Kim Jae-ho continued to shout slogans with everyone with a serious face and exited, even the running posture was the same.

Like a skit, everyone looks at it and thinks it's amazing, this man, there is no sense of violation, too much program effect.

Although Kim Jae-ho is suspected of defecting to the enemy, Park Ji-sung does not care, after all, it is impossible to prevent it, and Kim Jae-ho is also broken and broken.

But all of a sudden, the score was brought closer to one point, and at this time Park Zhixing had a sense of crisis.

After all, he is a professional footballer, what will his teammates say if he loses? Lose the adults!

"Tremble you guys, Captain Park is going to be serious!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?" It's not that the people on the yellow team are very concerned, they are used to this pressure.

Park Ji-sung kicked off to Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho moved forward and immediately passed to Park Ji-sung, Park Ji-sung had already opened the distance and rushed directly forward, almost after a shot.

Ji Seok-jin had already moved the goal in advance, but it was useless, Park Ji-sung predicted the position of the goal, and it turned out to be such a distance to hit the moving goal.

Everyone was shocked, is this the strength of professional players?

Chi Shizhen: "Is this a good kick?" "

Everyone was confused, is this his real strength?

This has to counterattack, there is no way, Zhihyo wants to repeat the old trick, Kim Jae-ho used to open his hand to stop it, Song Zhihyo walked left and right for a while and found that he couldn't walk away, biting his lower lip and raising the football and waved, frightening Kim Jae-ho to stumble, and then crossed Kim Jae-ho.

In front of the door is Park Zhixing, she shook Park Zhixing left and right and was scared to move left and right, and suddenly Song Zhixiao held the ball and rushed in without caring about anything.


Kim Jae-ho shouted, "What? Umpire! She attacked me! Can it still be like this?! "

The referee looked at the sky, today's sky is so beautiful, beautiful as the sky~

After all, Song Jihyo just frightened and didn't really smash down, and Kim Jae-ho didn't pay attention to them.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless: "It's too bad, this superpower, it's too bad!" "

"What's wrong? Do you have an opinion? Song Zhixiao asked.

"No, Captain, do you have it?"

"Neither did I..."

I don't dare to have it!

However, Song Zhixiao's ability only scored this one goal, and the others are auxiliaries, which can be said to be very restrained.

If Li Guangzhu got this skill, he would have no feet, all hands.

The counterattack began, another long-range shot, this time even more outrageous, Park Ji-sung shot a moving goal from halftime.

Not a dimension at all.

Park Ji-sung raised his hand, and Kim Jae-ho immediately ran over to give him a high five.

"Dafa, Captain! So handsome! "

"Luck luck~"

"Next time let me try, I'll be lucky."

"Forget it, there is no need ~ the score is too close, there is no need to waste the opportunity~"

"How can this be a waste of opportunity? Have you seen my Halley's Comet Big S shoot? "

Park Ji-sung snorted and waved his hand, meaning don't make trouble~

Kim Jae-ho was also happy: "What kind of expression are you~"

"Play well, defend." Park Ji-sung said with a smile.

The opposite goal was scored with a good match, but Park Ji-sung immediately ended the game with a breakthrough goal.

"Lost." Chi Shizhen said.

"It's okay, you've played well." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

The last thing everyone wants to hear is Kim Jae-ho's comfort, which is very yin and yang.

Sure enough, Kim Jae-ho added another sentence, "It's still a little bit worse than Park Contestant~"

Kim Jae-hobi made a gesture that could cost him the country's boy market.

"Yay! What does it have to do with you, it's Park Ji-sung who wins! Goal passes are all him! "

Everyone has itchy teeth, this is the villain's ambition!

Everyone thinks that Kim Jae-ho's position, I can also go to me!

Kim Jae-ho also put one hand on Park Ji-sung's shoulder, looking very kind.

"Yay!" Li Guangzhu rushed over, indicating that he also had a share in this victory, and then Kim Junguo also reacted and followed.

Liu Zaishi and they were even more disgusting, "If it weren't for you, we would have won!" "

After all, there are only two goals left, and Kim Junguo and their help is not just two goals.

Park Ji-sung and they did not dislike it, and the four people happily gathered in a circle to celebrate.

Even Li Zhijin said: "It's so unspeakable!" "

It's so annoying!

"Because the Park Ji-sung team wins, they can decide their own team members and decide the distribution of team members."

MVP Park Ji-sung can assign every three to a team.

"Brother!" Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

Park Ji-sung also immediately said: "I choose the final country!" "

"Yas!" Jin Zhiguo shouted, "I will definitely work the hardest today!" "

Kim Jae-ho: "Oh... Brother, how can you do this! "

Park Ji-sung said: "I still have a member! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately obeyed, "Okay, brother~ I know..."

Before he finished speaking, Park Zhixing said directly: "I choose Zaishi." "

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho's mentality exploded, do not bring this, forget it if you don't choose, and give hope!

