Soon, dinner came up, Kim Jae-ho's share was particularly large, and the production team mastered his food amount.

"From now on it's dinner time, and when dinner is over, the team member who wants to be eliminated is voted the most, the meal time and rest time are an hour, and the third round is the same way, so the third round is the last round."

"That means one more elimination is followed by another game." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So shall I continue to stay here?" Haha asked.

"Haha, I will keep the elimination until the end." PD said, "As a reminder, the fourth round after the third round is the last round. "

Haha call merciless!

Even eating alone is so painful!

He could have done otherwise, he had hid well in the room at first, but he thought it was too dangerous and ran outside.

Otherwise, he just needs to wait until Kim Jae-ho comes to cover him, and he has a chance to get through.

The key is that he didn't run well when he ran out, so he ran with his head stuffed, the outside was so open, he was discovered all of a sudden, or was found by Chi Shizhen, shame!

But that's all in the past, and no one cares about it now.

Everyone thinks in their minds about who to vote for, in fact, it is thinking about whether to vote for the final country.

Kim Jae-ho eats with his heart, and he unconditionally surrenders to Kim to end the country.

Jin Zhiguo suddenly said: "Unconditionally vote for my words, be mentally prepared." "

"Brother, what are you looking at me and saying? I definitely won't vote for you! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes?" Jin Zhiguo looked at him, his face full of disbelief.

"Of course! If I vote for you, how can Haha brother sit next door now! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Kim Jae-ho! Yikes! Haha shouted next door, "I misread you!" Hum! "

Jin Zhiguo directly scolded: "Be quiet!" "


Haha immediately muted up, muffled to eat, turning grief and anger into food.

Kim Ji-guk seems that Kim Jae-ho is still his good brother, and it seems that what he said is still useful.

Of course, this issue of broadcasting Kim Jae-ho will definitely not watch it with Kim Ji-kook...

Soon, Jin Zhiguo went to the toilet, and only then did he dare to show his head and look at Li Guangzhu: "Who do you really want to choose?" "

"Jin Zhiguo."

"Who do you choose?" Song Jihyo asked Kim Jae-ho.

"I am unconditionally the final brother."

Then Lee Kwang-joo left the position and found Kim Junguo: "Everyone wants to eliminate you, and Jae-ho said that he wants to vote for you unconditionally." "

Jin Zhiguo licked the corners of his mouth, angry.

Lee Kwang-joo came to surrender to Cheng, a good betrayer, just right, Yoo Jae-seok listened in the back, came back and told Kim Jae-ho.

Chi Shizhen said: "He will definitely betray us every time he ends up. "

He voted before haha, if it weren't for his betrayal, he wouldn't have this now.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't know who to believe, after all, the last time Haha was voted out, it means that at least in addition to Song Jihyo, there are two other people who voted for Haha.

These two people, he felt that there must be a Chi Shizhen inside.

RM is such a place, it seems to love each other, but in fact they have their own calculations, like some kind of spy movie.

Kim Junguk came back and looked at Kim Jae-ho.

"I heard that you want to vote for me unconditionally?"

"Who did you listen to? How is it possible, no matter who it is, this is a dissociation meter! Brother, you can't be fooled! Kim Jae-ho immediately spoke righteously.

"Hmph, huh?" Jin Zhiguo obviously didn't believe it, "No matter what, if you vote for me, you will eliminate me quickly, otherwise not only this round, the next round, I don't know what I will make." "

Kim Junguo's eyes were like a torch, and Kim Jae-ho felt a substantial threat.

This is intended to be aimed at yourself.

"Ahem... Don't worry, brother..."

Wow! Who said that?! Still playing small reports?

Liu Zaishi was also listening next to him, and whispered in Jin Zaihao's ear: "Light pearl light pearl..."

Kim Jae-ho immediately looked at Lee Guangzhu, and Lee Guangzhu immediately shook his head: "It's not me, I definitely didn't say it!" "

"Did I say you meant that?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Li Guangzhu: This is not a self-defeating move.

"Okay, Li Guangzhu, okay!" Kim Jae-ho gave a thumbs up, and the betrayal was all betrayed on my head, right?

It was the first time he was betrayed by Lee Kwang-joo, because he had always been in the hostile camp.

That's how it feels!

"Not me!" Li Guangzhu was still hard-mouthed.

And just like that, dinner time, full of intrigue and betrayal, came to an end.

Because Liu Zaishi eliminated haha, he can have two votes.

This vote is even more confusing than the last time, after all, there was a haha to guide last time, but this time there is none.

Everyone didn't know who Jin Zhiguo was going to vote for, and they didn't know what everyone had discussed privately during the break just now.

Kim Jae-ho was the first to vote, he originally wanted to vote for Kim Yongguo, directly wrote the three words Lee Kwang-joo in front of everyone, and then ignored Lee Kwang-joo's crying and wailing, and threw it directly into the ballot box.

"I voted, you feel free." Kim Jae-ho said.

Everyone was happy, and so was Jin Chengguo, shouting "OK".

