Kim Jae-ho turned his back, and PD personally added the symbol of a spy behind his name tag.

This sense of ritual is like giving an award.

It's even happier than the awards!

"The first time I was a spy, I was a little excited~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Didn't you do it before?" PD asked.

"That's fake! It's different from this time! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

PD also laughed, sorry, this time it was also fake.

Kim Jae-ho really thought too much, how could he be a person with Zhao, of course, there was something.

But Kim Jae-ho doesn't know this, and he's already thinking about what to do with what he will do.

It is rare to have a chance to spy, and he must do it beautifully, so that he will have the opportunity to be a spy in the future.

When he thinks of a spy in the future, the first thing that comes to mind is his Kim Jae-ho's name!

Excitedly, he walked out of the door, closed it, turned around, took a deep breath, and returned to normal.

"Let's go, take a good shot, and witness my glorious moment!" Kim Jae-ho said handsomely.

Sangyo nodded, this was originally his profession.

Kim Jae-ho thought of Dohai, "I didn't expect that Dohai Fury was really a pretense, the real spy turned out to be me, no one could have imagined." "

Indeed, this time the production team is very good at playing, and did not set Li Duohai, who everyone thinks, as a spy, but everyone else as a spy!

That's right, this time, everyone received exactly the same task as Kim Jae-ho!

And when everyone opened the door, their expressions were the same as Kim Jae-hao, and their first reaction was happiness.

No one thinks that being a spy is a very bad thing, one by one, they say no, but when it is their turn, a happy batch!

Kim Jae-ho didn't doubt it at all, after all, his ability is so strong, and the task is to find something, which is very suitable for his own ability, so he thought that this was the production team came up with his own exclusive task.

But in fact, everyone is singing the same song, doing the same thing, and everyone thinks they are special.

Except for Li Duohai.

Others think they are special, and she is really special.

She knew the fact that all the people were spies, and her goal was to eliminate all RM.

No one else knew about this fact, so she had a very large room to maneuver.

For example, tell others that they are also spies, because she is a guest, so the person who was told will naturally believe it, and will only sigh that the production team can really play, and do not tell in advance, what if they kill each other.

And such a thing happened very quickly.

Seeing Li Guangzhu, who was pretending not to be a spy, Dohai stepped forward and spoke to Li Guangzhu with the code word he heard from Liu Zaishi.

Li Guangzhu, just like said above, immediately believed Li Duohai's sweet words, and was very happy because he and Li Duohai were on the same team, and the people he saw were happier than himself.

Rong Fall Love is here again.

He helped Li Duohai sort out the situation, analyze what to do, help Li Duohai come up with a plan, and then obeyed Li Duohai's words and wanted to go to gank others.

Lee Kwang-joo in love is blind, especially when she thinks she is in love.

Because everyone is in their own tasks, they subconsciously ignore a lot of things.

For example, why does everyone not get together, but scatter and look like they have nothing to do.

For example, Guangzhu did not expect that he could win after completing the task, why would Li Doohai let him get rid of others first.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi had already found the connector, and there were a lot of clerks in the entire store, each of them looking like they were waiting for something.

Of course, they are not waiting for customers, but waiting for RM.

Hearing Liu Zaishi's song, she finally shouted out to welcome her, and Liu Zaishi, who had been secretly silently and very quiet, was also taken aback.

The connector stretched out his hand, and there was an R sign on his hand, and then gave the task and mobile phone to Liu Zaishi.

The task reads the employee looking for the red scarf, and the connector code is the ruler of the code.

Liu Zaishi was going crazy, and the staff who had finally found it was about to start looking again.

As mentioned before, this is by far the largest shopping mall, so it is a very long and torturous thing to find the target.

After all, if you are a spy, you will always be weak-hearted, and you have to secretly do tasks so that others do not see, so it is physically and mentally exhausting.

After taking the mobile phone that could not be turned on, Liu Zaishi stuffed the task letter into his shoes, so that he had a better sense of security and lost a better touch.

He was very worried about his mobile phone because he had told Kim Junguk before that he did not bring his mobile phone.

If the phone is discovered by Jin Zhiguo, it will be exposed.

Even if it is Jin Zhiguo at this time, he has to weigh it and weigh it, and he can't be discovered, otherwise he will be exposed.

Of course, the current Jin Junguo does not care about this kind of thing, after all, he himself has such a mobile phone, and he has no time to distract himself from other things.

It is because everyone is busy with their own affairs, so everyone is very smooth, and Li Duohai is also very smooth.

Seeing that Li Guangzhu was fooled so easily, Li Duohai also hurriedly collected Liu Zaishi.

