"Oh? Can only the guild leader attack? Song Zhixiao's words revealed a dangerous aura.

"Hey!" The chairman was immediately serious and took up the shelf of the senior senior, of course, there was a naughty and cute feeling.

"No, senior, we really want to win." Song Zhixiao said.

Kim Jae-ho played the bitter card: "Senior, I'm afraid of the cold, can you bear to watch a child in his twenties get cold?" "

Chairman Li De asked rhetorically, "Can you bear to look at Hua Jia?!" (Is Grandpa cold?) )"

"Hahaha~" The three people immediately laughed.

"I'm a flower armor!" Li De emphasized that he didn't know why he felt sad.

Saying that, he wanted to do it.

"Otherwise, let's go, if we encounter it again, then again..." Song Jihyo protected Kim Jae-ho.

"Well, it can't be like that." Li De said.

"No time." Haha said.

"Teacher, let us go once~" Song Zhixiao begged.

The chairman looked at Haha's eyes, and he was also very embarrassed.

"Senior, let's not do this." Kim Jae-ho said: "If you let us go now, won't you end up fishing?" We have the best bait. "

"Do you know how to fish, I will fish." The president said.

"That's just right, we unite."

"Yes, united, so first tear off one that is the same as us."

"It's not the president, if we unite, we will be a whole, if you tear me off, then we will become weaker as a whole." Kim Jae-ho said.

"That's it, senior, we will definitely protect you." Song Zhixiao said.

"No, tear off one first." The chairman felt very unbalanced, after all, they had no one, so he discussed with Haha.

Haha also very much agrees with eliminating Kim Jae-ho first.

Kim Jae-ho watched them discuss, and said next to Song Ji-hyo's ear without a trace: "I'll run when I say I'll run later." "

Song Zhixiao immediately said loudly: "No, how can you tear me off first!" "

Haha immediately said: "Yay! That's a man! Tear him off! "

"Don't!" Kim Jae-ho said and suddenly shouted, "Run! "

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo immediately ran out.

"Ouch!" Haha, there is a feeling of being deceived.

The president was directly dumbfounded, what's going on?


They immediately chased after them, but they couldn't, after all, everyone was wearing socks and the speed was about the same.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo are still young people, with sharp legs and feet.

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho were also very happy after looking back and seeing that they were out of danger.

The two people high-fived, sharing the joy of escaping death.

In fact, just now, after Song Jihyo found out that Kim Jae-ho's small action was discovered by Haha, he immediately acted and deliberately said something else loudly to cover up.

Haha really took the bait, after all, he is a professional actor.

The president didn't know that he had been deceived, but he just felt that he suddenly ran away, and after being confused for a while, he was very angry.

Why don't these young people talk about martial virtue?

Without any warning, it really is to run and run!

"Really no one can believe it, tear it up directly the next time we meet." The president said.

"It's been said for a long time! That's it! "Haha, it's comfortable.

He is very uncomfortable now, because he has already torn off the name tag at the beginning, so he can't tear it now, he can only do some auxiliary work.

And the president's shot is not only hesitant but also slow, and the success rate is relatively low, which makes him very anxious.

But it's very interesting.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo have already found a place to hide, and they want to slow down.

"I should have run at the beginning, or slowly." Kim Jae-ho said.

"yes, but that's not bad." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

She means that this is more interesting, and isn't the most important thing in life to be interesting~

On the other side, Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen met together again, Liu Zaishi and they kept chasing Chi Shizhen and they ran, and they were tired of running.

In fact, now everyone is not wearing shoes, but it is not good to run, and it is dangerous to run for a long time.

And Xiang Mian wore four layers of pants because he was afraid of the cold, so it was not good to run.

Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu were also not in a hurry and chatted with them.

Xiangmian's idea is to eliminate one rock-paper-scissors.

Chi Shizhen felt amused: "Will you keep the agreement?" "

"Of course, just one round." He said.

In his opinion, talking still counts, after all, it is the person who wants to be on TV.

Then Liu Zaishi lost, and when he lost, he ran, which was very exciting.

In fact, Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu could have torn them off, but they did not do so because of their weakness.

Xiangmian was hit, he was really angry, and he said that the good rock-paper-scissors eliminated one, but it didn't count!

He was very happy to see Chi Shi Zhen win just now!

Just when they wanted to chase, they saw Jin Zhiguo and them, and they didn't dare to chase, and after Jin Zhiguo surrounded them, because of the angry emotions, Jin Zhiguo also felt the same feeling, and decided not to eliminate them first, and first go to kill Liu Zaishi them.

To be honest, the strongest now is Liu Zaishi and them.

The combination of Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo is very ambiguous, and it is difficult to predict the strength of the matter, and it has just been said that an alliance will be formed.

