Kim Jae-ho also panicked, this sense of oppression is too strong.

I don't know where Jin Zhiguo is, even if he stays by Liu Zaishi's side, he doesn't feel safe.

At this moment, suddenly the voice of Jin Zhiguo came from the radio.

"Listen up, hear me, write me? Anyway, that's too much, right? As I said, although it is a variety show, the first round is not a variety show. "

When everyone heard this, goosebumps rose, and Kim Jae-ho and Liu Zaishi looked at each other and saw the grandeur in each other's eyes.

"He seemed really angry." Liu Zaishi said.

"I'm already a little shaky." Kim Jae-ho said.

At this time, the broadcast continued: "I will do it seriously today, see you later." "

Jin Zhiguo's words were like a death knell, threatening their lives, and a burst of terror struck, which was very exaggerated.

"Oh, he's going to destroy us all today." Liu Zaishi said.

"It's terrible! It's terrible! Song Zhixiao panicked.

"Oh, hurry, he must be in the studio by now!" Kim Jae-ho said, "Let's go and block him!" "

"Are you sure we're going to block him?" Liu Zaishi asked soulfully.

"If the three of us don't dare to look for it now, it will be even more terrifying when he suddenly appears!" Can you stand it? Kim Jae-ho asked.

Liu Zaishi gasped, and he really couldn't stand it.

"But do you know where the studio is?" Song Zhixiao asked.


Haha is very relaxed now: "This is the Serengeti, the first round is not a variety show." "

Kim Jae-ho and they found Ji Seok-jin in the lost.

"Why didn't Guangzhu save him just now?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Too scared." Chi Shizhen said.

"How can I be so scared!" Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"You are afraid if you come!"

"At least you can save people, right?" Liu Zaishi said.

Just as they said this, a figure suddenly popped up next to him and directly threw Chi Shizhen on the ground, like a white ghost.

Everyone's first reaction was to take a step back and shout.

Liu Zaishi, who just said that he could still save people, did not step forward now.

"Quick! Help! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Seeing that he was not killed with a single blow, Jin Zhiguo immediately retreated, leaving a terrified Chi Shizhen.

Kim Jae-ho Chong followed Song Zhihyo and Liu Zaishi in front, and Ji Shizhen was also afraid to stay in place alone, and quickly followed.

"Yay! That's terrifying! It's going crazy! Is this really an artistry? Liu Zaishi said while running.

"Brother, you guys follow close, I'm afraid!" Kim Jae-ho was really a little scared when he ran the first one, and looked back from time to time to see if anyone was following.

Otherwise, Jin Zhiguo will be gone.

"Then I'll go ahead." Liu Zaishi said.

"Okay, I'm not going to go to the last one anyway." Kim Jae-ho said.

The first one is safer, and the last one is terrifying.

"Then I won't go to the end!" After Chi Shizhen heard this, he quickly walked a few steps faster.

"Really, it's terrifying!" Song Zhixiao said.

"Why do you make the variety show so terrifying?" Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"It's not because we voted for him." Kim Jae-ho said.

Kim Jae-ho found Ji Seok-jin: "Brother, we rock-paper-scissors, the one who lost was in the end." "

"What about her?" Chi Shizhen pointed at Song Zhixiao.

"Brother, are you human? She's a girl! "

"But I feel like she's better than us!"

"Hahaha~" Liu Zaishi and Song Zhixiao both laughed.

This man is simply outrageous, his dad opened the door to outrageous - outrageous to home!

"Brother, you just dropped the light bead and ran away, don't you do something?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go last." Chi Shizhen had no way.

When it comes to life and death, everyone takes it very seriously.

"Brother, if you encounter something later, you will call, and we will see the situation to save it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What is it to save according to the situation! As soon as I call you, come and save me!" Chi Shizhen said.

"Then you'll have to hold on for a while." Kim Jae-ho said.

"That's for sure, just hurry up." Chi Shizhen said.

He is blindfolded and coaxing his nose - self-deception.

While they were chatting, screams suddenly came from upstairs.

"Oops! Brother Stone again! Kim Jae-ho had an extremely ominous feeling, "Brother Zaishi hold on!" "

He quickly rushed up, and Chi Shizhen also chased behind.

Everyone was very uneasy, because Liu Zaishi's screams were too short, and he didn't shout after shouting.

This Nima, why is it chatting about Liu Zaishi's accident?

When everyone arrived at the crime scene, they only saw the terrified Liu Zaishi and Song Zhixiao.

"Brother! Was it torn off?! Yikes! What are we going to do! "Kim Jae-ho turned Liu Zaishi around and was really torn apart.

"As soon as I opened the door, he was there."

"So what to do? Chase or not? Chi Shizhen asked.

"Of course chasing, do you want to do the same?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I can't see it anymore, ah, he's a ghost, a ghost!"

