Whether you eat ice or smoothie makes a big difference.

Song Zhixiao finally ate the last bite into his mouth, threw it, did not throw it, and could only quickly eat the second one.

Song Zhixiao's face looked numb, so cold that he couldn't open his eyes, and he couldn't say anything about a mouthful of ice.

Kim Jae-ho comforted next to him: "It's okay, don't worry, the most important thing is to be fast." "

Song Zhixiao's mouthful of ice almost burst out with laughter.

Haha: "What are you talking about?" "

"There is no necessary relationship between urgency and fast, you can not be in a hurry, but you must be fast."

"Can't hold on?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Hold up."

"Zaihao, don't shake!" Chi Shizhen said.

"It's still hard, it's shaking hahaha~" Liu Zaishi complained.

"No, it's an illusion!"

Kim Jae-ho is really not hard-mouthed, his hand is very stable, and he should be able to hold it for tens of seconds without shaking, this wave is the effect of Ji Shi Zhen.

If he could, he couldn't wait to carry Song Zhixiao alone.

"Don't worry about me, your fifty pounds are very light."

"Nope!" Song Zhixiao said very vaguely, even in this state, he has to say this sentence.


"Fifty..." Song Zhixiao raised his mouth and exhaled a cold breath with difficulty.

"Oh, don't tease her, let her eat quickly!" Chi Shizhen said.

I finally finished eating, but I still didn't throw it in.

"Taikun! Here's your chance! "Liu Zaishi, they can be counted as waiting.

"It's a pity, this should let Zai Hao come." Chi Shizhen said.

"Then I'm eating ice cream too much." Kim Jae-ho said, "Is this not delicious, or do you want to pick a delicious one?" "

"It's okay, I can't tell if it's good or not." Song Zhixiao is already numb.

This is not Kim Jae-ho's show alone, so he can't come to everything, so that others don't have the opportunity to show themselves, Kim Jae-ho is more willing to watch others play, especially his daughter-in-law, just let it be.

He just plays a mouth shot next to him, which is also very interesting.

According to Song Zhixiao's idea, he still chose the previous ice cream, because it was relatively small and could have two chances.

"Come, give it to me." Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Zhixiao was a little puzzled and handed it over.

Kim Jae-ho took it and put it directly into his clothes, frightening Song Jihyo and shouting: "Hey! What are you doing! "

"It's okay, I'm hot." Kim Jae-ho was cold.

This is intended to melt with your own body temperature, and I have to say that it is really ruthless.

"Yay! That's a good trick! "Ikeishi Zhen really appreciates this move.

"Is it? Then brother you are here. "

"Yay! You've just put it in! Chi Shizhen only felt outrageous.

An old man and a young man lightly put this stubble over, to put it bluntly, both of them are heartbroken for Song Zhixiao, so they try to reduce the burden for Song Zhixiao.

And as a variety artist, this bit of suffering is nothing.

Song Zhixiao also felt very warm when she saw them like this, but she still stopped their approach, saying that she could stand it, it didn't matter.

"Just now, my facial features were almost frozen together, and I said it didn't matter~"

But they can't say it for long, because the people are over.

"Oh, it's your turn." Liu Zaishi said.

"So soon?!" Kim Jae-ho was surprised, "I haven't finished eating a single root of Zhixiao!" "

"Did you see it, Taikun directly ate it in two bites." Liu Zaishi said.

"It's worthy of being our king, it's amazing!" Haha is also very happy.

It is indeed very happy, his own king is so strong, and his burden is much less.

Just like Kim Jae-ho, they will still have heartache Song Jihyo, they don't need heartache at all.

It was Song Jihyo's turn again, and Song Jihyo took the popsicle handed over by Kim Jae-ho, there was still a little residual temperature on the outer packaging, but it quickly disappeared, but she remembered the temperature at that moment.

Riding on the arms of two people, Song Zhixiao tore open the package and directly took a big bite.

She is Song Zhixiao and is also a woman who is naturally strong.

She doesn't mind being taken care of by others, she also likes to be taken care of by others, and since she accepts the gifts of others, then she has to do better.

Accept the kindness of others and pass it on.

Of course, after taking a big bite, the familiar feeling comes again, too top.

There are not a few bites in the mouth, Song Zhixiao took another big bite, too cruel to this woman.

Finally, a large mouthful of ice was still in her mouth, and she directly began to aim, throw it, and enter!

Song Zhixiao jumped down at the first time, celebrating happily, Kim Jae-ho also wowed, and then glanced at Liu Zaishi and them, rushed over and grabbed the newly bought popsicle in Haha's hand and ran.

"Yay! That's ours! "Haha chase, Kim Zai-ho runs.

"You won't need it anyway!" Kim Jae-ho said.

He had long wanted to taste what it tasted like.

"The two children really are~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Then in the next second, Chi Shizhen ran over and grabbed his popsicle and ran.


