So he let Haha run away, and Liu Zaishi was chasing.

Jin Zhiguo is really too cautious, although it is particularly far-fetched, it can even be said to be tricky, but his intuition tells him that it is very likely to be himself, so he is very weak now.

Song Zhixiao also felt that it might be himself, so he was not in a hurry to tear haha.

Park Zhixing is even more impossible to chase haha, which is why Liu Zaishi is chasing.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes later, Kim Jae-ho suddenly heard a voice, "Liu Zaishi, OUT!" "


Everyone had this question in their hearts, what the hell is this?

Did you hear that right?

Kim Jae-ho was overjoyed in his heart, this must be Park Ji-sung's hand.

Then he saw Park Zhixing coming this way with a confused look.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes widened, meaning "You didn't do it?" "

Park Ji-sung on the other side replied, "I don't know!" "

Then both men knew that something had happened.

And in fact, it was Haha who killed Liu Zaishi back...

Just a few minutes ago, Liu Zaishi chased after Haha, Haha has been persuading him, Liu Zaishi is also a little hesitant, let down his vigilance on Haha, want to see if there is anyone else to do it together, just when he turned back, Haha directly started, and then Liu Zaishi was successfully attacked by a sneak attack.

Haha, although the number of wins is pitiful, he is not Li Chi's generation, on the contrary, sneak attacks are very good at him.

Of course, there is nothing on Liu Zaishi's back, that is, he is excluded from the condition of not being married.

Liu Zaishi is a very tricky person for Kim Jae-ho, and now he has been eliminated like this!

And this kind of good thing?

As a musty Kim Jae-ho, he has never encountered good things.

Which person he eliminated was not something he had painstakingly removed, and now it can still be like this.

But now there is another problem.

"This way Zhijin, you can't catch up with me anyway, in this way, let's go and tear off Haha brother first, if he is not, let's talk about it, how?"

Li Zhijin was thinking.

"Look at the color of our clothes, it's the same!"


Kim Jae-ho breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Zhijin's tiger-eyed little eyes were shining, which made Kim Jae-ho very stressed.

If it was usual, Li Zhijin would tear himself off casually, but not today.

Today is his first time as a spy in the true sense, which is very important.

In addition to haha, everyone gathered together again, and then they knew that no one had seen haha, but Jin Zhiguo saw Liu Zaishi who went to prison, and also knew that he was attacked by haha.

"It's been too long to drag on like this, let's quickly eliminate him and talk about something else." Kim said.

Just when everyone was chatting, suddenly Lee Ji Kim Oh, Park Ji Sung shouted "Be careful", Kim Jae-ho quickly turned around and leaned towards Park Ji Sun.

Sure enough, Haha is sneakily approaching himself.

This turned out to be an attempt to sneak up on himself!

"Yay! What are you reminding him for?! "

Haha angry and corrupted, such a good opportunity!

As long as you tear off Kim Jae-ho, you can prove your innocence.

Kim Jae-ho was taken aback, fortunately he had allies and teammates, but he himself already sensed that something was wrong with the people around him.

Accustomed to sneak attacks, I didn't expect to have a day when I was sneak attacked.

Kim Jae-ho became embarrassed and rushed directly.

Haha turned around and ran, but was caught by Kim Jae-ho, who started fast, but was not torn off the name tag, Haha struggled violently and took Kim Jae-ho out for several meters.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Zhijin came over immediately like a cat smelling fishy.

Jin Zhiguo also rushed over, originally planning to eliminate haha first.

"Tear it!" Kim Jae-ho shouted, but was dragged by Haha's power as a shield, separating Haha from others.

At a critical moment, the power of the haha outbreak is really not to be underestimated, and at the same time does not give up on the mouth, shouting:

"Brother! He is! Tear him up! "

You controlled me, but I didn't control you!

"Quick! Uah! He is! Haha shouted.

Li Zhijin's heart that was originally determined to tear off Haha immediately began to shake again, and Jin Zhiguo was too, looking at the two younger brothers and didn't know how to start.

Now they are not in a hurry, after all, haha and Kim Jae-ho are both turtles in my urn, and they can tear whoever they want, which is nothing more than choosing one of the two.

"Zhijin! Forgot our allies? Elder brother! I'm your favorite brother! "

"I am!" Haha yelled, "Who is? Brother you say! "

"Yay! Don't do that! Jin Zhiguo was very embarrassed, and his eyes signaled Li Zhijin to hurry up.

However, Kim Jae-ho and Haha are not vegetarians, they have been spinning, and Li Zhijin is not easy to start.

The main thing is that she now wants to tear Kim Jae-ho, but there is a covenant, so she is also hesitating who to tear off.

"Ah! What to do! "The tangled moment of Li Zhijin's life.

It seems to be a very long time, but in fact, more than ten seconds have passed.

