Walk the clouds and flow water!

It was as if he had walked over and stretched out his hand.

Because it was too relaxed, the high audience outside the venue was stunned.

If it were usual, it would not be like this, this time Jin Zhiguo did not make a move and ran directly.

In the past, he would use his strong hands to control others, but this time he did not.

Kim Jae-ho moved to the corner of Kim Ji Country just now, and the most dangerous place is the safest.

Sure enough, the most dangerous place is indeed the most dangerous ...

Zheng Taeshi turned around, saw Kim Jae-ho who had quietly reached the corner, and immediately rushed over.


Kim Jae-ho was so frightened that he directly opened his hands and turned wildly, and in everyone's surprised eyes, the golden gyro spun up!

It was the first time I had seen such a weird formation, and I had to stop my steps, and it was really difficult to do it all of a sudden.

So he watched Kim Jae-hao-zhuan from the side.

Time passed, and in everyone's laughter, Kim Jae-ho stopped spinning and fell to the ground, and Chi Taeshi directly tore off his name tag without much effort.

Seeing him so miserable, he didn't continue to tear and let Kim Jae-ho go.

Everyone laughed miserably, isn't this a fool?

Kim Jae-ho doesn't feel like a fool, he has been so bad for so long, Kim Jianguo directly sent it.

He is now at least ten Golden Ultimate Kingdoms!

Not one less!

There were double shadows everywhere in front of him, and Kim Jae-ho looked up and saw that haha had been torn off.

Now there is no talk of two lives, everyone has only one life left.

Kim Jae-ho now only feels that the thief is disgusted and his brain is dizzy.

Just now on the verge of death, the force was too strong, too many turns, and too fast.

It was hard not to turn around and began to stay there steadily, and Kim Jae-ho did not stand up, just stayed.

He was planning to play dead.

Suddenly, Haha ran behind him, and Kim Jae-ho knew that he could no longer lie down, and he would lie down with a gun if he lay down again.

However, as soon as he stood up, he saw that Zheng Tai Shi actually rushed towards him, as long as he was torn off again, he would be gone.

Kim Jae-ho was anxious, so frightened that he turned around again on the spot.

It should be said that he is really ruthless, especially cruel to himself.

As soon as he saw him like this, Zheng Tai Shi immediately gave up and rushed to the back haha.

Haha ran for a while, and when he saw that Zheng Tai Shi was about to catch himself, he also turned around.

However, after turning two circles, he did not stand firm, and fell directly to the ground, and Zheng Dashi immediately stepped forward, haha rolled on the spot, and was caught up by Zheng Dashi and tore off.

Haha, this is directly out of the line, even if you are not caught, it is a foul.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho is on the ground again, feeling like he is going to die, everyone is also admired, why do you need to do this?

Of course, hard work pays off.

Park Ji-sung officially announced: "Then Jae-ho and Brother Ji Guo, join me in the stadium to play the Asian Dream Cup." "

"Yay!" Kim Junguo excitedly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's hands and spun around, but it made Kim Jae-ho disgusting.

I haven't vomited in decades, and I almost vomited again.

After Jin Zhiguo turned around a few times, he suddenly threw off Kim Jae-ho and exclaimed, everyone looked back and saw that it was Ferdinand!

This is a legendary star, the world's top defender.

This is also their next teammate.

Kim Jae-ho always thought that he would find a time to play again in the future, but he didn't expect to be ready to play immediately!

He changed into a pair of clothes that Park Ji-sung wore when he was playing with his superpowers, and Kim Jae-ho had already worn it once, and now the second time is also very emotional.

"Hey, Ichiko~Who is this~" Kim Jae-ho saw a face.

"Oh, you boy, brother is not called anymore, right?" Song Zhongji said with a smile.

"Why should someone who looks younger than me call brother~"

"Okay, let you go hahaha~"

That's right, Zhongji was also invited.

Kim Jae-ho looked around, "It's over, it feels like I'm a bastard?" "

"It's okay, you'll be popular." Park Ji-sung said with a smile.

"Can you not be so direct?"


"I'm a fan of yours~"

Several teammates said so.

Kim Jae-ho's character and strength are indeed very pleasing, and even many football stars are his fans.

"The first twenty minutes are warm-up time." Park Ji-sung explained.

Kim Jae-ho: "It's a warm-up for you..."


Kim Jae-ho knew that this turned out to be a charity football match, not only them, but also General Fan and Shothui from **, this lineup, gorgeous.

Kim Jae-ho was also stunned when he saw his teammates, and quickly went up to communicate with Chinese, causing the two people on the opposite side to think that this was the ** star and his own person.

But this time they are a team, they are really their own people, and they are going to play against the Taiguo Star Team.

Soon everyone was on the field, and after the opening, Kim Jae-ho sat on the sidelines.

Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguk stiffened directly and were very nervous.

Especially Kim Jae-ho, it was really the first time.

