Square, Science and Technology Museum, Blue Sky, White Clouds, Steps, Kim Jae-ho...

The wind is bustling, the sun is just right, the camera is dim, and the aperture of one ring after another makes Jin Zaihao golden, and with a slight movement, the lens returns to normal.

Kim Jae-ho sat on the steps, looking at the scenery alone, with a few words in the subtitles, Kim Jae-ho who was the first to change his clothes.

This tranquility, the audience does not want to disturb, this painting style, extremely healing, you will unconsciously calm down, look at Kim Jae-ho, look at Kim Jae-ho in the lens...

You will be amazed that it turns out that variety shows can have such a healing feeling.

At this time, a fairy flew into the picture, she carried her back hand, smiled, stepped on small white shoes and jumped in the camera, this liveliness did not destroy this beautiful picture at all, but added a touch of agility.

Why is this picture so good-looking? Of course, because the best camera is used, here I have to boast that this film crew has a lot of money, and the equipment used is really good.

All the good is just in time.

When they saw Kim Jae-ho moving his butt with a smile, the girls were instantly fanned by such a small action from him.

What a gentleman!!!

Then there is the interaction of the two people, Jung so-yan, who laughs crazy, and Kim Jae-ho, who is helpless, forming a good-looking picture.

The audience almost thought that this was another filming of "We Are Married", but fortunately, Liu Zaishi's appearance brought everyone back to reality, which is still the familiar RunningMan, but the scene just now made many female audiences be fanned by these two people.

When everyone almost called CPCALL for these two good-looking people, the interaction between Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo brought back a city for the "Zhizai" CP fans.

Conan's general detail fans saw something different from ordinary fans, that is, only Kim Jae-ho found Song Jihyo who was covered by Jessica's light.

Wind and Rain Room, the interaction between Kim Jae-ho and Jung so-yan, Trilobite, Song Ji-hyo kicks Kim Jae-ho into the water, Jung so-yan plays for the second time, Kim Jae-ho and Kim Ji-guk perfectly cooperate in diving, Spartan's debut, the title of the capable, Yoo Jae-seok's hiding, the hot-blooded blue team rounding up Yoo Jae-seok, the lazy duo, the game of the trash can.

This more than an hour of RunningMan, is simply a complete visual feast, laughing breathlessly, not to mention the degree of excitement, almost every frame is meaningful, some people even feel not too addicted, want to watch it again, really watch it again on the Internet, even if they know the laughter, they feel funny.

And in addition to funny, there is something else, not only the laughter inside, but also the laughter outside the laughter.

Kim Jae-ho's performance in this episode is also outstanding, but not only Kim Jae-ho, this episode, other people's performances are wonderful and funny.

Especially Jessica, gave everyone a big surprise, has always been known as the queen of icebergs, but this time she was able to integrate into the show so quickly, and contributed a lot of laughs, but also let everyone completely change her opinion, you can know that she will definitely have a lot of variety show invitations next.

The name of the capable person was set, and everyone was surprised that the capable person was so strong!

The capable person finally showed his strong side, that paragraph is simply a classic shot of a variety show, and Spartan's dubbing is also full of joy.

In this episode, everyone sees no longer Kim Jae-ho's personal show, it is simply more blossoms, a hundred flowers, everyone has their own outstanding place, this team is so harmonious, even the performance of Ni Kun who contributed the least to laughter is remarkable, not to mention Ji Shizhen, the middle diving and Song Zhixiao's mutual choking let everyone know, the sword is not old, your uncle is still your uncle!

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling in a daze.

He lay in bed and always felt like he had forgotten something, but the problem was, he forgot what he had forgotten...

There's nothing wrong with this logic, right?

There is indeed nothing wrong ~

Tonight he finished reading the book "After School", it's okay, it's good, but I always feel like I forgot something.

This state began when he lay in bed until the mobile phone next to him rang, and when he saw the mark "the cutest girl in the world", he finally remembered.

"Hello? Who are you? "It's coming over the phone.

"Eh... Didn't you call me?! Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

"Blame Oppa, you didn't call me once! I don't even know if this is your call!! The breathy voice came from the other side of the phone, and cute seemed to be able to see through the phone.

"Okay, good, blame me, blame me, my fault, aren't you a girlhood? Not busy? I'm afraid to disturb you...," Kim Jae-ho explained.

That's right, it's Jessica on the other side of the phone.

"What~ Isn't the phone just for calling? Why else do you want my phone number? Even if I'm busy, I'll look for you when I'm done. "

"Okay, okay, so what's the matter with this cutest girl in the world looking for me?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that one I called casually, Oppa don't care, just change it back~" Laughter came from the other side of the phone.

"No, it's good that this one, don't change it~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"fffffff, whatever, by the way, Oppa, have you seen tonight's relaxation?" Jung so-yeon asked.

"Eh... Look, what's wrong? Kim Jae-ho hesitated.

"Oppa, it's not good to lie~" Jung so-yeon immediately saw through Kim Jae-ho.

"Okay, I'll admit, I forgot, I always felt like I forgot something tonight, but it's okay, it's the same tomorrow on the Internet." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Dafa! Opa, how can you even forget this?! I called all the people from our team to come and see, Oba, you are too careless, right?! Zheng Xiuyan's surprised voice came from the other side, and after speaking, there were some other voices, such as someone asking Zheng Xiuyan and then Zheng Xiuyan explained.

"You have a lot of people over there?" Kim Jae-ho heard it.

"Yes, Oba, in fact, our team members are all around~" Zheng Xiuyan said.

Kim Jae-ho was stunned, I'll go, but there is a whole girlhood on the phone!!

"What? You're not kidding, are you? Oppa's heart is bad, don't scare Oppa!! Kim Jae-ho touched his little heart and plopped down.

"Hahaha~ no kidding! Let me ask them to say hello to you! Zheng Xiuyan said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't believe it when he heard this, he heard it right? Let the girlhood, say hello to yourself???

Kim Jae-ho's whole person was stunned, until a sentence came out of the phone,

“angniewaseyo!! We are - girl-girl-generational !!! "

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