Li Guangzhu especially did not understand and envied others, but Liu Zaishi called Park Zhixing to take good care of Li Guangzhu before leaving.

Park Ji-sung "took care" very well.

Although Kim Jae-ho is busy, Liu Zaishi feels that Lee Kwang-joo is even less worrying.

And Kim Jae-ho, he can take good care of himself.

"The third task is this, I will sign the football and then you guys are going to look for that football."

"Put the ball in your bag to pass." Park Ji-sung said.

"Is it mine after you put it in?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Then I have to ask PD~" Park Ji-sung laughed.

Kim Jae-ho is very embarrassed, if you play football, how to put it on the signature wall, or take something and frame it.

There is no doubt that the value of this football is very great.

Why didn't Kim Jae-ho think that physical things are more collectible than signatures.

For example, the album signed by all members of Girls' Generation, and the album signed by all members of SJ Hehe~

Just when he was enjoying his beauty, Park Ji-sung suddenly deceived them with a fake action, and then a real action caught everyone off guard.

People like Kim Junguo were shaken, and they all started a beat slower, Kim Jae-ho was the first to set off, and after a few seconds he was at the end...

The football flies high, everyone has to catch up, and then put it in their bags, even if it is successful.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho saw that this ball was hopeless, he began to look at other balls.

Sure enough, Park Ji-sung kicked out another ball, and Kim Jae-ho hurriedly chased after him.

Oops ~ fool ~

How to grab a ball so hard, and there are ~

Then Kim Jae-ho just ran a few steps and saw that Kim Junguo in the distance had turned his head to chase the ball.

Kim Jae-ho fainted.

The third ball Park Ji-sung is not in a hurry to send and wait for everyone to come back first.

Now it's just Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo.

He opened a big foot, very far away, and the football went where no one could see.

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo rushed out with a swoop.

Because he didn't chase the first ball, Kim Jae-ho's physical strength was not bad, and he actually ran in front of Lee Kwang-joo.

"What?!" Lee Kwang-joo saw Kim Jae-ho so fierce, and he also panicked, his idea was to win easily!

Kim Jae-ho didn't expect to be blessed with misfortune, but the good times did not last long, and when he got the ball, Lee Kwang-joo looked at him with unkind eyes and stopped in front of him.

Football suddenly became rugby.

Kim Jae-ho felt the pressure all of a sudden, and I have to say that the pressure was quite great.

Lee Kwang-joo also did not give Kim Jae-ho time and rushed up directly.

After Kim Jae-ho made a few moves, he avoided Lee Kwang-joo with a very flexible movement, but before he ran back halfway, he was caught by Lee Kwang-joo again.

After all, if you have endurance, it is still Li Guangzhu.

The two immediately scuffled together, and the scene instantly became dirty and cruel.

Although it was not the first time for the people in the distance to see it, they still thought it was very interesting.

At the beginning, it was mainly Lee Kwang-joo who attacked, and Kim Jae-ho defended, after all, the ball was in Kim Jae-ho's hands, and Kim Jae-ho was holding the ball.

However, under Li Guangzhu's extremely cruel offensive, including but not limited to teeth, he still lost the battle and gave way.

However, before Lee Kwang-joo could get up, Kim Jae-ho held his breath and ran up and grabbed one of Lee Kwang-joo's arms from behind.

Kim Jae-ho is an old wrestling maniatic, and he actually came directly with a flipped lock arm!

Everyone in the distance was dumbfounded, and they actually saw such a high-quality lock technique in a variety show!

I saw Kim Jae-ho turn Lee Kwang-joo's arm around, and then grabbed his hand and sat down directly on a butt mound, and after the position, he held his hands and locked it on Li Kwang-joo's head.

This is called "YESLOCK" in WWE, which is also an improved version of the face cross lock, which is a classic move reproduced by Kim Jae-ho, or learned by a master brother.

Li Guangzhu burst into tears in an instant, shouting.

"Let you snatch my ball! Like to grab it, right? "Kim Jae-ho is a very vindictive person.

"Aaaaah!" Li Guangzhu just shouted like this, there were no lines, and the scene was extremely cruel.

It wasn't until he let go of the snatched football and slapped the floor a few times that Kim Jae-ho let him go and continued to run back with the ball.

When Li Guangzhu sat up, her whole person was stunned.

"What is it?" It hurts! It really hurts! "

Seeing that Li Guangzhu was sanctioned, everyone in the distance died happily, and the duel between these two people was really wonderful.