He knew who he wanted to vote, and he had long wanted to get Li Guangzhu.

Li Guangzhu was anxious and said to him: "Brother! Think about what I said earlier! We're a team! "

"Don't worry, you can't forget~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

What he meant was that he couldn't forget Lee Kwang-joo's betrayal before, but he didn't write it in front of Lee Kwang-joo, and only Kim Jae-ho alone voted publicly.

After voting, everyone went to a place to wait for the opening.

Everyone returned to this familiar place, and unlike last time, there was no Jessica and no Nikun, only themselves.

Because it is a place that has already been visited, Kim Jae-ho has no desire to visit.

Revisiting the old land and feeling like I've really grown.

Match the scene in front of you with the one in your memory, and then find yourself a place to stay.

The game soon begins and the radio sounds.

Li Guangzhu was uneasy, Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu had chatted before, so Liu Zaishi was also uneasy, he felt that Jin Zhiguo they were likely to get themselves, after all, they were nominally the most benefited after Jin Zhiguo was eliminated.

"RM survival game, the third round of voting results are as follows, the first place of the team member that RM wants to eliminate the most is - Lee Kwang-joo!"

Li Guangzhu froze directly: "What? Me? I? "

The first reaction of every chosen person is, why me?

In fact, although Li Guangzhu voted for Jin Zhiguo, he chose Jin Zhiguo on the backhand, and Jin Zhiguo chose Li Guangzhu...

Liu Zaishi and the two are both Jin Zhiguo, jokes are jokes, Jin Zhiguo still has to get it.

Ji Shizhen is, get it back, jokes still have to be played, so he voted for Li Guangzhu, anyway, Jin Zhiguo eliminated it has nothing to do with him.

As for Song Zhixiao's words, it must be Lee Kwang-joo, after all, Kim Jae-ho-tou Lee Kwang-joo, and there is no conflict with Kim Zhiguo.

Lee Kwang-joo didn't know anything, so he was elected, and he thought that Kim Jae-ho's words caused everyone to vote for him, and he had a hunch just now.

On the other side, everyone laughed when they heard this, and seemed to have thought of Li Guangzhu's current expression.

Kim Jae-ho shouted, "Lee Kwang-joo!! It's hidden~"

Li Guangzhu in the distance also heard it and was frightened.

Kim Jae-ho is also not in a hurry, everyone's mood is not the same as when they first played against Kim Junguo, seeing who has a bright smile on their faces, even the staff are laughing.

"Oops~ good weather!" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Obviously indoors.

"Yes, yes, yes~How was the dinner~" Liu Zaishi asked.

Obviously they ate together, the same thing.

"This is not a walk~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Two people directly fight non-so-called, headless and brainless, everyone just expresses a relaxed mood.

Although it is easier to hide here than Haha just now, everyone is not worried.

Lee Kwang-joo nagged while hiding: "Ah, Kim Jae-ho, xi, Kim Jae-ho!" Oh..."

He cursed and cursed in his mouth but did not dare to make too loud noise, because Kim Jae-ho was famous for his good hearing, and the echo in this corridor was very serious.

He gave all the responsibility to Li Guangzhu, and he said to the camera: "No matter what, I will definitely repay this hatred!" "

He didn't think at all that it was because of his own betrayal that he had brought this here.

Everyone shouted the three words "light pearl~" one after another, each sentence representing love for him, but this love is a little heavy.

Li Guangzhu shrunk in a corner, shivering, uneasy, a huge planetarium, feeling that there was no place for herself.

The radio sounded: "There are 25 minutes left until the end of the game." "

Kim Jae-ho was still walking very leisurely, "I have to extend his fear a little, 25 minutes is too little." "

Kim Jae-ho's idea was to drag it out until the last minute, when Lee Kwang-joo felt that he had a good chance of winning, and then tear him up.

If you want to perish, you must first drive people crazy.

Kim Jae-ho is already positive here, Song Zhixiao has played games, and Kim Ji-guo is resting in place, after all, it is a planetarium, and there are many experience projects.

Everyone will go to play as long as they see it, and Li Guangzhu doesn't know what he will think if he knows that his opponents are like this.

Kim Jae-ho already felt bored, he had already played it when he came last time, and he really came for a walk.

After all, when he was alone at home, he didn't have much opportunity to walk, and he wanted to meet Li Guangzhu by chance to scare him.

"Guangzhu ah~ don't make a sound~ I will hear oh~" Kim Jae-ho shouted as he walked.

If Li Guangzhu was nearby, it would definitely feel very intimidating.

Chi Shizhen first found Li Guangzhu, "Guangzhu ah~ I am a person, a person. "

Seeing that it is Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu are also a lot relieved, at least a player he can fight, and he is also his good brother.

"Oh, why are you staying here? Who did you write about? Chi Shizhen sat down and said to Li Guangzhu, his posture was low and he looked friendly.

Of course, it would have been better if his hand hadn't grabbed Li Guangzhu's clothes.

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