"But is it really possible?" Liu Zaishi was pleasantly surprised.

"This is completely strong!" Jin Zhiguo was excited.

Everyone was laughed by Kim Jae-ho, and after reacting, they suddenly found that Liu Zaishi Kim ended up in the country Park Zhixing, who is this not the dream team?

"Then we're all like that." Chi Shizhen said.

But no, Park Ji-sung can also decide on a combination of three three.

The rest of the people he can distribute at will, Kim Jae-ho is still complaining.

"Brother, this is not right, have you forgotten the days when we ran together on the greenery? Even we're standing on the green now, brother..."

Park Ji-sung immediately said: "Kim Jae-ho yo haha team." "

Kim Jae-ho continued: "Brother... That's great for you! Elder brother! I love you! Love you brother! "

Kim Jae-ho wanted to stick up and kiss him, but Park Ji-sung directly pressed his face to prevent him from approaching, and resisted with his whole body.

"Love you so much brother~" Kim Jae-ho didn't care, and continued to stick.

Haha quickly came up: "I love you too~"

Jin Zhiguo immediately showed himself and stopped them: "Ah! What are you doing! Stay away from Park Player! "

Liu Zaishi also got started after realizing it, which was competing for favors.

Park Ji-sung was embarrassed, but very happy, in fact, he only assigned it this way to minimize the strength of the two of their teams.

Now there is no doubt that they are the strongest on the team.

Because there were some problems, the venue and member arrangements and so on, and then recorded after two days.

Because he was shooting with Ah U, Kim Jae-ho has been looking forward to it.

After having a girlfriend, the feeling of being a female idol is very special, as if blurring the gender.

Of course, Song Zhixiao is very relieved, after all, unlike others, Kim Jae-ho has the opportunity to be with Ah U, and he likes I yo from the beginning, but he still decided to like it after seeing Song Jihyo.

From liking to confessing to confessing to being accused to accepting to being together and then to the nearest zero-distance breakthrough, everything experienced in the middle has given Song Zhixiao enough security.

Anyway, if Kim Jae-ho has a problem, she can kill him in a short time, and the master brother should help with the aftermath.

Kim Jae-ho is also worried that Song Jihyo will misunderstand, so he has been doing ideological work.

Whether Song Zhi Kosuke doesn't mind, do it or do it.

Don't think that if your girlfriend doesn't mind, it's not right, you're not right, and your girlfriend won't take you seriously soon.

On the day that came out, Kim Jae-ho didn't do anything, so he watched the progress of various work and practiced a dance, and rested for the rest.

The shooting started, very early, everyone changed their clothes and was ready to go.

Kim Jae-ho wore a pink beanie today, hot and stuffy, purely to pretend to be cool.

The effect is very remarkable, as soon as I came to HeyU, I said that Kim Jae-ho's hat was very good-looking, and Kim Jae-ho was very happy.

Today's Li Zhijin is also very good-looking, and it is even more after changing into a team uniform.

"This uniform doesn't fit my hat~" Kim Jae-ho was unhappy.

"It's a good match, it's all one color~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Does it look good?" Kim Jae-ho asked Lee Ji-kim.


"Then why are you laughing?"


"Why laugh even louder? Did you think of happy things? "

"Yes, hahahaha~"

Li Zhijin smiled forward and backward, especially exaggerated, feeling like he was going to laugh.

Her laugh point is really low, and the breath is particularly long, and she can laugh for a long time.

Soon everyone changed their clothes, which were Yoo Jae-seok's green team, Kim Jae-ho's powder team, and Song Ji-hyo's white team.

When Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo quarreled over the problem of standing.

The main thing is that Kim Ji-guk does not want to be so far away from Park Ji-sung.

Seeing the two of them competing for favors, Haha also ran over to make fun.

A mature man like Kim Jae-ho would not do such a thing, after all, he was already standing next to Lee Ji-jin.

Hmph, childish~

Compared to Kim Jae-ho, Kim Ji-guk has really been looking forward to this day for two days.

In the past two days, when Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguo chatted, he talked more, smiled more, and spoke faster.

You can see the positive meaning of idols for a person.

PD: "From now on, the task to be completed is a bonus competition, each mission is linked to the bonus, the sooner you pass, the higher the bonus, of course, the more bonuses you get, the better it will be in the future, so you have to complete the task in order to get more bonuses." "

"How much is the bonus? To ensure that you can fly to Pacific for a while, the corresponding bonus will be exchanged for Thai baht. "

After all, it is an international RM, and that country is also the first time that everyone has seen the popularity of the show internationally.

And there is a more important thing, that is, the football match mentioned earlier, is to go to this country, so it is said that it is a plane ticket.

"Then now the three teams get into their respective cars and move towards the places indicated in the car."

As soon as they heard that they were going to get on the car, Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo were very happy.

"Park player!" Kim Jae-ho shouted, and Park Ji-sung looked back.

"If you can't plug your ears, it will be much more comfortable~"

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