Song Zhixiao saw them at this time, and also came, she has been looking for clues.

The addition of a third party stimulates the battlefield.

Kim Jae-ho felt like he was going to suffer when he saw the two of them like this, especially Lee Zhijin, and he had a very terrifying feeling.

He shouted: "Tear! Tear it up! "

When Li Zhijin heard this, he also made up his mind and was ready to start, but his heart tightened, and he fought and retreated.

At this time, I suddenly heard a tearing sound and ah, haha looked confused, not myself!

It's not Kim Jae-ho either!

When they looked, Kim Junguo looked back in surprise and looked at Park Ji-sung in disbelief.

"Daihatsu !!" Several people made this sound.

"Quick!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Don't, don't!"

Seeing Park Ji-sung rushing over, Haha had a very bad premonition, and struggled violently to let go of Kim Jae-ho's hand.

Li Zhijin didn't know what was going on, his brain was already confused, and Song Zhixiao, who had just come over, was also stunned.

What's going on?

Soon with the cooperation of Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung, Haha was eliminated.

"They're spies, Pabhu!" Haha shouted.

Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung showed a triumphant smile and looked at the name tag of Haha, there was nothing in it?!

"No, I just want to eliminate the final country first." Park Ji-sung said.

"Do you think we'll believe it?!" Song Zhixiao was crying and laughing.

"Brother, can't hide, let's showdown." Kim Jae-ho moved his neck, exuding the aura of an evil man.

Park Ji-sung also showed a smile, hiding for so long, this moment is really cool.

Without Jin Zhiguo, the two of them went crazy.

Li Zhijin and Song Zhixiao were scared to escape, how to play this?

"Isn't there still a task? Is it fake? "

Song Ji-hyo saw Kim Jae-ho, they did not chase, and also stopped to question.

"I'm also a spy, then it must be on you, Zhijin, you tear off Zhixiao, you know the task, let's do it together." Kim Jae-ho shouted, "Get a piece of your pie." "

"Don't do this, it's just the two of us now!" Song Zhixiao moved away from Li Zhijin a little.

Because she saw that Li Zhijin's eyes were already looking at herself.

Song Zhixiao's mind is still very clear: "The task is definitely to catch spies, and it will definitely not be another task." "

Kim Jae-ho: "We are going to prevent you from completing the task, whatever you want, anyway, you all lose, you might as well fight." "

Kim Jae-ho's words are really murderous, because it does make sense.

Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't want to eliminate the two of them, and they can't get started, so it's best for them to solve it themselves.

"Brother, you are really powerful, this is all successful." Kim Jae-ho gave a thumbs up.

"I didn't expect it to succeed, and I was very nervous just now." Park Ji-sung was very happy.

The two of them had premeditated, and after Liu Zaishi was eliminated just now, Kim Jae-ho whispered to him that he was ready to eliminate Jin Zhiguo, as long as he eliminated Jin Zhiguo, everything was easy to say.

So he didn't give Park Zhixing a look just now, he just felt that Park Zhixing should know what to do.

This is his intuition, Park Ji-sung is undoubtedly a person who reacts quickly, and when he sees the opportunity, he goes up.

Kim Jae-ho contained everyone's attention throughout the process, it should be said that he did really well, and a wave of acting explosions attracted everyone's attention.

Park Zhixing's timing is not only good, but also tearing is particularly good.

For so many periods, the famous brand is not like at the beginning, the fit is just right, not as difficult to tear as before, but it is not particularly easy to tear, and there may be problems if you do not catch it all of a sudden.

It's just that after doing this, there is a very empty feeling.

"What now?" Park Ji-sung asked.

"You go and knock them all out, I'll cover you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Why didn't you go?"

"You're the protagonist! I can't get my hands off. "

"I can't get my hands on it."

"Then or we surrender."

"That's not okay, you still have to win."

"I know, I'm just talking, if they don't have infighting, we have to go right, can't let our guard down, they join forces very strongly, if..."

At this moment, the radio sounded, "Song Zhixiao, out!" "

"Look, if that's the case, it's okay to do a little fuss."



On the other side, Li Zhijin saw the contents of Song Zhixiao's name plate and regretted it.

It is clearly written that the spies must be found and eliminated.

That would be very difficult for her, because now it was clear that there were two spies.

But there is no way to do this, she can only bite the bullet, now she is only alone, very cautious, she has to find an opportunity.

She debuted at the age of fifteen and was scolded for singing tragic songs, and now she is third on the celebrity list, her psychology has become extremely strong.

However, what she didn't expect was that Kim Jae-ho was looking at the paintings on the wall alone.

What a chance!

Seeing that there was only Kim Jae-ho over there, she whispered over, and then took cover, directly tore off Kim Jae-ho and then ran a few steps away, happily holding the name tag on her hand to show off, smiling happily.

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