Liu Zaishi, who was laughing at others as children just now, immediately chased after him.

Li Taikun was frustrated at first, but now he is happy to see this scene.

They lost to Kim Jae-ho twice in a row, and now they are very uncomfortable.

Unlike the first one, this time he did not seize the opportunity, and there was nothing to say.

This is the strength of the trump card Zhixiao, that is, stability!

Although she eats slowly, she casts accurately.

In this case, they had to watch Song Zhixiao and they took pictures to announce the occupation, which was very uncomfortable, so they did not go to see it, and went directly to the next station.

In the car.

"Ah, really, beaten twice by the same team." Liu Zaishi's blood pressure rose.

"Provoking our sleeping Jin Shizhen will not spare you lightly!"

After saying that, it was almost there, and it was not far away.

"Quick, while they haven't come yet." Haha said.

Three people hurry up, first come, first come is also very important, can seize the opportunity, they really want to win, now it is very faceless!

The opening rhetoric now seems to be bragging, especially Li Taikun, who now feels particularly humiliated.

But this time it's still not a game that can be solved with force.

Nine Nine Tips are successful if you answer correctly five times in a row, and if you make a mistake, you have to accept a back bath, that is, splash with water.

They had just finished listening to the instructions and had not yet started, and Kim Jae-ho and they came again.

There is really a feeling of haunting.

Li Taikun sighed unconsciously.

Really stressful.

At the beginning, I obviously thought that only Jin Zhiguo's team could fight, but now how do you feel that Song Zhixiao's team gives people more pressure?

It was as if a dark cloud had been hanging over them.

"Really, why did you follow us all day?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Just passing by and coming." Chi Shizhen said.

"What are you doing, Obscurity." Kim Jae-ho said.

"We're just stupid!" Haha straighten your chest.

"How? Do you have an opinion? "

The two people are directly together like two orangutans, which looks particularly funny, obviously both of them are talking ruthlessly, but there is a feeling of thunder and rain.

"In this way, how about the other party punishing you?" Haha asked.

"Laughed! Come and come! Who is afraid of who! "

"I laughed too!"

"That's it!"

"Water slap!" Chi Shizhen is also a ruthless person, directly raising the punishment to another dimension.

Water slap, as the name suggests, is to slap with water.

PD also obeyed when he saw it, and actually escalated the punishment himself, you must know that this punishment is going to be used on yourself.

As soon as Chi Shi Zhenyi finished speaking, everyone directly agreed that the water slap was too good, even Song Zhixiao said to do it.

PD of course agrees, the more ruthless the punishment, the better it looks, which is why Li Guangzhu has escalated the punishment many times, the production team takes care of their bodies, they don't care.

On the contrary, the harsher the punishment, the harder they are!

After all, everyone didn't think that they would lose, everyone was confused.

Song Zhixiao took the initiative to say that he was coming, and PD had nothing to say, and Song Zhixiao was also afraid that the production team would scruple himself.

Doesn't matter!


No problem without makeup!

Kim Jae-ho is even more fine, Ji Seok-jin is on, how can he instigate!

"Will make your face like this! Flat! Haha said.

"You better cherish the days when you still have a face!" Kim Jae-ho will not admit defeat.

"Our Kun Kingdom and Song Kingdom are completely war!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Equal strength is called war, and we call it a lesson to you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Well said!" Chi Shizhen said, "Then let's appoint someone to do it, the one who answers the Nine Nine Tips." "

This brother is really too ruthless, if you specify someone, this game will definitely play for a long time, if you don't specify it, like Liu Zaishi Kim Jae-ho will be over, and there is no point in slapping.

And if it is a designated person, it will definitely be beaten.

Chi Shizhen pointed at Taikun, haha and Liu Zaishi both said that he was too strong, but Chi Shizhen did not believe and directly selected him.

There is no way, Li Taikun does not look like a very smart Yazi.

"Then let's choose to be confused!" Haha said.

"I'm not doing this very well..." Song Zhixiao was embarrassed.

In fact, you can only choose Song Zhihyo, after all, Ji Seok-jin is an economics student and deals with numbers every day, and Kim Jae-ho has proven it many times.

Although I don't want to admit it, Kim Jae-ho, who doesn't look very smart, is indeed the most powerful person among them, except for common sense and a little crotch-pulling, everything else is very powerful.

So the candidate is Song Zhixiao, and it can be seen that she is not very good in mathematics.

"Five in a row within thirty seconds is successful, let's start!"

"Come on!" Kim Jae-ho's interest was completely high, and he was already excited.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides is particularly strong, and it just needs water slaps to come and go to fire.

Because he was afraid that his eyes would be broken, Liu Zaishi also took off his glasses.

Kim Jae-ho looked at it: "No, why punish us before we start?" "

Chi Shizhen: "Yes, isn't taking off glasses punishing us?" How can there be early punishment~"

Liu Zaishi: Are you polite?

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