Zhongji smiled when he saw this, "Do you really like to sign, are you here to play football or to buy goods~"

"You don't understand, memory can't remember time, but physical objects can." Kim Jae-ho said something very reasonable.

Time will be forgotten, but not autographs.

Look at me living alone in Henry going to a charity auction, this ball can fetch 420,000, the currency of this country.

But now Kim Jae-ho really doesn't collect this for money, just to take a look when passing by every day, and it will be very pleasant.

It's like some figure enthusiasts.

"What did you send Yun'e this time?" The broker uncle asked.

"I sent a super nice thing." Kim Jae-ho is very confident.

The uncle smiled: "I know that you won't forget, why didn't you post it on the Internet?" "

Kim Jae-ho: "Keep a low profile, what if I suddenly forgot to send it." "

"Too, so what did you send? Skincare? "

"Ah, that's the worst thing, well, this depends on the skin type, you can't give it casually."

"So what did you send?"

"A song, hehe, I feel like it's perfect for her."

"If you do this, what if the other members have their birthdays?"

"If they want it, write them hehe~"

"Big brother, do you know how much your song is worth now?!"

"Oh, you mean Girls' Generation doesn't deserve it?"

"I didn't say that..."

The uncle immediately prodded, forget it, Kim Jae-ho has nothing else to do anyway.

It's just that the touch of the agent feels super loss, the idol belongs to the idol, who is not an idol in this line, and the birthday gift is definitely not money.

Kim Jae-ho definitely doesn't care about this, although it is worth a lot, but for him it is a matter of hours, and it is written by himself, and he does not guarantee that it will catch fire.

However, Yun'e likes it very much, but she has to keep it secret before the song comes out, and show it off when it is done.

If everyone can send songs on their birthday, Kim Jae-ho himself thinks it's too cool.

First, he didn't need money to write his own songs, and then he didn't have to think about what gifts to give.

And writing songs for others is particularly good to write, he doesn't know why, especially good to write, there is no pressure at all, it comes out casually, and the quality is particularly good.

Of course, he definitely can't send it casually, send it if he wants, don't send it if he doesn't want to, have no human statement, refuse cow beep.

On the other hand, what Kim Jae-ho himself did not expect was that "Fast Pursuit" actually broke a new box office record on the first day, and the next day it had already exceeded a million box office, and it is conceivable that in the following days it will break a number of records in a row, and even Kim Jae-ho feels that he can return the book!

This result, Kim Jae-ho himself did not expect, you must know that this is Friday!

How outrageous this result is, garbage propaganda, novice cast, novice script, garbage release time, and the dream result that everyone else has perfect.

It must be known that a few months later, the movie "League of Thieves" set a new box office record on the first day of the country from its premiere, and only exceeded 1 million on the third day of release, and "League of Thieves" continued to maintain a rainbow trend, and finally exceeded 10 million box office in the fourth week of release (22nd day). This is also the sixth work in Han films with a box office of more than 10 million after "Shiwei Island", "Flying the Taiji Flag", "King's Man", "Han River Monster" and "Haeundae".

And the trend of "Fast Pursuit" is even more exaggerated than this, erasing the record of "League of Thieves" in advance.

Kim Jae-ho himself thought that he was wrong, such outrageous results, he floated away in the past two days.

After all, when this film came out, he accounted for 90% of the credit, and he jumped from a rookie director to a hot legendary director who sold at the box office.

That is to say, it was proved that he can be a director before, and now it is proved that he has become a legendary director.

You know, geniuses are cheap, legends are expensive, and Kim Jae-ho proved his strength.

Although some reports and bloggers analyze that Kim Jae-ho's performance is inflated, it is because of Liu Zaishi's bonus, and Kim Jae-ho's propaganda that he thinks is garbage or even non-existent, has now become god-level propaganda, anyway, it is to try to weaken Kim Jae-ho's influence in it as much as possible.

There is no way, if Kim Jae-ho succeeds like this, won't it seem that other directors are rubbish?

You know, this is the first movie directed by Kim Jae-ho!

However, as soon as they finished scolding, teacher Kim Jae-ho sent a congratulatory message, and everyone didn't know that he was such a passionate person.

Everyone is stupid when they see people, Kim Jae-ho is still so familiar with Director Feng?

How did this network come about?

After all, the tone of guidance is not a tone appreciated by ordinary seniors and juniors, it is clearly the kind of relationship between teachers and apprentices, and they are very close.

With the endorsement of Fengdao, fans immediately have a powerful counterattack weapon.

