Everyone chatted idly, and then waited for everyone to get ready to go.

Kim Junguk and Haha they go first, Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin.

Jin Zhiguo drove very rarely, the crystal on the co-driver was particularly good-looking, and there were Xiuzhi and Haha behind.

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin also got into the car.

"I'll open it~" Chi Shizhen said.

It's all familiar people, except Katsuken.

Kim Jae-ho is relatively unfamiliar with Katsuken, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't know him.

"What's the mission?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Katsuken reads the mission letter: "For the wedding contest, please go to a certain appliance store and find the RM banner." "

"Zaihao, thank you so much." Chi Shizhen said.

"No, you better thank Katsuken." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"If only all the girls were as good as Katsuken." Chi Shizhen said.

"Hahaha~" Katsuken thought it was funny.

"Katsuken, you may be very tired today." Song Zhixiao said.

"I'm not afraid of getting tired." Katsuken said with a smile.

"It's not physical fatigue, it's mental fatigue." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? No, I feel that Shi Zhen Oppa is very good. Katsuken's face was full of innocence.

"Yes, how good I am." Chi Shizhen said.

"Wow ~ Sakura!" Katsuken shouted.

I saw cherry blossoms blooming on both sides of the road, and I was in the same mood as today.

"Isn't that song very popular lately, Sakura ends." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Isn't there also a song in Hao." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho nodded, there is the feeling of the end of the cherry blossoms, but it is different, it is not the cherry blossoms.

"It's still cherry blossom ending."

The song was played in the car, and today's car is full of smiles.

Because it is a wedding special, the next step is likely to be to get married, so Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo's mood is also subtly happy.

Haha too, he is faster.

There are also flowers in the front of the car, which really looks like a wedding car.

However, just walking to the main road, I saw the banner, very fast, and everyone had not yet talked a few words.

"Katsuken, get ready, get off the bus and it's another world." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Oh, don't scare her!" Chi Shizhen complained.

"Maybe it's a good world~" Katsuken laughed.

"It's a good state of mind! Great! Song Zhixiao gave a thumbs up.

Everyone means to suggest that she can develop in this direction, and there will also be a program effect, which is also paving the way.

However, variety shows are full of uncertainty, and it is not interesting to set the tone at the beginning.

Although it is work, everyone does not feel like work at all, and Li Guangzhu's smile has never come down.

Xuanya is really very good-looking, just running next to her, Li Guangzhu feels very happy.

He also spoke less, but his mental activity increased.

Chi Shizhen also drove steadily, and soon arrived, and when he went to the upstairs destination, only Li Guangzhu and Liu Zaishi arrived.

"What about Brother Chenguo? Weren't they the first to set off? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know."

Everyone stood in a row, this is the first task, wedding supplies to answer questions.

PD said that after departure, everyone can go to press the answerer, and if you press it first, you can select the product and answer the question correctly to get the product.

"Didn't answer correctly?" Kim Jae-ho asked, "Will the goods be exchanged?" "

"If you don't answer correctly, the opportunity will be given to others, and the goods will not be exchanged until someone answers correctly."

"That has to be grabbed." Song Zhixiao said.

"Everyone pay attention to safety, it will be rude next."

Kim Jae-ho said while moving his muscles.

Everyone was ready, and as soon as PD said to leave, everyone rushed out, and then there was a collision incident, Xuanya was elbowed by Liu Zaishi, and the table with the answerer was about to be overturned.

When Song Zhixiao realized that something was wrong, he slowed down and wanted to protect Xuanya, but it was useless.

"Is Xuanya okay?" Liu Zaishi panicked, and he did not brake the car.

"How could it be okay!" Li Guangzhu shouted, "Xuanya, are you all right?!" "

Xuanya was so painful that she fell to the ground, but quickly stood up and said that she was fine.

This is the most panicked Kim Jae-ho has seen Liu Zaishi's expression.

"Yay! How can you elbow it! Kim Jae-ho saw it just now, "Just for a home appliance?!" "

"It's not!" Liu Zaishi waved his hand.

Xuanya stood up strongly, waved her hand with a grim expression and said, "Arasso, can it be like this." "

"It can't be like this! What are you talking about?! Li Guangzhu was stupid, and covered his mouth and said: "It's so terrifying!" "

"Alasho!" Xuanya just repeated these three words domineeringly.

Kim Jae-ho is looking for the production team: "Ah! How can you put only one table, such a dangerous game, at least put some cushioning materials here! "

PD himself was frightened, and everyone was about to run into him just now.

PD: "Then answer first in Hao Xi. "

Kim Jae-ho immediately changed his smile: "Oh? Is it? Hey, that's okay~"

Song Zhixiao is about to laugh, is this a change of face?

"Xuanya! I'm sorry! Liu Zaishi said quickly.