She directly came forward and told Liu Zaishi that she was a spy and wanted to be together, Liu Zaishi was directly stupid, after all, Li Duohai was too easy to make people suspicious.

Li Dohai's performance is completely a spy and is very easy to expose.

At this time, Li Guangzhu also came, wanting to find an opportunity to get Liu Zaishi.

For everyone's safety, Liu Zaishi asked Li Duohai to pretend not to know him, but he didn't expect that Li Duohai seemed to misunderstand Liu Zaishi's meaning, and always emphasized that everyone is a spy, why don't they know, and go together to tear up others.

Such "naïve" is really anxious to die Liu Zaishi, the more he let Li Duohai stay away from her, the more he follows him, no matter how he explains Li Duohai, it seems that he can't understand.

He collapsed directly, only thinking that Li Duohai was such a beautiful woman, it turned out to be a pabu, the first time he met such a guest who couldn't play, Wang Burden.

But in fact, he is the clown, and it is this kind of operation that makes Liu Zaishi completely believe Li Duohai, and Li Duohai is the behind-the-scenes player, directly driving Liu Zaishi crazy.

This operation, even some viewers did not understand, thought that Li Duohai is really so stupid, you think that people are on the second layer, you are in the third layer, in fact, people are operating on the fifth layer, you God perspective does not understand.

After explaining for more than ten minutes, seeing that Liu Zaishi was almost played crazy, Li Dohai happily sent a blatant love gesture to Liu Zaishi and let Liu Zaishi go.

Liu Zaishi: "Ah! Don't do that! Yes! I'm so depressed! Let's go! I'm choking to death! "

Liu Zaishi met such a guest who can't play for the first time, didn't the whole world know that we were a team?

Fortunately, everyone is doing their own thing, and this place is big, so even so, everyone does not care about the abnormality of these two people.

After all, everyone feels that they are the most abnormal person.

On the other side, Li Guangzhu found Chi Shizhen.

Since he promised Li Duohai, he had to find a target, and Chi Shizhen was a very good target.

Chi Shizhen has been chatting with Li Guangzhu because he is a spy, that is, perfunctory to Li Guangzhu, and wants Li Guangzhu to leave quickly, after all, he has to do the task.

I can't say that I am too ruthless, after all, I am my good brother, and the group will never be disbanded!

Seeing Li Duohai coming, Li Guangzhu and Li Duohai led Chi Shizhen to a remote corner.

As an herbivore, Chi Shizhen immediately reacted that something was wrong with these two people and began to retreat, and Li Guangzhu saw this situation and immediately launched an attack.

It's finally this day.

For the sake of the woman, the two brothers tore their faces and launched a fatal attack on the former closest person, brothers against the wall!

But Li Guangzhu's name tag was too exaggerated, and Chi Shizhen quickly tore off Li Guangzhu's name tag, and just when Chi Shizhen was confused because of the word spy on Guangzhu's name tag, Li Doohai eliminated him.

All of a sudden, the two men were effortlessly eliminated by Li Duohai, and they were red and miserable!

"What?" Before Li Guangzhu finished speaking, Li Duohai suddenly covered his mouth to prevent him from speaking, and then two people immediately came up and took him away.

Li Guangzhu was taken away stunned, and too many things happened for a while to be down, because he also saw that Chi Shizhen's name tag also had the mark of a spy, and Li Duohai was very strange.

Of course, they can talk about this slowly in prison.

Although it is the weakest two, Li Duohai is happy enough, looking around and no one, Li Duohai hid the torn off name tag in a very hidden place and destroyed the corpse.

The scary woman who first came to play with RM with poor information, the strongest new concept spy acting skills of all times seen for the first time on the RM show.

While everyone is shouting Li Duo Manatee beep, don't forget that the production team is even more bullish and can come up with such content.

People see the results, and they may think that it is very easy to come up with such content, but in fact, it is very difficult.

Li Doohai also gave her a stage, and she danced and made a good show effect.

Li Dohai is now directly invincible, she is almost obvious that she is a spy, and everyone will not suspect her.

After all, everyone is a spy.

If others are spies, no, but Li Duohai is a spy, which is very reasonable.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi, who was brainwashed by Dohai's operation, also waited for the opportunity to act.

He also had a preconceived idea, feeling that the spy was to eliminate others, and only the two of them were left to be considered victorious.

Even if this is completely different from the content of the mission letter obtained at the beginning, the mission letter does not say to eliminate others.

He also found an opportunity to get Haha, and did not see the word spy on the Haha name tag.

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