Kim Jae-ho glanced at several flags in the distance: "This is really unhuman!" Didn't you take into account my physical strength? "

"Shi Zhenxi should do the same." PD said.


PD held back all of Kim Jae-ho's complaints in one sentence.

"What about this? You won't be able to run in ten seconds! Song Zhixiao was worried.

"It's definitely a little harder at the beginning, it's a little simpler later, and we'll go straight to the next flag." Kim Jae-ho deliberately walked forward without looking at PD's face.

But sometimes, you can't get mixed up.

"Nope!" PD stopped him, "Go on your back." "

"Can't I fail this directly?"

"No, you have to carry it on your back, no matter how many seconds you have."

PD This is also for fairness, Kim Jae-ho This is really not simple, and he suddenly thought of loopholes.

Indeed, because the later distances are calculated according to the accumulated physical strength in the front, the latter will be simpler, and if Kim Jae-ho goes directly to the back section, it will definitely be much easier than him trying one by one.

Kim Jae-ho actually knew that he couldn't, but he just wanted to try it, and deliberately said it to let the production team judge.

"There's no way around that, come up." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What to do, I ate a lot today." Song Zhixiao said.

"It's okay, it's not that I haven't carried it, it's more than fifty kilograms."

"Fifty! Not much! It's been forty-seven lately! Lucky to get to forty-six! "

"Hahaha, what the hell is good luck?" Kim Jae-ho laughed and Song Ji-hyo jumped up, and Song Ji-hyo could hear Kim Jae-ho snort.

"Is it heavy?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"Not heavy, okay!" Kim Jae-ho said through gritted teeth.

To be honest, as long as it is a normal person on his back, it is impossible not to be heavy.

Usually others will say it like a feather at this time, but Kim Jae-ho can't say such a thing.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's appearance, everyone knows that even if he walks over, it is not an easy job for Kim Jae-ho.

"The clothes on the body are also heavy." Song Zhixiao said this in order not to let everyone misunderstand.

"It's okay, it's my problem." Kim Jae-ho walked with heavy steps to the pink flag.

"But it's much more stable than before."

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have suffered more than a year in vain." Kim Jae-ho can still speak normally.

The two people walked quietly on this bridge, flanked by the wind that could ruffle the hair, Kim Jae-ho's steps were firm, and he did not tremble as before.

Song Zhixiao can even enjoy the wind and scenery on it.

After a while they arrived, and a young lady timed them.

"What a shame, it's still timed!" Song Zhixiao didn't look at it.

The time naturally times out, but it doesn't matter.

"Okay, what's next?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Holding the bride in ten seconds and doing seven squats is successful!"

"Can you?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Kim Jae-ho recalled the scene when he was holding Song Jihyo at home, and he had a little confidence.

"It should be possible, you think about it, when others come to do this task, they run for more than ten seconds behind their backs, then I didn't run should be okay."

"Here they are." Song Zhixiao looked into the distance.

"Let's get started, let's try it officially." Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand, and Song Ji-hyo immediately jumped up, very skillful.

"Ready! Begin! "

Kim Jae-ho immediately squatted quickly, and then got up, and Song Jihyo helped count, looking very happy.

Kim Jae-ho is very fast, because he knows that the process of going up and down is the most laborious, so he wants to shorten the process as much as possible.

Soon seven was done, "Seven! Song Zhixiao shouted.

The little girl next to her also immediately pressed pause, exactly ten seconds.

"What to do?! Does ten seconds count? Song Zhixiao was surprised.

They discussed it immediately.

Kim Jae-ho gasped and said, "If you don't count, I really don't know what I'm going to do." "

PD smiled, not afraid at all, but considering the girl's reaction time, he still said: "Pass!" “

"Yay!!" Kim Jae-ho was so excited that he directly picked up Song Jihyo and made another squat.

"One more!" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Can't come..." said Kim Jae-ho, "already with soft legs..."

"You can finally speak human language!" Kim Jae-ho said to PD with a smile.

PD did not respond, and said with a smile: "Go to the place of departure and move to the next place!" "

Kim Jae-ho said to Song Ji-hyo: "Help me, my legs are soft..."

Song Zhixiao cried and laughed and helped Kim Jae-ho, "It's really like this, what is it to celebrate!" "

"Happy~ In fact, I can't help it, I'm just afraid of falling..."

On the way back, I also met other people, Xuanya shouted "Wow the weather is so good~" while running, looking very happy, as if she was here for tourism.

Kim Jae-ho immediately didn't need Song Jihyo to help him, and wanted to show the calmness of the winner.

"Did it work?!" Li Guangzhu's eyes widened, and they were just about to begin.

