Song Jihyo can't dance, so this dance has been learned for a long time and prepared for a long time, and he also chose the dance of his favorite artist, or singing and dancing, and the clothes are also Kim Jae-ho's favorite style, it can be said that it is all challenges, and the mind is full.

Kim Jae-ho felt that the events he did before were pediatric compared to this, and it was not worth mentioning.

In the next few days, Kim Jae-ho originally wanted to be with Song Ji-hyo, but Song Ji-hyo was unwilling and let him go to work, after all, it was still a very important period for Kim Jae-ho.

The movie is finished these days, there is a lot of finishing work, review and arrangement, and then there is the album thing.

The release is around June, it will be translated into various languages and released around the world, and then a digital version will be released after the release.

Although there are people who specialize in such things, there are many things that he has to watch and decide.

Song Zhixiao also received the script of "The Wolf is Coming", so he also had to start preparing recently, probably on May 15.

Of course, you still have to find time to meet, after all, twenty-four hours a day, just to work.

Kim Jae-ho went to work, and Song Jihyo studied the script and waited for him to return.

The days were lived with relish and very warm.

However, they did not live together, just communicated on mobile phones, after all, the family did not know how to say.

You haven't ever been to your door, and you really can't talk about letting someone else's daughter spend the whole night at your house all day.

So Kim Jae-ho is also ready to come to the door, this is too difficult for him, very nervous.

However, Song Zhixiao didn't feel anything, after all, the people in the family had long guessed that they were together, and they seemed to like Kim Jae-ho even more than Song Zhixiao.

Although Song Jihyo did not admit it, they had already tacitly accepted that Kim Jae-ho was his son-in-law.

Kim Jae-ho's parents passed away, so Song Ji-hyo only needs to meet Kim Jae-ho's brother, and Song Ji-hyo also feels pressured, after all, he is the owner of such a big enterprise.

The two are afraid of each other, like small children.

However, the relationship is already extremely strong, it can be said that it is privately determined for life, and two people can stay together without saying anything, just stay together.

Now there is a ceremony to fill the house, this is also very difficult, if you have a child, you will not be able to participate in RM, and you may even have to withdraw from the circle for a while.

To be honest, the two of them are really not ready for the child's affairs, after all, the fun is relatively large, and they may play for a few years and then think about this.

It's like RM every week, it's time to play.

This is their love show, so it's not as simple as a show, it's also a time to play together every week, there will be playmates, and there are people planning shows, which is very comfortable.

Everyone rested for a while, and the new broadcast was also broadcast, and everyone watched it with relish.

What came out was Lewistry, very gratifying.

Everyone understood the cause and effect, especially when they saw Kim Jae-ho's puzzle solving, they were almost dying of laughter, and every time he asked his soul why it was so difficult, he would cut a feeling that others could easily solve the puzzle in the later stage.

Everyone also watched Kim Jae-ho's puzzle to know that they were so simple.

Fortunately, he watched it with Song Zhixiao, who laughed wildly and comforted the whole time, and he was also sweaty after reading it.

Lewis is a water gun special, he is a water special, and he is dizzy the whole time.

The next day everyone left for RM, this time in the morning shoot, very comfortable.

Everyone dressed in bright spring clothes, stood in a row, endured not to chat, and planned to start talking again.

Filming begins.

"What is it today?"

"Give me a water gun, a water gun." Liu Zaishi came with open hands.

Don't say anything, give me this and I'm invincible, last time I saw it, I was still unwilling to say that I want to be a spy.

"Don't mention that, it really is." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Hahaha~, why is that one of yours so difficult!" Haha laughed.

"No wonder I said that I came out, how did Jaehiro not come out." Ji Seok-jin was the first to visit Kim Jae-ho.

"You're too unlucky, aren't you?" Kim Junguo said with a smile, it was funny to think of Kim Jae-ho.

When Kim Jae-ho said this, he was angry and directly hooked his hand: "Cho Hyo-jin come out!" Hey West! "

Zhao Xiaozhen was laughing maniacally, and it was ugly for a person like this to laugh like that, but he was not restrained at all, very arrogant.

It is intentional, I don't know the mistake, and I don't plan to change it.

"Come, let's talk about a special that you want to do again." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Someone is a couple special, Kim Jae-ho is the last fried sauce noodle special, that was when he was the coolest.

Then it was Jin Zhiguo's turn: "No matter what I do, I will destroy it." "

One sentence broke all the beautiful illusions, this sentence is too powerful, but the timing or strength of the reaction.

Today is very much like an individual battle, because everyone's clothes are different colors, although they are the same style.

Yoo Jae-seok is green, Kim Junguk is white, and Kim Jae-ho is pink.

Unconsciously, everyone has their own representative colors, a lot of specials, and a lot of memories.

