After Brother Min Xiu agreed, he went directly to get the big sniper, and he turned out to be a sniper.

On the surface, it was because there were two million for John.

Everyone looks at this should be the final BOSS, the master brother fights the people's show, and there should be a very exciting duel at the end.

Isn't it all like this in the movies, the villain invited a master to deal with the protagonist, and the protagonist won the battle with him with difficulty, so that there was a better ending.

Action movies and popcorn movies are like that.

But it doesn't matter, they believe that Kim Jae-ho will bring surprises.

When the film transitioned, BGM came to the fore.

Everyone just listened to BGM at this leisure, and found that it was Kim Jae-ho's voice, which was very touching and very good.

Kim Jae-ho still remembers the shocking feeling that BGM brought to him when he watched "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" in the cinema, and he knew how important BGM was for this kind of film.

So he polished very carefully, the BGM of the movie.

Unlike other movies, many movies have content and then find the right song later.

Kim Jae-ho can directly create suitable songs according to the content, so this movie has a unique advantage, which is why almost everyone is burning and cool, BGM is too in place!

When is what kind of BGM, when there is BGM, many of the sound effects in the later period were made by Kim Jae-ho himself.

The picture plus sound effects, perfect in perfection, is exceptional.

It can be said that even if Kim Jae-ho is not a director and cannot "borrow", he can make a lot of money with this ability.

Now this drama is really completely in the shape of Kim Jae-ho, if he really doesn't have time to do it, he still wants to take responsibility for CG.

As an IT person, it is completely no problem to learn this.

But it's really a lack of skills, and there is no need to fight so hard in this life.

Back to the movie.

After showing that he can kill in the house, John sets out to kill someone else's house because of a dog and a car.

But everyone thinks it should.

Simple and neat.

People love to see this.

I didn't see that Liu Zaishi already wanted to go to the toilet, and he held it back.

He's waiting, he's waiting for a pee spot.

Kim Jae-ho felt miserable when he looked at him, so he handed over the Coke in his hand again.

Specially bought an extra cup, put more ice in it, very cold.

Liu Zaishi looked at him, and his heart was cold.

Liu Zaishi: If you are a dog, you can actually play it.

And that's called true colors starring.

It's not just Liu Zaishi, now that more than thirty minutes have passed in the movie, he hasn't gone to the toilet yet.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about this, he can go up if he wants, and he is holding back.

He directly let Liu Zaishi go first, and Liu Zaishi walked forward, and the audience paid attention.

Liu Zaishi wanted to look at the screen again, looked at the road, and also signaled to everyone that he was sorry, and he was in a hurry and busy.

Someone immediately stood up and went with them, not knowing whether to go to the toilet with Liu Zaishi or think that this timing was also good.

Go to the toilet with Liu Zaishi, hey ~

Kim Jae-ho smiled and continued to watch his own movie.

He feels that his biggest plug-in is actually this terrifying past life memory, as long as it is the works he has seen, he can remember it.

He is equivalent to having a template, as long as he copies it can take off, even if it is not well copied, it does not matter, and he copied not only very well, but also improved.

The changed version is even more satisfactory to him than the original version, originally the criticism of this play is BGM, and now Kim Jae-ho has made up for it with his other anti-heavenly ability.

Look at now, Brother Min Xiu fiddling with his big snipe, everyone feels extremely burning, too handsome.

There is no upper limit to art before it reaches the level of flawlessness, but Kim Jae-ho is sure that he is already on his way.

A few more of these films, he can rest assured to boldly make his own original movie.

This movie is too hard, like a feast for uncles, the main characters are all uncles, and they have to be handsome uncles.

Kim Jae-ho is not the main character, he is a younger brother.

If you invite a bunch of handsome guys with little fresh meat to play this, everyone will only feel very fake and greasy.

The master brother combed a big back, and he felt dashing when he got out of the car, which is probably a suit thug.

The suit on his body is also custom-made, very expensive, and has cost a lot of money.

Cars are also bought, big prices, old-fashioned cars, movie props, when the time comes to sell can double the price several times, there must be senior car fans and movie fans overlap, to buy this kind of car level, what they want is collection value and face.

If it really can't be sold, then find an old brother to take over.

Anyway, he doesn't need it himself, he likes nanny cars, big, comfortable and low-key.

Unlike some people, who are in high positions, say that they want to save, oppose spending money indiscriminately, and as a result, they drive their own luxury cars and private yachts, there is no convincing at all, and others don't get who do you get?

