Even the people next to him couldn't stand it, and Chi Shizhen gave Li Guangzhu guidance, and he couldn't fight like this.

What a miraculous thing is the mercy flow fist method that even the founder of the water flow honey genre can't stand it.

It's really a variety show ghost, like playing a different game with others.

He even snatched Jin Zhiguo's ball, and then followed his hand length, and directly pulled away the ball that Jin Zhiguo could have broken, this scene was filmed by a high-speed camera, and when the slow motion was played, all the incriminating evidence was very obvious.

"Twenty-nine!" PD said.

"Hahaha~ But if the light bead hits one less, it will pass~" Kim Jae-ho gloated.

"You guys are really a fantasy team~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"The magic is that each of the beads of light catches, but each one does not break." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yay! What's going on with you? Jin Zhiguo asked.

"I know too, I can't break it." Li Guangzhu said.

It can be seen that the light beads really have no effect in the whole show, but they really can't be broken.

It was Kim Jae-ho's turn again.

"This will pass, I already know it!" Kim Jae-ho said.


Everyone waited to see Kim Jae-ho perform.

Just when the water balloon came down, Kim Jae-ho actually turned on the big windmill directly, and the dance was tiger and tiger wind!

But unfortunately, the water polo did not hit, but forced the teammates next door to retreat.

"Yay! What a thing! Haha shouted.

Kim Jae-ho immediately abandoned his innovative but ineffective idea, like a battlefield, gave up the suddenness, and chose to honestly play a gun obscenely.

The dish must be recognized.

Kim Jae-ho also didn't punch casually, his eyes were glued to the path of the falling water balloon above, and he only hit with certainty.

In this way, the fight is very stable.

He was stable, and the next door Duohai and Haha banged one after another.

After the fight, all three of them were already covered in water.

"Kim Jae-ho seven, haha fifteen, Lee Dohae nine, a total of thirty-one!"

"Yay!!" The three immediately began to celebrate.

"Kim Jae-ho is the least~" Liu Zaishi stared at this.

While saying that he will, he scored the worst results, even less than Li Dohai.

"What did you start with?" Chi Shizhen asked, "If there is no that, it can be more." "

Kim Jae-ho also felt very ashamed.

"Hurry up and go to the next mission, I don't want to stay here."

Li Duohai went to pick up the task, and the next one was to go to the restaurant on the third floor.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho and them leaving, everyone hurried to start.

Jin Zhiguo and Li Guangzhu really laughed to death, and the water in the ball that Li Guangzhu hit was all going to Jin Zhiguo.

Jin Junguo directly seemed to be raining in a rainstorm, and every ball was firmly poured on his head.

Li Guangzhu is really amazing, he himself is still happy, "I fought a lot!" "

You hit a lot of balls, and the water in them all went to Jin Zhiguo.

I don't know that I thought he did it on purpose, people are from north to south, just you alone from east to west, every blow is right in the end of the country.

In such an extreme situation, Jin Zhiguo actually hit a full eighteen, Li Guangzhu was even more fierce, hit nineteen, no wonder it rained here in Jin Zhiguo, this is a hard eating nineteen water wave attacks.

But I was still very happy to win.

I originally thought that Li Guangzhu was just a bastard who hindered him, but he didn't expect to hit more than himself.

Jin Zhiguo really planned to fight thirty by himself.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho and Haha also took the elevator to the third floor.

"Oh, we're really good as a team." Haha said.

"We seem to have to wait." Li Dohai said while touching up his makeup.

"I really chose a very good team~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


The task just now must have been contributed by everyone in the team, and Kim Jae-ho was the most mixed one.

But Kim Jae-ho is very raw in the first task, so it can be regarded as a merit, not particularly crotch-pulling.

Out of the elevator, haha rushed up in a very good mood, and today he was particularly positive.

There are two microphones on the ground.

When I think of microphones, I think of a rich woman who is particularly keen to replace the new shiny microphone.

"In the third stage, the headphone practice singing room speed test, answer more than five questions correctly and pass!"

"It's over! Again to answer questions! Kim Jae-ho was stunned when he saw it.

"No, this time is different!" PD said, "One of the team members wore headphones and guessed the name of the song that the team sang. "

Haha immediately said: "You and Dohai sing I guess." "

"Okay!" Kim Jae-ho immediately agreed.

"What do you mean? No, what does it mean? Dohai didn't understand.

Kim Jae-ho and Haha were originally task masters, unlike Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin, the two of them have a very strong understanding of the task.

So the task only needs to be said once, and they immediately understand.

Haha just explain to her.

"You have to know a lot of songs." PD said.

