"Huh?" Li Guangzhu's eyes widened.

"Come with me to destroy humanity, ha zombies! The time to kill has arrived!! Hahaha! "Kim Jae-cho II got up.

"Impossible! How could I be a mourner... Zombies..."

Haha after being shocked, suddenly convulsed, directly started, this is already reacted, don't say, the acting is quite similar.

"So what does he do? What is he? Haha asked.

Li Guangzhu reacted and immediately ran, he can't die here!

Then he heard voices from behind.

"Let him run, kill him and dirty my hands, we are great zombies!"



Doesn't sound right!

Li Guangzhu didn't run away either, although he escaped, why was he so upset?

"What do you mean dirty hands! Yikes! Li Guangzhu actually came over by himself.

"Don't! Go away! You filthy human being! Kim Jae-ho looked at refusal.

Li Guangzhu wanted to curse, haha almost died of laughter, and suddenly felt that his status suddenly rose.

"Ah, believe it or not, I'll tear you up here!" Li Guangzhu said.

"I am invincible, I am different from you, run for your life, stupid human being, your king, coming!" Kim Jae-ho opened his hands and was arrogant.

That's right, humans can't eliminate Kim Jae-ho through ordinary methods, which is why Kim Jae-ho is so arrogant.

And he is also afraid that he will kill too quickly and have no program effect, so he is deliberately controlling the number of zombies.

"Ha zombie!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"In!" Haha responded immediately.

"I will now appoint you as General Ha, and join me in opening up the territory!"

"Obey!" Haha immediately agreed.

Since he has already boarded the thief's ship, Kim Jae-ho is the titular king.

"Are you ready, we have to face Jin Zhiguo."

Haha took a deep breath, "Ready!" "

The heart is hot, do they want the two of them to fight against Jin Zhiguo together?

"Is this day finally coming?" Haha while speaking, his head twitched, very substitutionary.

Also, since there is an invincible body, why not take this opportunity to challenge Jin Zhiguo, that is the coolest thing!

Li Guangzhu watched enviously from the side.

"Why don't you leave yet, go and inform Jin Zhiguo and let him wait."

"If it's against Brother Ultimate Country, can you let me join as well, please!"

Kim Jae-ho and Haha did not expect that Lee Kwang-joo would not go directly, stalking, there was no way, how could the boy resist the temptation of his own mutation, and the temptation to tear off Kim Junguo.

It was mainly Kim Jae-ho's speech that gave him the feeling that zombies are human beings.

Haha and Kim Jae-ho are also happy, this person with betrayal genes in his bones is too outrageous, haha is forced to become a zombie, Li Guangzhu actually wants to take the initiative to change.

After thinking about it for a while, it is still very difficult for the two of them to go to Jin Zhiguo head-on, forget it, add Li Guangzhu.

"So what to do, then we are so powerful, isn't there no one to publicize?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Isn't it better for them not to know?" Haha said.

"It's fun to make them scared, right?"

"Are you sure they will be afraid when they know that you are a zombie king?" Haha suddenly asked.

Haha and Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho, and all of a sudden they were silent.

"Yay! Elder brother! I'm a king now! "

"Sorry! My King! Haha lowered his head, his limbs were still unnatural, really like zombies.

"Hmph, pay attention next time."

Seeing them enter the play like this, Li Guangzhu couldn't wait, "Quick!" Tear me up, tear me! "

Haha was about to start, Kim Jae-ho said: "You can't tear, only I can tear." "


"Otherwise, the zombies will be too strong." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So what can we do?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"You can restrain them, you just can't tear it, you can do anything."

"Yes, too."

"Then if you are eliminated, can we be kings?"

"Yay! What do you think, if I am eliminated, you will lose, you have to protect me! Come, isn't it going to tear? "

Li Guangzhu suddenly took a step back, "Hey, I'll think again..."

"Hey, I'll be! Get him! "

Kim Jae-ho and Haha immediately moved and directly tore off Lee Kwang-joo, who resisted violently.

If the two of them are concerned, it is not casual to deal with a Li Guangzhu.

Are zombies what you say is what you say, and what you say is inappropriate?

Soon, Li Guangzhu, who fell to the ground, also began to act, and his whole body stood up unnaturally, his eyes were empty, and he looked like he had that serious illness and dementia.

The three people, also commanded VJ to light, stood up and shot the camera well, wanted to shoot some terrifying atmospheric shots, and planned to use it later.

The staff next to me are gone, is this important?

Isn't the point now to get rid of humans as soon as possible?