Jin Zhiguo's big heart is nervous, not to mention himself.

At the beginning, Kim Jae-ho comforted himself that they were all stars, and they would not be too serious about charity matches.

It wasn't until after it started that he saw someone kicking on the sidelines.

Is this Nima an exhibition match?

After the opposite side scored, the audience cheered, and then Park Ji-sung after they scored, too.

"Brother, are we really going to play?" Kim Jae-ho's hands were shaking, which was really nervous.

"Yes..." Jin Zhiguo was also very nervous.

"It's too humiliating for us to go up, right?"

"So, come on! Yikes! We can't be disgraced! "

"Yes, brother!"

"But thanks to you, otherwise I don't know what to do."

"Is it because I'm at the bottom?"

"Yes, hahaha~"

Suddenly, there was a wave of people next to them, as if they had done something, and then the audience began to call Li Guangzhu's name.

Kim Jae-ho saw that Lee Kwang-joo was actually dancing his mosquito dance, a dance that only courageous people can dance.

Kim Jae-ho felt embarrassed from afar.

But thanks to him, the mood is not so nervous.

Soon, the first half was over, and Kim Jae-ho was told to warm up and prepare to play.

I don't know why, Kim Jae-ho only felt that he had the feeling of catching ducks on the shelf, and now he is leading two to one.

Song Zhongji went first, he really looked like he had a sense of professionalism, and then Jin Zhiguo.

And then, there's Kim Jae-ho.

Now it's nearing the end, football is, the more intense the back, the turnaround is at this time.

Song Zhongji and Kim Jiuguo made a very beautiful cooperation, that is, Kim Junguo missed a goal.

Kim Jae-ho is waiting next to him to warm up, and it is Song Zhongji who he is going to replace.

Standing on the sidelines, watching the football up close, he could hear and feel the sound of his heart, and he had never felt it so tangible.

Kim Jae-ho is, when he is nervous, he will do strange things.

So, in this 10,000-person stadium, a player actually danced a women's group dance on the sideline, successfully grabbed everyone's attention, and "colored" the audience!

The RM people in the audience looked funny and humiliating, which was even more outrageous than Lee Kwang-joo's dance!

Big brother, you're going to play!

But it did enliven the atmosphere, which was close to 10,000 laughter.

Kim Jae-ho didn't mean it, just stood nervous, and jumped up inexplicably, usually jumping all the time, subconsciously jumping up, and his head didn't react.

It's as if there are athletes warming up with a women's group dance, but the person is a female athlete, he is a man, which makes everyone in the field laugh.

If he hadn't known that this was a charity match, the referee would have chased him away and interfered with the person in the game.

Kim Jae-ho also listened to it after hearing everyone's laughter, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to explode on the spot.

It's over, it's a shame before you play!

Kim Jae-ho was directly embarrassed on the sidelines, like Mang on the back, so many people looked at themselves, what did they do just now?

He stood straight and pretended that nothing had happened.

The eyes glanced at the lineman standing next to him, and the lineman also just glanced at himself, and at the same time moved away, very embarrassed.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't understand, what is this person doing here?

But after thinking about it, if you stand here alone, it will be even more dead...

Standing on the sidelines and watching the players in front of him receive the ball and pass the ball, Kim Jae-ho is really nervous.

He stood on the other side of the line, and as long as he was a few steps further, it was another place, which reminded him of the examination room of the college entrance examination.

Celebrity is really a demanding profession, and now it is required to be able to play football.

At first, I was still excited, but now I am only afraid that going up will make the other party immediately find a breakthrough and trap my teammates.

After all, his teammates are legends, and there must be countless children who play because of them.

He only prayed that after this game, no one would choose not to play football because of him...

Probably not, everyone should have a feeling that I can do it too.

On the other side, everyone is in rotation, only Park Ji-sung is sweating profusely, still running on the field, and from time to time a few wonderful operations, is really very handsome.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Zhong-ki to see how he was doing.

But after watching for a long time, I actually didn't do anything, catching, passing, running, loitering, and that's about it.

Song Zhongji received the ball and ran forward quickly, but it was quickly broken.

To be honest, the intensity is not particularly high, because there are also stars on the opposite side.

Now they have scored two goals, but neither of them Park Ji-sung.

And the opposite side has scored four goals, fiercely, this is the opposite side's home field, and it should be.

Kim Jae-ho's goal is that after he comes on the field, he doesn't concede too many goals...

Soon, Song Zhongji ran over under the guidance of the coach, and after high-fived Kim Jae-ho, he happily said a word of cheer and left.

His expression was like a holiday.

To be honest, if Kim Jae-ho is down, he will definitely be happier than this.

But now Kim Jae-ho is not happy.

After taking a deep breath, Kim Jae-ho ran forward, and Park Ji-sung seemed very happy to see him come up, and guided Kim Jae-ho to his place with a smile on his face.

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