Dressed thin, undressed with flesh.

Liu Zaishi's strength must be great, after all, he has been surviving in such an extreme environment.

And the boys on the other side all look so strong.

Ready to start, haha went directly up and said that Jin Zhiguo's arm was too exaggerated.

Chi Shizhen suddenly shouted: "One hand! One hand! "

Immediately the audience shouted, everyone knew that they had won, so they didn't want them to win.

The power of the masses is strong, Kim Junguo directly used a hand, and when he saw that it worked, Kim Jae-ho shouted: "No hands!" No hands! "

Kim Junguo fried his hair, and directly walked over to think about theorizing with Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho hurriedly said: "Quick!" Begin! Fast! Whistle! Blow! "

Li Guangzhu hurriedly picked up the whistle.

Because the referee was Lee Kwang-joo, Kim Junguo hurried back and let Kim Jae-ho go.

Kim Jae-ho was terrified.

"It's terrifying!"

The first Li Zhijin also said this, although he was not coming at her, but Jin Zhiguo was still very terrifying when he came over.

"Think about the pressure I have to face every week." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh!" Li Zhijin suddenly understood why Jin was determined that they could not win.

This is a heartfelt fear!

Soon, the tug-of-war competition began, and Kim Jae-ho felt a little nervous before starting, and the air was different.

In elementary school, every tug-of-war had Kim Jae-ho's share, but it felt completely different.

In order to guarantee the final country only with one hand, Li Guangzhu also held the other hand of Jin Zhiguo.

As soon as the whistle sounded, accompanied by Li Zhijin's scream, everyone felt a huge forward force, dragging everyone forward a step.

In just a few seconds, they had already lost.

"What is this?!" Li Zhijin people are stupid, knowing that the gap is large, they didn't expect it to be so big.

Jin Zhiguo is still one-handed, and he has not yet given his full strength!

Half of the Golden End, a girl high heels, so there is no way to fight back.

The white team also thought that Kim Jae-ho could consume a little of their strength, but now it seems to be wishful thinking.

Don't talk about wasting strength, now it beats their morale.

"You can exchange players after a round." PD said.

"Then change Jin Zhiguo." Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, you can only change your own team, and the color of the clothes should be the same." PD said.

"What's the use of that!" Haha mentality exploded.

Changing someone is just not slower.

Liu Zaishi himself said, "This is really too beneficial to us." "

In any case, Kim Jae-ho and they still have to choose a more suitable team for their team.

They replaced the girl with the least strength, there is no way, in order to win, it has to be like this.

"Hard work." Kim Jae-ho said to the girl who was swapped out.

"It's okay, it's okay~" The girl waved her hand.

"Indeed, I feel that the people who stay are more troubled..." Kim Jae-ho touched his palm.

Fortunately, he has practiced his grip strength and has a cocoon in his palm, otherwise it would definitely hurt now.

The second time, the speed of losing was not so fast, but it seemed that it was not long, and what he didn't expect was that Li Guangzhu actually broke Jin Zhiguo's hand back.

All of a sudden, Jin Zhiguo lost his strength, and everyone quickly counterattacked, and won all of a sudden.

As long as Jin Zhiguo does not use strength, then he can win!

"Yay!" Everyone was so excited that they didn't expect to win.

And because he was very focused, everyone did not see Li Guangzhu's small movements.

After hearing Jin Zhiguo's complaints, everyone knew that Jin Zhiguo had been beaten up.

Kim Jae-ho immediately guided: "Three two one!" Long live Li Guangzhu! "

Everyone shouted together, and then the audience shouted, and Li Guangzhu also raised his hands to feel the glory of the moment.

As soon as Jin Zhiguo walked over, Li Guangzhu immediately ran.

Sure enough, it was Li Guangzhu who had to deal with Jin Zhiguo, Li Guangzhu was less afraid of death, and Jin Zhiguo generally did not sanction him.

If Kim Jae-ho had come, he might have turned in the sky by now.

At the beginning again, haha guided Jin Zhiguo with one hand, Jin Zhiguo no longer planned to have a hand, so he rushed over and wanted to get haha, haha hid behind Li Zhijin, and Jin Zhiguo let him go.

Li Guangzhu blew the whistle and shouted like a verdict: "One hand of Jin Zhiguo!" "

Jin Zhiguo saw that Li Guangzhu dared to shout, and walked over, and Li Guangzhu was instantly stunned.

Seeing that Li Guangzhu is so brave, Chi Shizhen is not far behind, and he raises his hand when Jin Zhiguo can't see himself...

Jin Chengguo turned around and immediately put his hand down.

If it weren't for so many people watching, they might not have passed this minute.

Inexplicably, it dragged to the final game, and they had to face the firepower of Jin Zhiguo.

The game began, and the firepower of Kim Jiguo quickly solved the battle.

Kim Jae-ho They are looking for the wrong people, they all look relatively thin, only the program effect has no tug-of-war effect.

"Next time, if you want to use your strength directly, judge us to lose, forget it, don't humiliate us." Kim Jae-ho complained.