You guys say he is dish, now the big guys say that he beeped, what else do you say?

They really have, saying that this movie can be successful, it is the credit of Feng, and Fengjiao taught well!

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about this, you just have bad money, I just have good money!

The local market was released a day earlier, and the overseas box office also came out quickly.

A lot of money!!

So much so that Kim Jae-ho immediately made plans for a sequel.

This movie, the investment is big, the gain is too big, right?

He is ready for nothing, and now he sees that he will return to his book in the past few days, outrageous!

The main thing is that everyone knows that the overseas version of the dubbing is different, it is dubbed by myself, and it is not a simple dubbing, and several people have re-enacted, such as Haha and Liu Zaishi.

So their fans wanted to go and see it again.

This is only a small part, mainly because this style is too appetizing for Western audiences, and they love to watch this!

Simple, rough, macho, gun, revenge, indiscriminate killing, handsome!

And soon "professionals" began to analyze the actions and practicality inside.

Everyone, hey! It's the same as I thought!

I'll just say it's very real and very powerful, take a look!

And this special effect is too powerful, I can't see that it is a special effect of a special effect, it is a special effect.

And Kim Jae-ho did this very well, and everyone also saw some new special effects, such as time stop, and the picture is particularly good.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho himself is made according to the standards of a few years later, and the machines are all top-notch expensive.

The only downside to expensive things is that they are expensive.

And Kim Jae-ho referred to the original lens and then added his own understanding, so the lens language is also very good.

Good action, good special effects, good graphics, good content, most importantly, good BGM.

Kim Jae-ho did not participate, but several songs have rushed to the music charts, Kim Jae-ho's voice, the world heard, that seemingly endless explosive voice, especially for Western appetite, they especially like burning, infectious, good skills, simple and rough.

This is just the beginning, and after word of mouth from the population who watched the film, there will only be more people watching.

Kim Jae-ho has too many fans, and the radiation range is particularly wide, and Kim Jae-ho's fans are usually silent, and they are particularly powerful at this time.

After all, now Kim Jae-ho's three words are quality assurance for them, and the popularity of the road is also very good.

Kim Jae-ho has changed greatly since the next movie, he is not interested in doing many, he plans to do a trilogy.

The first part comes out of the mountain, the second part of the Continental Hotel chapter, leading to the Continental Hotel and various forces, and the third decisive battle, John's friends besiege the headquarters of the Continental Hotel.

And then from then on, there were no killers and the Continental Hotel.

Watching The Lord of the Rings Women's Federation 4, his mind was full of decisive battles, too special burning, big scenes, big special effects, big explosions.

The question now is whether the master brother can withstand such a big scene, after all, he is the main action designer.

The group fight of the "killers", does he have such "experience", after all, the killers are mavericks, at most there are teams of several people, such a battle of hundreds of people, is there a concept.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, he has to do this, so it looks good.

Kim Jae-ho's first part did not use all yellow people, such as the uncle himself is a mixed race, the corpse collector led by the old man of the white race, and there are many people of various colors in the bar.

Mixed races, so easy to find actors, after all, such a scene, need a large number of actors, and in this world, the most lacking is people who want to be actors.

He didn't have the idea of doing the "universe", there is no need, a group of mortals do what universe, two is too hasty, three, just right.

It can be said that the money has not yet been earned, and Kim Jae-ho has already thought about how to spend it.

Thinking that he could create such an epic scene, Kim Jae-ho was like beating chicken blood, full of motivation.

But everything can't be rushed, step by step slowly, when you lose your mind, the most important thing is to remember this.

Because there are more actors in the next film, Kim Jae-ho can't be like before, and he has to expand the personnel department in the company.

If you want to do more things, you have to invite more people, the last movie recruited people for uncles and directors to do, now it can't work, now you have to get it right.

It's like the movie "La La Land", someone has to be interviewed.

Kim Jae-ho intends to have two months of preparation, recruit people first, plan, and then start shooting.

In fact, the two-month period is very tight, after all, they are not a very big film company, and there is no very process-oriented working conditions.

Interestingly, Li Guangzhu actually went to see the movie twice, he went to watch it with Zhongji, and after watching it for the first time, he was not addicted, and he went to watch it the next day.

Of course, it may also be because the first time I went to Zhongji was found and then photographed by someone's mobile phone, after being on the news, Li Guangzhu found that the person only filmed Song Zhongji...

He also went to see this fact, no one knows, or no one cares, this is outrageous, he is the prince of Asia!

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