"It's okay!" Xuanya said.

How can this be okay!

The more Xuanya was okay, the more panicked Liu Zaishi became.

Kim Jae-ho said with a smile. "Am I in the wrong group, I feel that Xuanya is the one hanging by Brother Chenguo."

"I feel it too." Li Guangzhu said, "It's terrifying! "

Xuanya's character stood up at once, and sure enough, it was a domineering female solo, and Li Guangzhu suddenly felt that he was not worthy of her.

Is such a fierce teammate really what he deserves?

Xuanya's charm at this time is really infinitely amplified, the figure is good and good-looking, and the personality is also extremely strong.

It is clear that people who usually don't speak too loudly, are very rigid when they encounter something, no wonder they can develop so well.

People who get up immediately after being hit by an elbow and say that they want to take revenge really seem to be transformed.

But it's useless, no matter how fierce the person has to answer behind Kim Jae-ho.

Everyone lined up behind Kim Jae-ho, and at this time Kim Junguo also came.

"Let's choose the product first." PD said.

"You choose." Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo, and Song Ji-hyo looked at the big TV.

She still likes TV the most, and she likes it until she is on TV.

"In case this team answers incorrectly, I will say start again and start again when the time comes."

At this time, there was a lot of noise in the back, and PD had no way but to repeat it again, but everyone still didn't listen, just like a classroom without a teacher.

Only Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo listened.

PD sent a plea to Kim Jae-ho with his eyes, hoping that he or Song Ji-hyo would say something, but Kim Jae-ho just watched with interest, and the more embarrassed PD forced him, the happier he was, as if watching a play.

To be honest, the guests came, everyone just wanted to whisper, and they were also thinking about standing.

"Let's go straight to the question like this, they won't have a chance to answer anyway." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Okay, now the question, the topic of the LCD TV, what is the name of the quilt and pillow pillow that the couple covers together? I'll give you three seconds. "

"This question knows that filial piety will come to you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I won't!" Song Zhixiao was stunned.

"She said she wouldn't, change it."

"Can't change, 3, 2..."

"Dragon and phoenix quilt!"


After a dinging sound, there were suddenly shouts behind him, Kim Jae-ho looked back and saw that everyone was rushing over, and he quickly took a step sideways while pulling Song Jihyo over, avoiding the crowd by a fraction.

There was another collision incident, everyone was grabbing, and they couldn't stop the car.

Song Jihyo was frightened and hid in Kim Jae-ho's arms.

"Are you all right?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's okay."

If it hadn't been for Kim's decisive pull, she might have been injured right now because the tables had been knocked over.

Everyone was accusing each other, arguing like a wet market.

PD couldn't bear it anymore and said directly: "If everyone in RM is always like this, there will be no female guests." "

Everyone was quiet at once.

Kim Jae-ho has already pulled Song Jihyo to the back, far away from the land of right and wrong.

He found that it was all the boys who were arguing in front, and the female guests were watching from behind.

"Don't stand here, go help." Kim Jae-ho said.

Crystal and Kuili hurried to help after hearing this, after all, they are now arguing about Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo.

"Yes! Obviously we arrived first! Crystal said.

Kim Jae-ho smiled: "Crystal is really not suitable for scolding, how can you laugh and scold, you go and teach her." "

Song Zhixiao twisted and said: "I won't scold people~How can I teach~"

"Then you can teach her the method of the way."

"What Dao? I don't know~"

"You're a bad thing, what are you doing... Oh! "

Song Jihyo bit his lower lip and directly sanctioned Kim Jae-ho with a punch, and this sudden blow also scared Xiuzhi, and then laughed.

Song Jihyo stared at Kim Jae-ho angrily, gave you face, didn't you?

With Kim Jae-ho's sacrifice, the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.

On the other side, Kuili very gently matched the crystal line, and the painting style was completely different from that of Liu Zaishi of Jin Zhiguo, and finally everyone decided to restart and go to the starting point together.

Suddenly, PD set off and everyone rushed forward, but Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo did not set off.

They haven't thought of the answer yet.

After grabbing it, it was Xiuzhi who replied "Fugeev pillow", which is the first time even Liu Zaishi heard the term.

This is actually an acronym, the quilt covered by the couple and the pillow of the couple's pillow, very outrageous.

Kim Jae-ho lamented that it was really a very magical world, this circle was really full of talents, and the brains of colleagues were amazing.

Everyone was ready to go again, and PD said, "If you take a step back, I'll give you a hint." "

Everyone immediately obediently took a step back.

"Oh, this is pinching us!" Kim Jae-ho realized later.

Everyone smiled that it was indeed like this, but it was also for the sake of order, and PD knew how to control this group of people with a particularly strong desire to win or lose.

Seeing that everyone was so well-behaved, PD said: "To give you a hint, four words are right." "

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