singer, it can be said that Sun Danfei has been very popular from the beginning, debuted as a singer in 07, recorded my knot, won a variety of music programs, won awards, acted in TV series, and won the Acting Award Rising Star Award.

And this now latest four albums will soon win the 19th Song Awards Award.

Synnara Music debuted, not S.M., a record label.

With an eight-headed figure, delicate facial features, and characteristic dance strength, she is simply a heavyweight guest with the title of female version of Rain.

In general, just look at the reaction of the men, they are going crazy.

Unlike Kim Shin-young, the men's first reaction when they saw her was startled and visibly paused, before remembering to cheer and applaud.

Haha's mouth was up, and a group of men obviously didn't believe what was happening in front of them.

The time is so beautiful, you are so beautiful, how should I deal with myself, I don't know, just applaud.

The most terrible thing is that when she turned around, everyone saw that the place on her waist should be to save fabric, and a large piece was gone, revealing the smooth skin of her waist.

The gaffer desperately lit her up, creating a very beautiful feeling, but no need, even if she turned around, everyone would cheer people, no need for these virtual ones.

Liu Zaishi didn't know what to say, with a smile on his face, looking at her, he couldn't believe it, just followed his instincts, subconsciously gave way for her, and then stared at people, and didn't dare to look elsewhere, only dared to look at the face.

She naturally hugged Jin Xuanying, and the two looked like poles and poles, and they were particularly happy when they hugged each other, almost two heads higher than her.

"Ouch, it's nice to see you." Liu Zaishi said official words.

Chi Shizhen is different, very direct, and directly wants to have a loving hug, but he was pulled by Liu Zaishi, who was quick in his eyes.

Seeing the bickering of the two of them, Sun Danfei smiled like a flower, and looked very happy for everyone's enthusiastic expression.

There was only one person in the audience, and everyone's reaction was different, that person was Kim Jae-ho.

To be honest, he doesn't know who Sun Danfei is, you want her to see the appearance and call her name, he can't do it, you say the name, he may have a little impression.

His understanding of Korean entertainment is limited to a few variety shows.

For him, IU is a goddess, Song Zhixiao is a very good person, and other beautiful women are just beautiful people.

In fact, he was a little out of his mind, everyone was cheering, welcoming the arrival of the goddess, but he was thinking, why didn't Song Zhixiao come tonight?

But it's not interesting to ask, probably busy filming, the next episode should have, then tonight, a little boring ...

Kim Junguo saw that Kim Jae-ho was born, and gently touched Kim Jae-ho with his elbow, and Kim Jae-ho came back to his senses, and a person clapped there, and everyone had stopped.

When Jin Zaihao came back to his senses, he met Sun Danfei's look and confirmed the look, well, just like that, it's quite beautiful.

Kim Jae-ho stopped and looked at Liu Jae-seok.

Liu Zaishi suddenly stepped back and looked at Li Guangzhu, "Guangzhu and Sun Danfei come..."

Li Guangzhu immediately bowed to Sun Danfei.


He smiled and said hello.

"I've seen you recently, do you remember?" Li Guangzhu looked at Sun Danfei expectantly.

But after Sun Danfei heard it, he looked confused.

"When ????"

She asked Li Guangzhu bluntly.

Li Guangzhu's original smile instantly converged, and a trace of embarrassment pervaded.


"Yes, I will try to make a good impression on you." Li Guangzhu looked at Sun Danfei and said, with a serious face, how pitiful it looked.

Everyone burst into laughter instantly.


A loud laugh broke into everyone's ears, and everyone saw that it turned out to be Kim Jae-ho, holding his stomach there and laughing until he couldn't do it, and finally simply lay on the ground and rolled a few times.

Laugh to the ground is there ~

Kim Jae-ho obviously seized the opportunity to avenge a smile, and retribution came so quickly.

Li Guangzhu was also angry when he saw this scene, looking at Kim Jae-ho who laughed until he was about to break his breath in front of him, and couldn't help but run up and kicked Kim Jae-ho angrily, and everyone quickly grabbed him.

The performance of these two people made everyone laugh to the point of no, it was really funny.

Of course, Li Guangzhu's kick was not kicked, just to make a look, but that angry look made everyone think that he really kicked, worthy of being an actor.

These two people who are the same as the wrong family made the newcomer Sun Danfei feel this atmosphere, and he was also laughing.

Today, from the beginning, it was also a humiliating light bead, and this joyful opening made everyone send it down, even Sun Danfei.

Jin Shenying saw it but felt that she had to work hard, these people are so funny, she is a little pressured...

Even her, a senior, is very stressed in the face of Kim Jae-ho, she also sighs, the current newcomer is really too powerful, the sense of artistic ability is so strong...

Even if I don't know what happened just now, I probably understand it when I see the people around me smiling so happily.

What she didn't know was that Kim Jae-ho was completely casual, retaliating against Lee Kwang-joo's laughter just now, and he didn't go for artistic performance at all.

Just as Kim Jae-ho got up, another person came in the distance, se7en, that is, Choi Dong-wook, referred to as seven.

comeback, who has been absent for three years, like Sun Danfei, is also a solo singer, and 03 released a single to debut as an artist of YG.

His new specialist is now number one in the sales real-time charts.

By the way, he is now in a state of public love, which was made public a year ago.

In general, a very good male singer.

"Ah! SE7EN! When did you come back? Why don't you come back without saying a word? Liu Zaishi hurriedly went up to pretend to be kind, and everyone could only watch him show.

"Just came back." Qi seemed a little uncomfortable with Liu Zaishi's enthusiasm, but he was also very happy.

"Ouch, you have to contact~" Liu Zaishi said.

Geng Zhi's Chi Shizhen couldn't stand it.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chi Shizhen looked at Liu Zaishi strangely.

Liu Zaishi quickly explained that everyone was very close.

Seven also came with a procedural greeting, saying that he came back with a new album, that is, to promote the new album.

To be honest, people are called normal artists, either making works or on the way to promote works.

In this regard, Kim Jae-ho should study hard.

However, Kim Jae-ho looked at him, and his mind went blank.

"Who is this person?"

This is the voice in his heart now, Kim Jae-ho suddenly found that he actually knew very few people, these people he didn't know, as an MC, this is a very embarrassing thing.

Fortunately, he is not the main MC, so he clapped and applauded with everyone and pretended to know.

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