Kim Jae-ho himself didn't know that he was so powerful, he found that his motor nerves were really good, and those dozen seconds were like a stroke of God, but unfortunately his physical strength couldn't keep up.

Nobody cared that they conceded three goals, everyone was celebrating that they scored a goal.

The RMs, in particular, only think that their two brothers are too long-faced!

This time, no one skimmed their praise, and sent them all the praise they could think of, and Kim Jae-ho was praised to the point that he was almost embarrassed.

When everyone was almost praised, Song Zhixiao found an opportunity to ask how his body was and whether he had fallen or not.

Kim Jae-ho was very moved.

At a time when others are praising His glory, only those who love themselves care if they are hurt by it.

I wanted to pick her up directly and spin her around a few times, but unfortunately I couldn't hold her.

Of course he's fine, just falling, he can fall several times a day.

But it doesn't matter, you can hold it when you go back.

Because it's been a few days here, everyone is going back.

This time, PD can't wait to edit, and it feels like another round of ratings high dynasty.

Everyone left this country that left deep memories and returned to a familiar place, and everyone had told Liu Zaishi about this matter for the first time, and Liu Zaishi was already waiting for them to come back and celebrate.

Now it means to have a celebration banquet, and the production team treats guests as a reward.

Kim Jae-ho also got the signatures of legendary stars, and he especially cherished the signatures from **, and nothing else compares to these two signatures.

Kim Junguo has completely liked playing football and decided to play together next Saturday.

What Kim Jae-ho didn't know was that this would be the beginning of his nightmare.

In the future, as long as he has nothing to do on Saturday, he will go to play with Kim Junguo.

Tonight they made history and began another piece of history.

After saying goodbye to Park Ji-sung Song Zhong-ki, everyone went home to rest first.

This time is really special thanks to Park Zhixing, everyone knows that he is a good person after a few days of getting along, and the final Yameng Cup is also that he ran the whole race, and Park Sanlin deserves it.

Kim Jae-ho wrote a song as soon as he went home to celebrate the goal, like "Warriors", a song that exploded, called "goal", which means goal.

This is a melody he wrote on the plane, now just complete it.

I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho always felt that it was a little meaningful, and then he knew what was wrong, and this genre could no longer satisfy him.

He's going to write concertos!

A concerto like Vivaldi's Four Seasons!

This is how he can express what he wants to express.

So there are two versions of this song, if nothing else, the artist who wrote the concerto, he should be the only one.

Exactly, prepare a live one for the concert and turn the concert into a concert hall.

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that before this episode is broadcast, the movie will be released first.

There are still two weeks to go, and this episode is also broadcast in two installments, because there is so much content, the production team even wants to make three episodes, but it is a little too watery.

The movie is about to start, the master brother is back, and the newly hired bodyguard is not fired, keeping Jason.

With the master brother, Kim Jae-ho has a sense of security again.

Then there is the premiere, which is held in the cinema of Cheongdam-dong, and it takes a little effort to release it, but you have to have a premiere.

Kim Jae-ho wants to watch this movie with the audience.

Originally, this movie was made for himself, although he had seen the whole film, but this feeling was different after all.

Because of the previous publicity, the popularity of the movie is also very high, and the works directed by Kim Jae-ho are notoriously cool and funny, so everyone is looking forward to it very much.

June Day here is not Children's Day, and Children's Day here is May 5, so it doesn't matter.

As for those who want to pass June Day, they can't pass the trial, and Kim Jae-ho also tried his best.

But it doesn't matter, you can watch it for free, there will be a clear online version then, and you can also watch the gun version if you can't wait.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who come here to watch the premiere, after all, it is not very far.

Kim's football match was also broadcast live and has now caused heated discussions.

It can be said that before it is broadcast, everyone has already been spoiled.

But after all, it was live TV, so people couldn't see the details, only the minutes they scored.

And when the vista is pulled, the other teammates who are pasty can't see who is who without giving a straight face.

Fortunately, Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguo are very recognizable, and even if they are confused, they can tell who is who.

After all, they are all stars, they are just adding bricks to make this game more popular.

So people didn't expect much from them, but when you see them actually score, it's all different.

With a trembling heart of excitement, the two people went directly to the hot search.

Everyone liked to watch the drama of the civilian counterattack, and everyone did not watch it carefully, so they watched the clip, and only released water on the opposite side.