Of course, Kim Jae-ho is mainly because he is not interested, he is only interested in making money, and he prefers houses that cannot run to cars that can run, hehe~

I saw John walk into a hotel, and then Liu Zaishi appeared.

It just so happened that Liu Zaishi came back, and suddenly there were two Liu Zaishi, and everyone didn't know who to look at.

Liu Zaishi glanced back, it happened to be his own fragment, and he quickly ran back to see it.

Everyone was stunned, thinking that Liu Zaishi was living in the trailer because of Kim Jae-ho's relationship, but he didn't expect to really star.

Liu Zaishi has starred in too few movies, the last one was in 94, and now he has participated in it again.

And Kim Jae-ho didn't focus on promoting this, if he promoted this, many of Yoo Jae-seok's fans would come to see it.

Liu Zaishi plays the reception, and the small suit is straight and looks like a decent, a senior hotel lobby manager, which is particularly felt.

This is the Korean version, so Liu Zaishi speaks the language of the country, and if it is in English, he can also speak English.

The English version is very interesting because they are all voiced by themselves.

In addition, there is also a female actor who also appears, which is a female killer.

The artist, whose name is Youzhen, is not his real name, stage name, actor, acting skills are okay, talented, not talent in acting, but big.

Long legs, thin waist, strong muscles, convex and upturned back, on this condition, it is difficult for people not to accept her, even if Kim Jae-ho values acting skills, he can't refuse.

This condition is indescribable!

And people are also acting well, although they have not specifically learned, but it is okay, the company has trained her, and the results are quite good.

And the company's benefits are also very good.

No, as soon as she saw that there was a role suitable for her, Kim Jae-ho arranged it for her, most of them are action scenes, but there are also lines, there is room to play, and she is the only female partner in this play.

A black leather jacket and leather pants boots, hot to the point of not working, brings another feeling to the picture.

Everyone wonders, who is this? So big?

There is no way, other movies, the promotion period will take everyone on various programs, at least they will also interview, do some hot search or something, everyone will familiarize the actors, even if they are new actors.

But this movie doesn't, everyone just knows it's an action movie.

It was discovered that John was going to a hotel, and although he couldn't see it, he was going to his room.

Liu Zaishi also knew John, who should have come often before retirement, and John came to his room to watch his wife's video for a while.

Now that the dog is gone, he has nothing to worry about, because the last thing his wife left him in this world is gone.

At this time, he is the most terrifying, and what supports him to live now only has revenge.

He went downstairs to the bar, and it was also very dark, and he asked for a gold coin when he entered the door.

Everyone can see that these gold coins are very valuable, and the bar that can only be entered by a gold coin is certainly not an ordinary place.

John found Winston.

Everybody look, good guys!

Brother Li Dehua!

Kim Jae-ho, anyone can invite you, cow!

He looks like the boss here, with a big guy aura, and John looks quite respectful.

Everyone doesn't know, this person is not only starring once, the next few also have his scenes, and they are also very important.

The guests who came during the previous Big Brother special were very humorous and imposing.

Everyone kind of understands, this is to be RM these guests, this is to audition!

In the future, RM wants to invite whoever can't be invited oh, and if you perform well, you can earn more money.

Kim Jae-ho actually had a headache at the beginning who to play this role, the key is that the person he interviewed did not have this momentum.

Later, when I watched RM's funny video, I saw Brother Li Hua, so I went to invite the show.

In recent months, Brother Li Hua has also been particularly busy, and there are many plays at this advanced age, and he starred in "21st Century Family" in March, you must know that the dramas here are filmed while being released, and the busy time overlaps.

Although he heard this invitation, he immediately invited Kim Jae-ho to meet.

Such an important matter still has to meet and talk, Kim Jae-ho chose a Chinese-style health meal place to invite him, that is, medicated food, directly ginseng chicken soup.

As soon as Brother Li Hua came, when he saw this battle, he felt full of sincerity.

No matter who it is, what they value most is undoubtedly the sincerity of the other party, and their older generation attaches more importance to this.

In fact, the main thing is that Kim Jae-ho has plans for a sequel, and he has to say this well.

Although I don't know what will happen later, Li Hua planned to agree after listening to this role, and the script has not yet been read.

To be honest, even the bad movie Li Hua feels that it doesn't matter, because he is optimistic about Kim Jae-ho.

And the story of revenge of the retired killer is very stable, and Brother Li Hua has also watched Kim Jae-ho's TV series before, and feels that even if he rolls over, he can't turn over.

And he also knew that there would be Minzhe, Yoo Jae-seok, and Min-so to join, and Kim Jae-ho gave a lot.

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