"Are the benefits good?" Kim Jae-ho asked, in fact, he is a person who does not feel the existence of salary and benefits, and he does not even know how much money is in the bank card.

Relive a lifetime, there is no concept of money anymore ...

"Okay, of course, this company can say that the salary is already relatively high in all the same type of companies, there are benefits, holidays, and leave, it will not be said that it is very pressing." The hairstylist said.

"This way..." thought to Kim Jae-ho.

"And it's not just that, since I came to this company, it really feels like I'm a few years younger, the working atmosphere here is really good, I've seen the best, very happy, very energetic, and even take the initiative to work overtime, everyone wants to make some achievements, there is a feeling of prosperity." The hairstylist was deeply impressed.

For this, Kim Jae-ho can also feel it, I don't know why, the employees of this company seem to be very harmonious, and when they work in the information department, they can also accurately feel that they really voluntarily stay overtime, which is probably the so-called company culture, although the background is not deep.

Sometimes he is curious about what his brother has done, what he has been busy with all day long, and really brought the company back to life.

If there is no current background in this life, Kim Jae-ho wants to find a job, this company is also the first choice, don't look at the salary, he likes this atmosphere alone, everyone talks and laughs, there is no other pressure in addition to work, it is a very ideal working environment.

"Sister, do you want me to sign your name?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Haha, no need, your signature is still left for those little girls~" Sister Enhui said.

"Saying this... So which celebrity do you like? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Me? Wait until I want to think about it..." Eun really thought about it for a while.

"Haven't you been on RM lately? I like that Chi Shizhen inside. "Favor gives a different answer.

"Chi Shizhen?! You're kidding, right? This is the first time I heard someone say that he likes Chi Shizhen. Kim Jae-ho was surprised.

"Chi Shizhen is very good~ very handsome, many people like him." Eun Hye said.

"Wow, your aesthetic is really unique, I thought you would say Jin Zhiguo, after all, many people say that they like Jin Zhiguo." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Jin Zhiguo is also very good, it is very attractive for more than thirty generations, but I still like Chi Shizhen more." Eun Hye said.

"Hahaha, yes, I must tell Brother Shi Zhen about this, he must be very happy to hear it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Haha, whatever you want, then can you help me get an autograph?" Eun asked.

"Wow~ really fake, you don't want my signature, now I actually ask me for someone else's signature, is it excessive?" Kim Jae-ho pretended to be aggrieved and said, but the smile at the corner of his mouth still betrayed him.

"Hahaha, that sister will make you handsome as compensation~" Sister Enhui said with a smile.

"Please be sure to get the most handsome kind, haha, rest assured, the signature will definitely be obtained, Brother Shi Zhen is still a very good person." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Although he and Chi Shizhen have not said a lot now, compared to Liu Zaishi Jinguo, those are definitely not comparable, but the relationship is still okay, at the beginning, Chi Shizhen also took care of him, and he was also a very close brother.

After all, there are few people Kim Jae-ho knows, and Ji Shijin is already very close.

This sentence is a little sad to say, but slowly, Kim Jae-ho knows more people, and most of them are not ordinary people.

Now calculate it, in fact, the lineup is really perverted, a few people from RM will not say, and you only need to have a good relationship with one of them is enough to go out and blow, not to mention Zheng Xiuyan, Li Xiaoli, now there are several more department bigwigs, and a company's bigwigs, really go out and blow.

Not to mention, Kim Jae-ho himself is already a person that many people want to know.

True strength is not how great the people you know are, but how powerful you are.

The hairstyle is almost done, this time to make the hair a little more beautiful from the original messy feeling, curly, very handsome.

Hairstyle is followed by makeup, and makeup is also a big job.

The makeup artist is also a young lady, this time this is Kim Jae-ho's fan, just now took the autograph, what is the experience of being able to make up for your idol? This little sister is now in the experience.

And because I am a fan, I also twitter and ask a lot of questions.

"Don't make it so thick." Kim Jae-ho is a little worried that he will become like those charmers... Forehead... Those are the same.

"Don't worry, this is my profession, and it's guaranteed to be like it's not being made." The young lady said with a smile, looking very confident in her technique.

The highest realm of makeup is makeup, you can't see makeup, this is a realm of no tricks and tricks, it is a black technology, powerful can change your face.

Then the makeup began, and Kim Jae-ho began to stop talking, although there were many things he wanted to ask.

The young lady got various tools on Kim Jae-ho's face layer by layer, and Kim Jae-ho saw so many props to make up for the first time, which was really cumbersome and a very magical experience.

He suddenly felt that makeup was actually a difficult thing, and he couldn't do it anyway.

After tinkering like this for a long time, it was finally done.

"Wow, it seems to be really handsome." Kim Jae-ho looked at himself in the mirror.

"Of course, my skills are very good, wow, I don't believe that you can be so handsome after wearing makeup, if you post it on the Internet, we will definitely have a lot more in our fan team." The young lady said.

"That's what I'm doing right now." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


"Eh... Have you put on your makeup? Park Shilling was stunned for a moment before reacting.

When he saw Kim Jae-ho, to be honest, he was a little distracted, the original Kim Jae-ho's handsome was hidden behind laughter, and the first thing people did when they saw him was not to see his appearance, but to feel funny.

But after makeup, this handsome was completely exposed, he didn't know that Kim Jae-ho was so handsome, and he didn't lose some actors or idols who made a living by their appearance, as if he had changed a person.

Men are like this, not to mention girls.

"Wow!! So handsome!!!! A girl couldn't help but exclaim directly, and in an instant Kim Jae-ho became the focus of the audience.

Handsome, just one word.

And Kim Jae-ho didn't even move, his expression didn't swing, just standing dumbfounded, it already had such an effect.

"Wow! Daihatsu !!! "


Many girls either scream, or do nothing, the whole person seems to be dumbfounded, in the moment of seeing Kim Jae-ho stunned, even the boys can't help but keep watching, although they don't want to admit it, but they are really handsome.

That's right, it's such an exaggeration, Kim Jae-ho, handsome shocked the audience!!

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