After Kim Jae-ho heard it, he immediately made a Cho Yingjun "radiant" gesture, that is, a gesture of praising the sun, and sure enough, everyone immediately gathered around.

Jin Zhiguo: "My brother! "

Liu Zaishi: "In Hao~ you know~ how do I treat you." "

Ji Seok-jin grabbed Kim Jae-ho's hand, "Kim Jae-ho!" "

This is outrageous to use honorifics directly!

For the dignity of the angels, the predecessors are gone.

Lee Kwang-joo walked up directly and kissed Kim Jae-ho's face.

"Ouch!" Kim Jae-ho was covered in cold, and the whole person was not good, "Lee Kwang-joo eliminated!" "

"What?!" Li Guangzhu shouted, "Don't! I will support you unconditionally in the future! It's true! "

"Oops~ I'm a little tired from standing~" Kim Jae-ho stretched.

Liu Zaishi immediately went to move the stool, Li Guangzhu was even more desperate, and directly lay down as a stool, and Chi Shizhen stroked the dust twice on his back.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho couldn't sit on it, and the basic dignity still had to be given, just sat on the stool that Liu Zaishi moved over.

"Hmm~good job~"

Haha immediately helped Jin Zaihao pinch his legs, and Jin Zhiguo also helped Jin Zaihao massage when he saw this.

Kim Jae-ho immediately screamed: "Ahhh! Hurt! "

Jin Zhiguo was immediately driven away by everyone.

Kim Jae-ho touched his shoulder: "I feel that the bones are crushed..."

Everyone was also smiling when they saw Kim Jae-ho being held by the stars, and they were sore as a result of enjoyment.

But Kim Jae-ho also felt the smell of power and was very comfortable.

Although the angels are all good, everyone also has their favorite idols, and the next few hours are the most dashing time Kim Jae-ho has ever lived.

Kim Jae-ho waved over and called Liu Zaishi: "Brother, come here." "

Liu Zaishi immediately clenched his hands and walked over, his posture was very low, "What are your orders~"

"You say first, help you arrange." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Really?!" Liu Zaishi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, you pick one."

After all, his victory was snatched from Liu Zaishi's hands, and he still had to give it back.

If it weren't for Yoo Jae-seok, Kim Jae-ho wouldn't have won tonight.

Liu Zaishi thought for a while, and suddenly put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed slightly: "I obey your arrangement." "

Good lick!

Everyone is shocked, can it still be like this?!

"Hmm~" Kim Jae-ho nodded with satisfaction, "I am also very pleased that you have this heart." "

"Well, then, I won't look at your request, I'll ask the angels for their opinion."

Anyway, how to decide is Kim Jae-ho's business, the production team has no right to interfere.

Kim Jae-ho walked up to the angels and asked the production team to find paper and pen: "You just write down on the paper the order of the members other than me, which is what you want to partner with, from the most to the least, so I will arrange it for you." "

After all, they are the guests, and their opinions are more important.

Everyone also recognized this way, which was fairer, and when they saw the eyes of the angels looking at this side, they immediately stood very respectfully, wanting to show their sincerity to the greatest extent.

"Can't I write your name?" Kara asked.

Kim Jae-ho said with a smile: "Yes, say it in advance, this is for reference only, and in the end I decided by myself." "

He is also very fond of Shengyan and is a very open-minded artist, really ruthless, desperately running variety shows during the newcomer period, will make money and manage money, real estate rich woman.

Of course, although it is not a scale compared to a madman like Kim Jae-ho, it can also be on the artist list.

Not letting the guests write their own names is also Kim Jae-ho's own plan, if it is before, his performance must be similar to that of Guangzhu and them.

probably also knowing what Kim Jae-ho thought, Song Jihyo came over and whispered to Kim Jae-ho.

"If you want to choose one too, don't care about me." Song Zhixiao said, "It's better that way." "

"I already chose ah, I chose it at the beginning, when I saw you." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Seeing the love in Kim Jae-ho's eyes, Song Zhixiao was also very happy, so he didn't persuade.

Kim Jae-ho thinks very clearly, comparing his heart to his heart, if Song Jihyo plays a couple special or even a wedding special with someone else's team, then he will definitely explode, he has no such interest.

In other words, Song Zhixiao will not be in a good mood when he sees himself like that.

"Oh, with such an understanding boyfriend, you really picked up the treasure~" Kim Jae-ho was proud.

Song Zhixiao said angrily: "Get out!" "

After the shooting, everyone went to eat together.

Everyone talked about the birthday they celebrated for Jin Zhiguo a few days ago.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo also separated in order to avoid suspicion.

After arriving, everyone began to celebrate again, and everyone also found that Song Jihyo seemed to be more beautiful, and Kim Jae-ho was very excited all night, smiling and moaning, looking very happy.

Kim Jae-ho sent a pink dumbbell, and Bringbring's was stained with cream glue with a lot of small items, which looked very good-looking.