Soon Kim Jae-ho returned to the starting point, and the football was also put in the bag, which was considered passed.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about Lee Kwang-joo's injury, just look at him and run back like a nobody, he didn't contribute, just looked ruthless, if he contributed Lee Kwang-joo's arm would be gone, his head would have to be heavy, and now it was just a pain.

And Kim Jae-ho felt that he was more seriously injured.

It's too exaggerated for Li Guangzhu as a person, you can imagine how much he wants to play football on the spot.

But Kim Jae-ho didn't grab the ball, it's good to say, after grabbing it, he will definitely not let it out, especially in his way.

"Why? Why do you want to do this? Li Guangzhu shouted in pain.

"You didn't start first!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless.

Now you can go back and take a break, the next recording is tomorrow.

Kim Jae-ho ate a meal of seafood fiercely, the seafood here is fresh and cheap, he asked the translator in the team to go with him, so that he would not be pitted.

Getting pleasure for a normal price is a joy in itself.

As artists, their own work requirements are to be happy, and everyone takes their own money to support them, just to make them happy, just like raising children, hoping that children can get more resources and live a happy life, and they can also get happiness from it.

Of course, the premise is that you as a child cannot lose control, and doing something that children should not do is to grow up healthy and happy, which in itself is their professional requirement.

If you can't do such a request, how much love you give back, how much hate will be returned to you.

Kim Jae-ho has seen many things, including the rebirth event that only he has seen, and he can't be sure that he is a good person, but not a particularly bad person.

The fund he set up before has also achieved a lot of results and helped a lot of people.

His money gave many people a chance to be "reborn", mainly those who were seriously ill and did not have money to see surgery, and he paid this money.

Some people wanted to thank him when they were discharged from the hospital, but he didn't go to see him, but just asked someone to bring a word.

Since you have relived once, live well.

This is probably what he gave himself.

So in order to live well, it is normal to eat six meals a day~

There are really too many delicious here, very alloyed in Jae-ho's appetite, and there are especially many snacks, Kim Jae-ho likes this.

After eating the things bought back by the staff in the hotel, Kim Jae-ho saw the photos of the scene and was really hungry.

Compared with other people's takeaways, he must go to the scene to eat it to be authentic, so he decided to go out, accompanied by Li Guangzhu of the same sex, he is also hungry and crazy.

"Ready?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Lee Kwang-joo.

"Hmm." Li Guangzhu nodded.

I saw that the two people were already fully armed, hats, masks, glasses and frames were all in order, and they wanted to feel the pleasure of buying food first.

"Let's go then."

In order to eat, Kim Jae-ho also had to take a risk.

They also considered the problem of goals, two people have smaller goals, they set off first.

Unlike the previous one, this time the two of them really used the most low-key costumes, and they didn't need anyone to shoot with them, just the two of them and a translator, so they were very confident.

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo walked to a small stall that sold oysters, and the two wanted to see it.

Kim Jae-ho ate oysters once, and that was the only day he wasted food.

Then he ate it during the shooting, it was still fishy, but he could withstand it, he thought that he was coming outside, so don't challenge himself, he wanted to make something delicious.

"Fresh and not fishy, it must be delicious." Li Guangzhu whispered.

They don't dare to speak too loudly, for fear that a different language will attract the attention of others.

"Really?" Kim Jae-ho was a little unconvinced.

Translation: "This price is very cheap, if you eat here, the owner can eat it on the spot." "

"Such an exaggeration? How many of them are there? Kim Jae-ho asked Lee Kwang-joo.


So it really came, and the boss not only helped them open, but also gave them sauce, that is, too sweet and spicy sauce, made by themselves, gave them a bag per person, opened an opening, and poured it directly into it.

Kim Jae-ho is still trying this way of eating for the first time, and directly took a freshly opened one, and the money has not yet been given.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes widened directly, it was an unprecedented taste sensation, there was a little fishy smell but it was covered by sweet and spicy sauce, and people were refreshed all of a sudden.

The two people looked at each other, and they both saw each other's happiness, especially happy.

"One more!" Kim Jae-ho learned this sentence on the spot with the translator, and then picked a big one.

The owner gave them a nice reopening, calling it open today.

However, just after they ate a few, they realized that something was wrong, Lee Kwang-joo touched Kim Jae-ho, his eyes signaled him, Kim Jae-ho looked to the side, I don't know when there was already a circle of people, and there was a mobile phone to shoot.

No matter what, this is still too conspicuous, although the owner has such a service, but there are very few people who do this.

And the two of them, one too tall, the other too white, because of eating, the mask was also removed, because it was too novel and the tone was high, so they were quickly recognized.

They kept looking ahead, and the people behind came and went, and they didn't pay attention, and Kim Jae-ho was frightened as soon as he turned around.

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