However, when he saw the chairman and they came, Jin Zhiguo still slipped away.

The president's words are the same as Brother Minxiu, the kind that is not easy to resist, so he can only escape.

The guild leader found Chi Shizhen and them, and as soon as he heard their complaints, he immediately turned his target to Liu Zaishi and them.

After Liu Zaishi and them were surrounded, they also tore off the tail of the light bead, so that the light pearl survived by luck.

Soon Liu Zaishi transferred his hatred and mobilized everyone to eliminate Jin Zhiguo first.

Everyone agreed, but took advantage of Liu Zaishi's turn around and eliminated him.

Liu Zaishi was stupid, and he let his back out without paying attention.

Now their team has half of Li Guangzhu's seafood brand left.

Now that you've balanced it, it's time to move on to the next goal.

The next target is Kim Junguo and Kim Jae-ho, and they will be arrested when they encounter them, and it just so happens that Kim Jiangguo is also eating melons outside, and they also run sharply when they see this situation.

Everyone hurried to chase, and in the process of chasing, Li Guangzhu tore off the name tag of the president, and the president's mentality collapsed directly.

They became the first team to be eliminated.

All of a sudden, Chi Shizhen was left chasing Jin Zhiguo, they actually forced Jin Zhiguo into a corner, and Xiang Mian used his body to resist Jin Zhiguo, Jin Zhiguo did not expect this.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen and Brother Shuangdao duels, the two people can be said to be half a pound and eight taels, and no one can help the other.

All of a sudden, the scene was very chaotic, and suddenly Li Guangzhu and they entered chaotically, and the double knife was startled and scattered, and the bracelet was directly torn off.

In this way, Jin Zhiguo was inexplicably eliminated, and Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu found this and were also ecstatic.

Originally, I came to pick up food, but I did not expect that the enemy himself cracked.

Just when Li Guangzhu laughed loudly, he suddenly heard a tearing sound behind him, and when Li Guangzhu turned around, it was Song Zhixiao who tore his name tag ...

Li Guangzhu's smile disappeared instantly, and he was eliminated so boringly, just like last time!

The most important thing is that after Song Jihyo tore him apart, he didn't look at him and directly led the charge towards Ji Seok-jin, followed by Kim Jae-ho.

Neither Ji Seok-jin nor Sang-mian had time to react before they were already in a very unfavorable encounter, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo directly clamped Ji Seok-jin left and right, and Kim Jae-ho resisted Sang-mian with his back.

Xiangmian people are stupid, isn't this their own tactics just now?

But the difference is that Kim Jae-ho is inside, so Sang Mian has become a person outside, and Sang Mian can't eliminate Kim Jae-ho, so he can only do it in a hurry.

Kim Jae-ho could free his hand to attack Ji Shi Jin, and the two attacked together, and suddenly eliminated the panicked Ji Shi Jin.

"Ugh!" Chi Shizhen is very sorry that he was too aggrieved to be eliminated in this way.

Jin Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi were watching stupidly on the side, and things happened too quickly.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo are celebrating very happily, bouncing, this is strategy and luck!

Almost effortlessly, he became the last person to live.

"Yay! You guys are too late! Jin Zhiguo said.

"I've followed me for the first time." Kim Jae-ho said.

They followed after hearing the movement, and at first they only dared to watch from afar, and then they saw that Liu Zaishi wanted to eliminate them.

I didn't expect it to be this when I came.

Song Zhixiao, who quickly understood the situation from outside the door, immediately rushed in decisively, eliminated Li Guangzhu and then attacked Chi Shizhen.


PD: "According to the ranking, distribute their respective cold clothing. "

"Wait a minute, are we second-class now?" Chi Shizhen asked.

Thinking about it like this, they are happy again.

Kim Jae-ho really has nothing to say about the cold clothing they got, and they can spend the winter.

Because of the rain, everyone ate before setting off.

But very depressingly, the fish are very large at night, and everyone can only fish under the huge umbrella, but they still have to wear raincoats.

"The time limit is one hour." PD said, "The team that catches the biggest fish within an hour wins." "

But the problem came, because it rained too much, so the situation was different from what the production team expected.

However, no matter how hard everyone tried, they couldn't catch fish, and the whole fish pond was dead silent, only rain and no fish.

Everyone sat and waited, and then ate the bait of a certain team, whose bait was fruit.

The time is extended and it becomes who catches the fish first and who wins.

This dragged on for more than three hours.

Everyone was fishing in the rainstorm, and there was a feeling that the willing person was hooked, and he was not a very good fishing person, and now he can't catch fish.

Spring rain can be fished, but only in light rain and after rain, in which case the fish have no idea about bait.

Everyone felt very bored, and tried hard to make the show effect so that the time was boring, but they couldn't talk too loudly, for fear of driving away the fish.

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