"Lizheng!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Haha and Li Guangzhu, who were on his left and right, immediately stood up.

"Take a break!"


The three zombies walked forward very much like they were fractured, I have to say that it is very funny, if the zombies are like this, then humans don't have to worry too much.

After walking a few steps, Li Guangzhu suddenly stopped: "It's not right!" So what did I get today? "

"You got it too?" Haha asked.

"Don't talk about you, I have too." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You have it too?!"

"Wait a minute, pay attention to this, I suspect it is a way to deal with us."

After all, this link is not time-limited, so humans must have a way to fight back.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen began to exchange intelligence, Chi Shizhen was not cautious in this regard, he casually said to Liu Zaishi.

When Liu Zaishi heard it, it was not unique to him, and he also shared it.

But knowing this is useless, but a little lost, I am not special, just ordinary, and there is no progress.

And Jin Zhiguo also encountered three zombies.

"Did you find anything?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Found what?" It is really very natural for Kim Jae-ho to deceive people.

The two looked at Li Guangzhu, wondering if he had revealed his stuffing.

Li Guangzhu was puzzled, what do you want me to do?

"Let me say it directly, have any of you received anything today, sent by female students."

It turned out to be this!

The three people looked at each other, not knowing whether to say it or not, after all, this is most likely something to deal with them.

Lee Kwang-joo and Haha both looked at Kim Jae-ho's eyes.

Jin Zhiguo understood when he saw them like this: "Ah! You guys definitely have! Come here, go, let's talk, it's not a way to go on like this. "

Jin Zhiguo still believes in his younger brothers, and it is normal to look at their unwilling appearance.

He knew that he must not be the only one who had received something, after all, if only he had, PD would definitely have given him instructions by now.

This is likely to be the breakthrough.

The three obediently followed Jin Zhiguo and left.

Said that he wanted to go to Jin Zhiguo head-on, but as soon as he saw Jin Zhiguo, he didn't start, and even automatically pretended to be a human being.

Li Guangzhu, who can't lie, looks awkward now.

Of course, it's just that Kim Jae-ho feels that he is awkward, after all, he knows the roots.

Haha crazy to Kim Jae-ho eyes, what to do now.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know, he was using his brain hard, but unfortunately he couldn't think of any ideas, Kim Junguo kept talking the whole time, looking back at them from time to time, they seemed to be frozen.


Weak heart!

Jin Zhiguo led them to the conference room, which was relatively hidden, and I don't know why, he deliberately avoided Liu Zaishi and them, wanting to talk to his brothers first.

Before entering the door, the three of them looked at each other and thought that this was a good place!

They went in, and there was a big color TV playing you and me.

"This TV is also very strange, keep putting this on." Kim said, "Why don't you talk? "

You must know that the three people must be very quiet today, so he feels very funny, and he must think that he is special, so he is weak-hearted.

Kim Jae-ho was about to answer when the content on the screen suddenly changed.

The screen has become a news broadcast, and the host is also an old acquaintance.

"SBS Emergency News Express! Zombies have discovered the location of humans. "

The word zombie is in English, and it is also translated into zombie, but Kim Jae-ho is a Chinese person, so zombies and zombies are two species in his opinion, and zombies are the kind of Hong Kong films in his impression, which is 10,000 times more terrifying than zombies.

There is a movie called zombie, which is particularly wonderful and tastes too much.

And zombies are representatives of the West, some are particularly strong like "WorldWarZ", obviously zombie virus translation but zombie world war.

There are also things like survival, the walking dead, and Resident Evil, which are more scientific.

Zombies are a kind of more mysterious, scientific you can solve with science, mysterious cannot.

Kim Jae-ho today they are a new species, but close to Western-style zombies.

"The last sightings of zombies during the day today were in Incheon, and it is confirmed that the zombies were mixed among RM High School students who were on a school trip."

"Oh?!" Jin Zhiguo was shocked, "Zombies?!" "

The three people watched the broadcast on TV and did not speak.

The broadcast continues.

"At present, the ships to and from the uninhabited island have stopped, no one can leave before the first flight tomorrow, zombies are very contagious, and those who are removed by the mother zombie will turn to attack humans, especially zombies hate the dark, and there is no big difference in appearance from humans, which may cause more damage."

"The only way to resist zombies is to put a special solution in a water gun to wet the zombie's name tag, these two things can only be found in six countries, because they are jointly researched and developed by six countries, they can only be obtained in these six countries, ah!"

After a while, content appeared on the video, "After being shot by a water gun to the mother zombie, you must also remove the name tag to completely eliminate it!" "

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