Who would have thought that a variety show like that at the beginning would be done now.

"Now the video is the 93rd time, and a lot of things have happened during this period, and some interesting questionnaires have been done."

Liu Zaishi also quickly got these investigations.

"What is the most wanted superpower in the RM superpowers chapter?" Liu Zaishi laughed after reading the question.

Such an embarrassing ability is still wanted?

"Guangzhu, who do you think is the first?"

"I want Death Note for sure." Li Guangzhu really likes his ability.

Liu Zaishi glanced at it: "Death Note is the seventh. "

There were seven people in total, and Liu Zaishi did not directly say that the first from the bottom was already very face-saving for him.

So Kim Jae-ho said, "That's the last one." "

Li Guangzhu: Are you afraid that the audience will not know?

"Actually, that's useless." Kim said.

"Write a person and there is no more."

"2.2%," Mr. Liu said.

Kim Jae-ho: "There are still candidates, so you should have read the wrong question, right?" "

Li Guangzhu: I'm afraid you don't know that there are people outside of people!

Then there is the announcement of the first place.

"First place, mind reading Song Zhixiao!"

"It means that people don't trust others." Kim said.

"What, this is not that kind of questionnaire!"

All at once pulled the subject to a very dangerous point.

"Why do you think so deeply?" Li Guangzhu was speechless.

Many people choose to know other people's secrets, which means that everyone does not believe everyone, not to it, but it just shows that everyone likes to feel very much in control and like to know the roots.

"The second place is the arrogant hypothetic." Liu Zaishi said.

"I think that's the best, too." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Ah, as soon as it is good for yourself, start talking." Song Zhixiao pointed at him.

Because he is not the first, he beeps, and it is precisely because the arrogant hypothesis resurrects himself, and he says yes.

"You just want you to come back to life." Liu Zaishi complained.

"That ability is actually very powerful." Chi Shizhen said.

"There are countless possibilities." Haha said.

"When you use it, you look cool, the side effects are too big!" Kim Jae-ho complained, and Cheng Ye Xiao defeated Xiao He.

Not only is the pre-summoning condition very difficult to achieve, but it is also uncontrollable after summoning the Golden Ultimate Kingdom.

"That's why it's the second place." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"If you have Kim Jae-ho's ability, what will you do with it?" Li Guangzhu asked.

Liu Zaishi immediately said: "Good! Third place is the Time Throwback Person. "

"Good!" Everyone claps.

Li Guangzhu: ???

My question was just skipped?

"How can you skip my question!" Li Guangzhu was crazy.

"Because of the hurry." Liu Zaishi reluctantly quibbled.

"The fourth place is the space dominator, but can it be used in real life?" Liu Zaishi doubted.

"Of course! The best. He said and returned it to Liu Zaishi.

"Because you don't even know the valuable abilities you have." Kim said.

"Whoever I want to meet can call at any time, girlfriend."

"Yoon Eun-hye." Liu Zaishi said immediately.

Jin Zhiguo was directly speechless, so angry, but he couldn't fight.

Eun Hui Xi is already a regular guest.

"The RM VJs choose the strongest RM is, Kim Junguo!"

"Well deserved." Kim Jae-ho said.

"The second place turned out to be Kim Jae-ho." Liu Zaishi said.

"No, what do you mean?!" Kim Jae-ho was speechless, but still very happy, went to hug Sang-yoon, and Sang-yoon hugged reluctantly.

"Third place is a tie for two places."

Haha said: "After Kim Jae-ho, he already lost. "

"If I am in the second place in Hao, I should be the third, right?" After Chi Shizhen finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Having said that, everyone still hopes that they can be third.

"The third is! Lee Kwang-joo! "

Then Lee Kwang-joo was teased again, and even his VJ kept waving his hand and saying that he was not chosen, but Kim Junguo.

It is definitely impossible to choose Lee Kwang-joo, and if you want to choose, Kim Jae-ho once defeated Lee Kwang-joo.

The common third is Song Zhixiao and Liu Zaishi.

In fact, it is each flower into each eye, after all, it is the vote of VJ, everyone knows that when Kim Jae-ho's VJ is very interesting, it is also the most difficult to follow, and now everyone agrees that the strength is the strongest.

Everyone also communicates with each other and can see the progress of each other.

And everyone can also see that Kim Jae-ho has created a lot of miracles, even VJ wants to see him win, because he works too hard and is very smart, so more people vote for Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho has always been the most anticipated person and wants to see him turn over against the wind.

I don't know how there is such a character, everyone is full of expectations for him, and he has a sense of substitution.

Then comes the very important questionnaire.

"Sort of looks of the male members of RM." PD said.

"This I don't have the first two words really... I dare not imagine..." said Kim Jae-ho.

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