In fact, there is a little trick here, if it is rock-paper-scissors, it is good for boys to make cloth, and for girls to make stones.

This is also the last time he went back to check after winning rock-paper-scissors, and today's small test of the cow knife is very effective.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't know how good he is yet, because the next few teams all lose.

And if you lose, you have to go back and start over, and for Kim Jae-ho, it is simply desperate.

"So which one to choose now?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"Aren't earthworms usually used?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Well, I think it's earthworms too."

"If raw meat and fruit are the worst, then the ones over here should be the best, what are these?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Cake rice, inside is rice bran or something." Dongwan is very conscientious and even knows this.

"How about this one?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, I don't like bugs either." Song Zhixiao said.

"Oh? Is it? Open it and take a look? Ha! Kim Jae-ho said and shook it, and Song Jihyo immediately ran a few meters away and almost fell into the water.

Almost cried, his eyes were tearful, and Kim Jae-ho was also frightened.

This was their first emotional crisis since they were together, probably...

Kim Jae-ho hurriedly went over and pulled Song Ji-hyo's wrist, afraid that she would fall.

"Don't be like this! I'm scared! Song Jihyo slammed Kim Jae-ho, and his voice was full of crying.

"I'm sorry, I didn't open the lid..." Kim Jae-ho didn't expect it to be so serious.

"I'm really scared! Well! Song Jihyo said and punched Kim Jae-ho again.

Although Song Jihyo did not exert force, Kim Jae-ho still pretended to be very painful to relieve her.

"Yay! What happened? "Chi Shizhen came by canoe.

"He scared me with bugs!" Song Zhixiao seemed to have found the organization.

"Yay! How can this be! "

Haha, who came over later, also began to criticize Kim Jae-ho, and even the chairman scolded a few words.

However, as soon as the chairman finished scolding, everyone laughed.

Jin Jae-ho carried a bucket of cakes and left in ashes, leaning his back, and Song Zhixiao couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw it.

While going back, Song Zhixiao educated.

"Don't scare me like that next time, got it?"

"Got it, I'll eat the worm next time I scare you like this."

"That's scarier, okay!"

"Got it, don't eat bugs..."

"...," Song Zhixiao scolded, "Hey Yigu, Pabu." "

Obviously won a bucket of bait back, but it was like losing his whole life.

When Kim Jae-ho went back, he saw Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Kwang-joo preparing for exercise on the side of the road.

It was also the previous action, but after turning around, Liu Zaishi slapped Li Guangzhu, and then turned around and slapped again.

"Their preparatory movement is really peculiar." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Hahaha~" Song Zhixiao was amused by this sentence.

In fact, the two of them were the last to come, and all that remained was a book, and the inside was the back.

It was the same last time, and Kim Jae-ho they chose relatively few, and this time they also selected, which is probably fate.

"Did you succeed?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"It worked." Song Zhixiao smiled happily.

"I almost fell into the water just now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? Why? Liu Zaishi paid attention urgently.

"It's not because he scares me with bugs!" Song Jihyo glanced at Kim Jae-ho angrily.

Then a new round of verbal criticism began.

This is probably the end of the group bullying group pet.

Kim Jae-ho said: "Remember later, bugs are forbidden. "

"No way, I'm really afraid of that."

"Can you eat that cooked fried bug?"

"No, why eat something like that!" Song Zhixiao refused with a look of refusal.

"Then you whisper, don't be heard by Zhao, hahaha~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"He dare!" Song Zhixiao glared at him viciously.

Zhao PD saw it very far away and felt very strange.

"You won?" PD asked.

"Easy." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"This is the next address, now it's time to go." PD said.

Song Zhixiao looked at the people on the other side driving canoes and was very envious.

"It's fun." Song Zhixiao said.

"Let's go first." Kim Jae-ho said.


They also don't know that the bucket they're carrying contains the best bait, and their rod is the best rod.

This time, the production team really did not engage in tricks, that is, they were arranged in order of good and bad, otherwise the people who won would not be interesting.

Before, the person who won did not know which was good, and it was also a blind audition, and choosing first and then choosing was the difference between starting first and then leaving.

But for Kim Jae-ho, they didn't think too much, after all, they couldn't fish.

"I'll open it, you take a break." Kim Jae-ho said.


It is clear that Kim Jae-ho has carried people, but Song Jihyo feels more tired.

Probably startled by the bugs, that's why it's like this.

Kim Jae-ho didn't care about bugs, when he was at home before, those cockroaches were not only big, but also flying, and he personally killed a lot.

Cockroaches are also full of fear of him when flying, especially when watching him fly in your face.