PD didn't expect such a one-sided victory, but they were only responsible for coming up with ideas, and the rest was random.

Kim Jae-ho they are looking for the wrong person, and there is no way around this.

Kim Jae-ho and they retreated to the side of the lawn to watch the battle, and Haha was in charge of being the referee.

"On this lawn, you can have a picnic with a piece of cloth." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Indeed~" Li Zhijin said smoothly.

In fact, she didn't know why so many people watching Kim Jae-ho could still think of such a tumultuous operation as a picnic, and so much she had eaten just now had not been digested.

Kim Jae-ho has always wanted to go to a picnic once, when the time comes, go abroad and Song Jihyo two people, surrounded by green grass, beautiful mountains and waters, and then spread a cloth on the ground, which is full of handmade and bought food, eat, drink and have fun, simply, enjoy the ultimate.

"Song Zhixiao! Win! Song Zhixiao! Win! Kim Jae-ho guided everyone to shout, and everyone immediately followed.

The popularity of Monday's couple is still not to be underestimated, this support is outrageous, Song Zhixiao is a little embarrassed, smile and wave with everyone, especially happy.

"How humiliating it would be if you lose~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"You must win!" Song Zhixiao said.

Then a whistle blew and lost.

Faster than Kim Jae-ho them!

And when he lost, Lee Kwang-joo also rushed up to give Kim Junguo two kicks, and then returned to his position casually and continued to pull.

But they have already lost.

Song Zhixiao directly covered his face, it was too humiliating!

Jin Zhiguo really couldn't bear it this time, and directly sanctioned Li Guangzhu, Li Guangzhu was better than Kim Zaihao, he knelt very quickly.

Seeing Jin Zhiguo coming, he directly knelt down on his knees, and Jin Zhiguo was embarrassed to get him when he saw him like this.

For example, if Kim Jae-ho is concerned, he will never kneel and eat Kim Junguo's down, so the styles of the two are still very different.

Kim Jae-ho belongs to the one who would rather die unyielding, and Lee Kwang-joo belongs to the one who can say anything as long as you let me go.

Kim Junguo still prefers Kim Jae-ho's kind, and Lee Kwang-joo didn't make a move.

And the surrounding inexplicably shouted Li Guangzhu's name, as if in recognition of his behavior.

People like to see it as death.

It seems that Jin Zhiguo has been classified as the Great Demon King because of his extreme strength, in fact, Jin Zhiguo has been bullied by everyone and is very restrained.

This is probably the temperament of the strong.

Li Guangzhu and their side are going to change people, and the people who come are reserve people, especially strong.

What people didn't expect was that the effect of this substitution was outstanding and he won.

Jin Zhiguo's side got the opportunity to substitute, but did not choose to substitute, they felt that it was a problem of rhythm and there was a mistake.

And such a backbone behavior is particularly handsome, Kim Jae-ho immediately guided everyone to help.

Kim Jae-ho is an old rhythm master, even if he sits on the sidelines, his presence is very strong.

He sat like Li Zhijin, as if he were taking a pictorial newspaper.

All of a sudden, the game was very suspenseful, obviously not participating by themselves, but everyone became nervous, and began to support the team they supported, and their blood boiled.

That's probably the charm of RM.

Song Zhixiao also took off her hat and went straight on.

Finally back to the beginning!

Which side will the goddess of victory be on?

Okay, we can see that Jin Zhiguo in the front has closed his eyes, but in fact, he is not closed, but he looks closed with force.

Park Ji-sung also gritted his teeth, worthy of being a football player, even if he needed to use so much force, he did not close his eyes, his eyes were so big that Kim Zhiguo could not be reached.

Football players are like this, no matter how they have to open their eyes, they have to see the person and the ball clearly.

It can be seen that Park has tried his best, and he is bound to win this match.

He himself should not have thought that he would try his best to get to this extent just to participate in an RM.

Kim Junguo also has a big place, the arm is particularly large, Kim Jae-ho can see the green tendons on it from so far away, and an arm feels twice as big as Park Jiao.

Although they are very popular, the people on the other side cannot be underestimated, and the two sides are deadlocked.

Everyone didn't expect that this last game could force Jin Zhiguo to this extent, and everyone thought it was a one-sided link.

Suddenly, there was a mistake in the green team, and they were pulled forward a few steps, but this person quickly recovered and immediately committed.

Some people collapse after failing, while others get up immediately after falling and continue running.

Seeing that they were about to lose, the green team suddenly seemed to burst out with all the energy, and the awakened Liu He, the capable, and Park players exerted unimaginable power and pulled the precarious balance back.

This length is already the level of a marathon, and the fight is no longer about strength but physical strength.

Everyone did not expect such a tug-of-war, they all gritted their teeth, worked hard, and fought the opposite side first.

It burned all at once!

At this moment, it can obviously be seen that the postures of Jin Zhiguo Park Zhixing and Liu Zaishi look more handsome, especially Jin Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi, they are really very handsome when they are serious.

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