"It worked." Song Zhixiao said happily, after all, this game is also a big burden for her.

The four looked at them with envy.

Kim Jae-ho said: "My second link is successful, easily, you can too." "

"Ah, in this way, the first link must be successful, otherwise it will be humiliating." Haha said.

Lee Kwang-joo half-squatted to let Hyunya jump up, with a resolute face, it is impossible to lose to Kim Jae-ho!

"Then come on~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Jihyo didn't speak, just laughed, and then got into the car because Kim Jae-ho had contributed just now, so she was responsible for driving.

After Song Zhixiao closed the door, he said, "You are so bad!" They'll misunderstand if you do that, right? "

"This is to give them a little fighting spirit, how can it be bad~ What a good person I am~" Kim Jae-ho showed a "friendly" smile.

"They will definitely doubt life when they get to the second stage." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

Just thinking of that scene made Song Zhixiao want to laugh, and when they couldn't succeed in the second link, there would definitely be a problem with their mentality.

After all, Kim Jae-ho succeeded.

But Kim Jae-ho was lazy in the first link, so his feet were not so tired in the second link, and he almost couldn't succeed, so he knew that this link was not so simple.

This time, first-class couples can also drive their own cars, which is very comfortable.

Song Ji-hyo drove to a small nearby shop to buy something to eat on the road, and this time it was Kim Jae-ho's turn to feed her.

The final destination is the wedding hall in Mudong.

"Have you been there?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Nope." Song Zhixiao said.

"Then let's go together next time~"

Song Zhixiao reacted quickly this time and was not fooled.

"I don't go to this kind of place with others casually~"

"So would you casually eat potato chips with others?"




On the other side, Kim Jae-ho and what they expected are also happening.

They were directly dumbfounded.

"Did they really succeed in this link?" Haha asked.

"Yes." The girl said.

"Same task?"

"How many seconds is he?" Xuanya asked.

"Exactly ten seconds."


"It's so unspeakable!" Li Guangzhu said.

The four people gasped, as if they had heard something very fantastical, especially haha, he couldn't even hold someone and squat.

Has Kim Jae-ho's physical strength been strengthened to this point?!

Hidechi, in particular, already felt doubts about her weight.

After all, Kim Jae-ho is notoriously weak, and there must be no problem with the boy, and the problem lies with himself.

Xuanya is okay, she has always controlled her weight, and Li Guangzhu is only a second behind, so she thinks it is still Li Guangzhu's problem...

But it doesn't matter, she didn't accuse Lee Kwang-joo, just lamented that Kim Jae-ho is so strong.

Kim Jae-ho's improvised words almost disintegrated their military hearts.

After all, this is not only endorsed by the production team, but also the result of ten seconds has been stretched to the limit, which is very real, after all, Li Guangzhu himself has eleven seconds, which is a result that can be done.

And when Kim Jae-ho left, he also said very outrageous words such as "easy" and "no difficulty", which made everyone feel even more confused.

But there is no way, life still has to go on, and when the time comes, you will know how he passed.

They worked the next session and passed, but there was always a bit of a regret.

Kim Jae-ho really gave them an impact.

Drones in the distance recorded all this in mid-air, and several heavyweights finally arrived.

Kim End-country.

The only one who has the potential to pass the first link.

"Is Oppa okay?" Crystal didn't look very good.

To be honest, such a game will be a burden for any girl.

"It's okay." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Forget about others, why are you worried about him?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Crystal touched his stomach, "There's food in it." "

"Come on!" Kim Chengguo half squat.

"What a burden!"

"It's okay! Trust Oppa! "

Liu Zaishi was also happy when he saw this, "Crystal, if he can't believe it, there will be no one to believe, even if you are two, he is fine." "

Jin Zhiguo smiled, it was indeed time to be clear about himself.

The crystal jumped up, and with a sound, Jin Zhiguo rushed towards the end alone, and the speed was obviously different from Li Guangzhu or haha, very outrageous!

More than forty kilograms of crystals seemed to be absent on his back, almost until the crystals were all called on it.

"Nine point two seconds! Succeed! "

"Wow!" Crystal shouted, it's amazing!

Jin Chengguo is still wearing leather shoes, like Brother Long's "wrong shoes and wrong pants", and there are crystals on his back, and he can run so fast.

The production team must have made it very difficult at the beginning, but wasn't it set up in vain, but I didn't expect that Jin Zhiguo still passed.

Sure enough, the capable people are different, and even Liu Zaishi can't do this.

But Liu Zaishi is Liu Zaishi after all, the second link is nine seconds seven five, very powerful, he ran through the first round, so he can succeed.

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