It was really a fear from the bottom of my heart, but it was not as exaggerated as Song Zhixiao.

The thought that having a cockroach is equivalent to having a litter of cockroaches makes him feel unwell and worries after killing the cockroach.

Another time he felt a heartfelt fear, probably that there was a spider nest on his old mother's mosquito net, not a nest, just that kind of egg bag.

White egg bags on top of the white mosquito net, I don't know when there was any.

Anyway, when I know it, when the little spiders see the new world, the little spiders full of houses, imagine ...

It's just a matter of the previous life, so it can't be said, even if it can be said, Song Zhixiao may not be comfortable all day, and even there will be shadows in the future.

Kim Jae-ho is the first time to see someone who is so afraid of insects, and just now Song Jihyo was already afraid before she even saw earthworms.

Even if he opened the lid, there should be nothing...

But Kim Jae-ho knows that a trick can make her happy.

I found a shop and got off the bus, bought something to eat, and then took it to the car to eat...

There is no one in this world who does not like to eat, because people have to eat when they live.

This point Song Jihyo is a good match with Kim Jae-ho.

The advantage of going out with Kim Jae-ho is that she can order whatever she wants, and then eat a bite or two by herself and let Kim Jae-ho be responsible for eating.

This is Kim Jae-ho's ultimate advantage as a boyfriend.

The next stop was Cheorwon Wasui Elementary School, where it was clear that the elementary school students were also in school, and Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo heard very powerful screams as soon as they got off the bus.

Children are happy things that will do their best to show that they are happy.

Kim Jae-ho also felt energetic when he looked at it.

Seeing that he was like this, when he saw Liu Zaishi, the child was afraid that he would be dumb.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo walked in front of PD, and PD handed over the mission letter.

"In the third stage, get winter clothing, name tags, fishing, and ask each team of couples to wear bracelets and seafood name tags."

"If the two of you want to wear a bracelet, take a bracelet to walk around together, if the companion's bracelet falls off or both of the seafood name tags are torn off, out!"

"This is exactly the specification of the couple's special." Kim Jae-ho said.

Thinking that the bracelet is quite beautiful for two people, so that they can shake hands in an upright manner.

If two people do not hold it tightly, the bracelet will easily fall off.

I tried it the last two couples specials Girls' Generation Special, but this happy feeling should only be for the two of them.

"Choose a bag with a seafood name tag." PD said.

"You choose."

"Then choose this one, because it's all good on the side." Song Zhixiao said.

She didn't shirk anymore, and chose directly.

Anyway, the bags all look the same, completely by luck.

After taking it, everyone entered the teaching building, and there was no one in this teaching building during this time period.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo open the bag, and inside is the name tag of the ray.

"Hahaha, what is this~ Why is it so similar to you?" Kim Jae-ho laughed when he saw it.

"Where is it like me, obviously like you! You see, exactly the same. Song Zhixiao held it up and compared it.

Kim Jae-ho grimaced, which was imitating the ray, making Song Ji-hyo laugh.

"If everyone is alike, isn't it a husband and wife~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


"So we don't become ray CP hahaha~"

"Don't! The name is so ugly! Song Zhixiao refused with her whole body, just imagining it felt very funny, other things can be joked, but she didn't want to joke about this.

If everyone calls them Monday CP instead of Monday CP in the future, it will be really outrageous.

"Stick it for me." Kim Jae-ho turned around.

"That's too big, isn't it? Could this be the worst one? Song Zhixiao felt sorry, after all, he chose it.

Kim Jae-ho pasted it to Song Ji-hyo, "Not bad, it's very good, it's quite tight, at least it didn't leak out, unlike the super giant brand last time." "

"That's true." Song Zhixiao thought of the super giant brand, it was simple, it fell off when touched, and this comparison was much better.

At the same time, I also feel warm, Kim Jae-ho This is alleviating his guilt, from the beginning.

"Only Brother Zaishi and Brother Ultimate Kingdom are more difficult, and if Brother Ultimate Kingdom's name tag is too small, he will directly pull their bracelet." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes! And the bracelet! "

"When the time comes, pretend to attack their name tag, but in fact the target is their bracelet, fake action." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes! Just do it! Song Zhixiao agreed.

At least there is a superficial strategy.

"If it really doesn't work, we will live to the end, let's find a place to hide, anyway, it's just cold clothing, we all have it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Okay, then let's hurry up, this is our advantage, they haven't come yet." Song Zhixiao said.

The two men took off their shoes, wore only socks and began to search.

But to be honest, they are all classrooms, and there are relatively few places to hide.

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