Jin Zhiguo tried it on the spot, and did not dislike it, but liked it very much, that is, the people who watched it were very uncomfortable.

Liu Zaishi frowned: "Hey Yigu, woo~really~"

The classics are disgusted.

After eating, I went to the sleeping place prepared by the production team nearby.

Before going to bed, Kim Jae-ho has one more thing, that is, to make distribution, and he himself must be with Song Jihyo.

Let's take a look at the people you choose.

Kim End-guk is an absolute favorite, and no one will dislike Kim End-country.

The first two of the five pieces of paper basically have Jin Zhiguo.

In fact, it doesn't matter, he mainly looks at Chi Shizhen's name, as long as there are more than four places, he will divide Chi Shizhen over.

There is no way, no matter who Chi Shizhen is assigned to, he feels that it is a particularly difficult thing.

People finally came once, and Chi Shizhen's team really lost at the starting line.

So with Chi Shizhen team, the lens is difficult to guarantee.

Surprisingly, Shengyan actually ranked Ji Shizhen in second place, with Haha in front and Li Guangzhu in the back?!

What is this?

The idea is very clear! Is it so brave?

It doesn't matter, that's for you to be brave once.

It's not that he looks down on Chi Shizhen, after all, Chi Shizhen is the king of star making, and he is very popular with the female guests of his team.

The main thing is that it is rare to come to RM, have their favorite members, and if they are on a team with someone they really want to know, the effect will be much better, and in general, no one will very much want to team up with Ikeishi Zhen...

This is also the reason why Chi Shizhen has always wanted to retreat in the early stage, feeling that he is not suitable, but he was held down by Liu Zaishi and PD.

Without Chi Shizhen, this team will definitely be very boring.

At other times, the general guests' handling is the team of Song Zhixiao and Chi Shizhen.

Now since someone doesn't dislike Chi Shizhen, let her come.

After deciding everyone, Kim Jae-ho has a big problem and wants to write...

Finally it's time to show the real technology.

After such a long time of study, it is time for everyone to see his words.

First of all, the envelope, he wrote TO, and then then he began to draw, drawing caricatures of the members, which he created and played himself, and added animal characteristics.

After he drew Liu Zaishi, he showed it to the production team, and everyone laughed.

I have to say that the characteristics are very graphic, ugly and ugly.

In fact, assigning people is an easy thing to offend, but Kim Jae-ho is not worried about this at all.

After all, they all come to play, because whoever and who in the team feel bad will scold, this kind of people do not care about their opinions.

Early the next morning, Haha got up very early.

Without him, he can't wait to meet his beautiful sisters.

As soon as he saw Kim Jae-ho's painting on the envelope, he said, "Hahaha~so cute~"

He showed the camera that it was a chubby penguin, but could see the characteristic beard of Haha.

I have to say that Kim Jae-ho painted quite well.

"Don't separate us, please." Haha opened the envelope and prayed with the sincerest heart.

He took out the letter paper inside and was very nervous, and after opening it a little, he saw that the word "Song" was written.

"What?" Haha was startled, quickly unfolded, and found that it was written "Song? No, look at the back. "

"Hehe..." Haha touched his heart, panting heavily, frightened.

He turned to the back and looked at it, and it was written Xiuzhi in very small words.

Haha almost cried when he saw it, "Hey in Hao! "

He is now infinitely grateful to Kim Jae-ho, and he knows who he wants to team with.

The last time Haha was on the same team with Xiuzhi, what he was most looking forward to was Xiuzhi, and his favorite idol.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho originally planned to let him and the crystal team up, because the iceberg beauty is still the most suitable for the penguin, but he felt that the phase was a little bad, so he just did it.

"I will always love you!"

Haha said.

Suddenly, the door next to it opened, and it was Jin Zhiguo.

Jin Zhiguo should have heard the voice of haha, after all, it was originally notified yesterday at about this time.

Haha said very excitedly: "Brother! Me and Hidechi team! "

"Oh? Is it? What about me? Jin Zhiguo looked at the envelope on the ground, picked it up and saw the cover.

"What did you draw?" Haha curious.

"It's a tiger~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

Haha was about to go to see it, PD suddenly said: "If you don't bring your other half to the front of the apartment within a hundred seconds from now, your other half will drink flower tea." "

What a horrible thing to say in the morning!

Haha and Jin Zhiguo's expressions immediately changed, haha rushed out, Jin Zhiguo hurriedly said: "I'm not yet, right?" "

"I don't start until I've read it." PD said.

Jin Zhiguo quickly looked at it, "Ten million!" "

He was also praying, and when he saw the word "crystal", he was almost moved to his knees.

"In Hao! Everything you've done before is written off! Salang hey! My favorite brother! "

After receiving the envelope, everyone confessed to Kim Jae-ho, and Wen Jing's crystal is also the type that Kim Jiangguo likes.

Also, who wouldn't like crystals.

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