"This can't bother us~" Haha and Kim smiled confidently after looking at each other.

This haha is definitely no problem, itself is a singer voice, in the variety show for so many years, all kinds of songs are known.

As for Kim Jae-ho, he is known as the "Human Little Song Library", not only is he an active singer, but also often covers songs, writes songs himself, and often sings some very old songs.

Kim Jae-ho likes old songs very much, so he makes himself not like a foreigner from this direction, so he also remembers a lot of songs.

In fact, the difficulty is the old song, as for other popular songs, Kim Jae-ho does not need to remember at all, it is all in his mind.

Not just this year, but the next ten years.

Compared with the confidence of the two people, Duohai was a little panicked, to be honest, she didn't quite understand what she was going to do.

After Kim Jae-ho explained it to her again, he comforted: "It's okay angry, there is me." "

"It's up to you." Dohae was very moved, fortunately there was Kim Jae-ho.

Haha was unhappy to see in front, "I also have my share!" "

"Brother, I can't hear it, pay attention to my movements."


"Huai Ting!"

The time is sixty seconds, and there is a staff member next to it who is responsible for holding up the sign.

Kim Jae-ho looked at it and directly "pass!" "

"How did it pass?!" Li Duohai looked stupid, she couldn't even read the words clearly.

"No, just pass!" Haha very satisfied.

No way, this song Kim Jae-ho has not heard.

The work brother not only looks handsome, but also reacts very quickly, and immediately changes.

After changing, Kim Jae-ho shouted again: "PASS! "

Ha ha:???

This is not a good illustration, southbound train.

The train is simple, and he can't show it southbound.

As someone who has cleared levels in multiple games, Kim Jae-ho has developed the habit of calculating without wasting resources.

The next one looked, Kim Jae-ho immediately danced his steps, which happened to be the only song he could dance perfectly.

"Tweet North!"

Jin Zhiguo and Li Guangzhu, who had just come up, were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Before Kim Jae-hodo finished singing, he immediately said, "Girls' Generation Gee!" "

PD sounded the right answer.


Finally, I answered correctly, and I was very excited.

The next one is Shin Shin's "Only You for Me", as soon as I saw Kim Jae-ho: "pass!" "

I haven't heard it, don't say the song, no one has heard it.

I thought that Kim Jae-ho would continue this momentum, but I didn't expect to pass it directly, and I was a little depressed all of a sudden.

There is no way, this is the difficulty of the problem, it is obvious that they do not want Kim Jae-ho to pass them so quickly.

The best guess is always a song with distinct dance movements and memory points.

The next one is "One and One" by 22, which is a band, and this Kim Jae-ho immediately jumps out of the opening action and says "one and half" in his mouth

He would only start this action, but what he didn't expect was that haha guessed it immediately.

Next is Oh You and Me, another song that Kim Jae-ho would dance, and I think he flipped it over when this song first came out.

Singing directly about you and me is to point to yourself haha, and the lip shape is you and me.

I had only seen the original singer sing this song before haha immediately guessed it.

"Oh, that's too easy, isn't it?" Jin Zhiguo was uneasy.

Three songs were successful at once, there was still plenty of time, and Kim Jae-ho immediately laughed after the next song came out, because it was Kim Jae-ho's own song.

The sign reads "A song about pink" and the author's name in the upper left corner is Kim Jae-ho.

As soon as he saw Kim Jae-ho's three words, Lee Dohae looked at Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho laughed a little and began to sing "pinkpink~ Take my beloved pink little guitar and sing a pink song to you~"

The song is without dance, so it is very difficult to identify.

"What?" Haha, of course, did not guess, and said anxiously: "PASS! pass! "

But Kim Jae-ho, who used to pass as fast as a fart, now he doesn't feel like a pass at all.

Of course, Kim Zhiguo Li Kwang-joo knows this song, and will smile heartily, this is the top~

After all, it is a song written for fans, and it can be regarded as the first official self-composed song, which has taken a lot of thought, so it has feelings and cannot be passed.

Soon the time was over, haha took off the headphones and scolded directly.

"Why don't you pass?!" Haha shouted.

Li Duohai also crossed his waist, very helpless, didn't he say that he could rely on you?

But nice is really good.

"It's my song~" Kim Jae-ho said sarcastically.

"It's your song, you let me guess, why are you singing vigorously!" I can't guess! Yes! Is! "

Kim Jae-ho tried to resist: "How come I can't even guess my song!" "

"How do I know you have so many songs!" Haha scolded.

Although what Haha said is very reasonable, Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, this is the second time to sing this song, a lot of feelings.

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