The popularity these days is always a matter of movies.

May quietly fades, and the breath of June permeates the city.

Half a year has passed, and the movie has finally been released.

This is the occasion of the Eight Classics, Kim Jae-ho put on a suit, next to a group of leading actors, everyone also saw Yoo Jae-seok, Cheolmin.

The flash flashed wildly, and Kim Jae-ho-qiang opened his eyes, trying his best not to let the opposite side take an ugly photo.

On the contrary, the master brother opened his dead fish eyes next to him, as if he was nothing, and seemed to be more adapted to the life of a star than Kim Jae-ho.

It can be said that so many people are not adapted to such a scene, although not for the first time.

He simply said a few words and went straight to the start.

He is the master, he can get it as he wants, there are not so many bells and whistles, and then talk nonsense after reading it.

Some innocuous advertisements were deleted by Kim Jae-ho's request, so it was directly a feature film after turning off the lights.

Today's audience is all VIPs, no need to watch ads.

At the beginning, it was a black and white picture, and a black figure in a suit appeared, which was played by the master brother, but it was all black, and it could only be seen from the outline that it was him.

The background is all white, and the black and white picture is not the old-fashioned meaning of the past, but a black silhouette on a white background.

Then a few people rushed out, and after he finished off, he also fired a shot at the screen, and a movie logo came out.

Pink Pink Entertainment.

That's right, this is Kim Jae-ho's own film company, and the trademark is directly used on Kim Jae-ho's cartoon simple avatar, cool with playfulness.

Everyone burst into laughter, Kim Jae-ho didn't understand, he wasn't funny here.

But everyone just wants to laugh, and the movie has a witty feeling from the beginning.

Kim Jae-ho sat in the last row, asking for a look at everyone's reaction.

Finally feel the joy of filmmakers, isn't it for this to make movies.

When the TV series, you can't do this, you can only watch online comments, reaction videos, and now you can directly watch everyone's reaction.

In the last row are stars, then there are journalists, and the rest are spectators who buy tickets.

From time to time, the person in front of him looks back at himself.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but mention: "Look ahead!" There is also me in front! Every frame is money! Hurry up and see! "

Liu Zaishi next to him: "Shh! This gentleman, be quiet, it affects me watching the movie. "

"I'm sorry..."


The audience died happily, but the movie really started and everyone was focused.

This movie Kim Jae-ho blurs the background, does not use realistic place names, and makes an overhead world.

In this way, many things are easier to operate.

At first, it was directly a master brother in clothes and leather who was dying, covered in blood, even if he took out his mobile phone to watch the video.

No one saw the content of the video, but heard a woman's voice.

But everyone can see the acting skills of the master brother, it is really good, as if his life is really dying, and he plays the state of serious injury into three points.

The master brother also felt very amazing when he saw this, it turned out that the effect of coming out by himself was like this.

He remembered that the color of the scene in it was completely different from this, which was the effect made in the magical later stage of the movie.

To be honest, he was only responsible for acting, I don't know what it was, and he didn't watch it after the movie came out.

Only a few people such as Kim Jae-ho watched the finished film, so they themselves did not watch it.

And he is still starring, not to mention Minzhe, he has only starred in a short part, and he is now the most curious person.

Until his own part came out, everyone was nervous, for fear that the effect of coming out would not be good, the master brother didn't matter, he relied on this to eat.

The audience will not enter the play for a while, after all, they are still laughing just now, and the next second the people on the screen are about to cool.

But obviously, the male protagonist has a characteristic, that is, the vitality is very tenacious.

The next second, the master brother was lying on a big bed in civilian clothes, next to the floor-to-ceiling window, and the view called Morning Light outside the window looked like a very good house.

It seemed like just a very ordinary morning.

He lives normally, interspersed with clips from time to time to let everyone know that he is now a widower.

I have to say that the master brother is really handsome, like a hanger, can support a suit, and looks a ruthless person when wearing casual clothes.

This look, it's really a pity not to act in a movie.

Everyone also looks very good at his face, age is really not a problem, as long as the appearance is enough.

Just the appearance can support the whole picture, and Kim Jae-ho has picked up the treasure.

Next is the appearance of the protagonist, the dog, the dog sent by his deceased wife.

This is also the last thing his wife left him, so that he can still love something.

You know, killers, it's easy to lose the heart to love others, and the wife arranges the following things clearly even though she is gone.

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