"How can it be so fast!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless, "Can't you just hold on for a while?" "

"I was scared." Liu Zaishi said, "You'll know what it's like later." "

Kim Jae-ho grabbed his hair and was very big-headed.

Liu Zaishi is gone, Jin Zhiguo is a tiger scolding the street - no one dares to provoke.

"It's over."

He looked at the rest of the people, Chi Shizhen, Song Zhixiao, and himself.

"If we are like this, we can't beat it head-on." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's terrifying!" Song Zhixiao was about to cry out quickly.

"Ten minutes before the game ends."

"What to do in these ten minutes, do we hide or go to him?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Of course, go to him, otherwise what if you enter the second round with him!" Liu Zaishi said, "But why are you so afraid?!" You should have blocked it for me just now! "

Liu Zaishi looked at Quan Lie, and Quan Lie smiled embarrassedly, everyone has to be afraid!

Ji Seok-jin and Song Ji-hyo both looked at Kim Jae-ho, waiting for him to give an explanation.

Kim Jae-ho is now very hairy, originally arranged for Liu Zaishi to walk in the front to protect Liu Zaishi, who knew that when they chatted, Liu Zaishi himself was out of touch and too far away from everyone.

This survival channel is like shooting some zombie movie, which is very terrifying.

"Let's go, let's go find him, or he'll come to us..." said Kim Jae-ho.

"That's terrifying!" Song Zhixiao touched his head.

Everyone feels that they can't hide it, otherwise it will be even more terrifying to find Jin Zhiguo, and they don't feel horror if they are eliminated head-on, they just feel a pity.

"Who is the hunter and who is the prey!" Chi Shizhen said.

"Brother, you're an herbivore." Kim Jae-ho complained.


Everyone is like getting lost in a haunted castle, and inexplicably their teammates disappear.

"This is a ghost movie, right?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo, "Open or not, free haunted house." "

"How can this be happy!" Song Zhixiao was speechless.

"Didn't you always want to go to a haunted house?"

"I don't want to go to a haunted house where there are really haunted!" Song Zhixiao was crying and laughing.


The nearby staff all laughed and compared Jin Zhiguo to a ghost.

But like a ghost, every time it appears is when someone disappears.

"Why is it the same sneak attack, can it be so far away? That's what I want. Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's not a level." Chi Shizhen said.

Everyone is looking forward now, although there are three people, they are very afraid that Jin Zhiguo will pop out from somewhere.

"It's better to be eliminated at the beginning, it's too much pressure." Kim Jae-ho said.

At the beginning, I thought about winning steadily, but as a result, Liu Zaishi was seconds What do you say!

But to say that, if the three of them are firmly together, Jin Zhiguo is really not good to start.

Nothing moved for several minutes in a row.

This is not the way, Kim Jae-ho thought about it and made some changes.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left, Jin Zhiguo was extremely cautious, and he didn't have the idea of coming out at all.

This is probably his personal charm.

Chi Shizhen was walking alone, and suddenly a white thing appeared in the distant lens, fixed his eyes, isn't it Jin Zhiguo?!

It was really around the corner to meet love, this feeling was like a suppression in the bloodline, and he subconsciously ran back, even if it was so far away.

"Jin Zhiguo! Kim Jiuguo is here! "

He shouted and ran, and Jin Junguo immediately chased after him when he saw him.

Who would have thought that the person who should have been eliminated in the first place would have lived for so long, and the accident was quite strong, but it seems that it ends here.

Jin Zhiguo ran to the side and saw that there was only one room, and he entered directly.

At this moment, Kim Jae-ho, who had long been hiding on the side, directly pounced, yes, this is a battle plan!

Ambush the end of the country!

Thanks to Ji Shi Zhenjinmu's acting skills, he attracted Jin Zhiguo so easily.

But in fact, Chi Shizhen really did not act.

As soon as he got the way to ambush Jin Zhiguo, in order to let himself have a camera, he volunteered to be it, and then just walked out, full of ideas about how to act, a turn suddenly saw Jin Zhiguo.

Although he knew that he was the bait, he was still afraid when he saw Jin Zhiguo, and he subconsciously ran back, which was really scary.

But now seeing Jin Zhiguo enter the encirclement, it is still very worthwhile, and the heartbeat is rewarded.

Jin Zaihao has just inspected here and feels that it is very suitable for an ambush, after all, it is difficult for Jin Zhiguo to come out if the three of them are together, after all, he is too cautious, but if he looks for Jin Zhiguo separately, he does not dare...

So Kim Jae-ho thought of this method, this method is a little lucky, it is very likely that Ji Seok-jin will be gone, but it is better than he did nothing and was gone.

Now I have to use all the available conditions, but I didn't expect Jin Zhiguo to be fooled unexpectedly!

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