Of course, it was not done immediately, but the brokerage company clarified, the boss apologized, there is a kind of irreparable time, then it is cheaper to go on, this is considered a leak.

There is also no need to wash it thoroughly, because some people's eyes and ears have already been cut off, they have no longer used their brains to think, and it is useless to say anything.

Just let most reasonable people know if they like the tara or that tara, know that they are innocent and still worthy of love.

As long as it can be clarified, with TARA's business ability, another album will be released in one or three years, return to the album, and start again directly.

No matter how it is, it is better than the original company sent to develop the island market, even if it is to develop, the development of the Chinese market is much worse, the big lords here do not care what you have, they only look at whether you are good or not, whether the business ability is okay.

I don't care about any bells and whistles, and there are more sane people here, and there will be more people who accept clarifications.

At that time, let everyone learn Chinese, learn to me every day, and learn a general conversation for a year or two should be no problem.

When the time comes, everyone will go through those things, they will definitely work very hard, and there should be no big problem in Chinese class, right?

Of course, this is an afterthought, and the real implementation may take a year or three, at least September and October.

At that time, tara must have a figure, experience and experience, business ability and business ability, and the Chinese market, not to mention the girlhood, at least it will not be too far behind.

It's just that I don't know if it's a six-person group or a four-person group at that time, and this will be known at that time.

Talking about the real Kim Jae-ho is biased towards the six-person group, and the stage will be better at that time, when the song will first come out of the Korean version and then the Chinese version, it will take off directly.

Well, tomorrow I will go to the old brother to talk about this matter, I am annoyed when I think of this, every time I meet the old brother, I want to squeeze my own labor, let myself think more about what I missed and did not say.

Therefore, Kim Jae-ho is not happy to meet with his brother, he still prefers a pure way of meeting, such as seeing the name on the transfer notice.

A gentleman's friendship is as light as water, flowing water.

Recently, the old brother seems to be busy with the Kakaotalk thing, this software that has only been online for 10 years, and the old brother began to work on this matter after a few months.

Because it has just started, it is easier to start, no, it seems to have achieved results recently.

It's been more than a year.

In addition to these, there are also operations on prestige, but it does not seem to be too smooth over there, after all, the goose factory is not short of money.

However, the two companies have also established a good strategic partnership.

Fortunately, it's not too late, a year or two later, people can't look at you, and even if you talk about cooperation, people will talk about acquisition.

Then there are some investments, in addition to stocks that do value investment, Kim Jae-ho also invested some short ones, and there are also returns.

Coupled with the income from the game, Kim Jae-ho took 80% to vote for the movie, and then the remaining 20% planned to cook.

Tara's side is certainly not with his own money, this is a company thing.

For a pure foodie, the most painful thing is not being able to eat satisfying and inexpensive food.

So his next step is to send people to Huaxia to investigate, find dessert shops, milk tea shops, intestine flour shops, roast duck, char siu, roast chicken, pork foot rice, pancakes, sauerkraut fish, dim sum and other shops to ask for recipes or invite them directly.

Not for the return on investment, purely to satisfy your appetite.

It is to make your own canteen, open one by one, even if it is a loss, it is no problem, it is time to satisfy yourself.

At that time, you can eat what you want to eat with a phone call, how fragrant!

This is the correct use of banknote power!

Kim Jae-ho is planning to buy a piece of land, and when the time comes, he will directly cook a street in Huaxia and think about Dumei.

Earning so much money is to spend it, and although I have recently found many very good shops, Kim Jae-ho is not satisfied.

At first, he thought that many places were not delicious, but later he found that there were actually many places that were delicious.

After all, the people take food as the sky, everyone likes the same things, there is demand naturally motivated, so there are also a lot of delicious here, just to discover it yourself.

There are also a lot of Chinese dishes here, but most of them have been modified, and Kim Jae-ho also likes to eat a few of them.

However, Kim Jae-ho also has his own favorite taste, and Kim Jae-ho gave the investigator the address and asked him to contact.

To be honest, no one will think that the money is small, so the probability can still be won.

There is no need for them, just tell the recipe that is, how it was made.

This is very critical, of course, whether it is given the real formula, is to Kim Jae-ho to evaluate and check.

After all, they all have to serve themselves, when the time comes, their own store, they can add as much meat as they want to the intestine flour, pork knuckle rice pork feet are more than rice, char siu is more than rice, direct freedom, the whole boss special version.

At that time, if their employees go there to eat, they will be discounted and directly turned into an employee canteen.

Of course, it is now in the pie painting stage, and it is all in preparation.

Then the second is Song Qian's birthday, and Kim Jae-ho sent a dining car to their crew, purely wishing her a happy birthday.

This was a completely unexpected surprise, and Song Qian usually didn't chat with Kim Jae-ho much, so she never expected that Kim Jae-ho would remember her birthday and take action.

When I arrived at the crew, I didn't react for a while when I saw the dining car, this was for my own dining car, and I knew that I saw Kim Jae-ho's big humanoid standing sign and blessing.

The humanoid standing card is Kim Jae-ho wearing very trendy clothes, and then the fingers are compared to 2, which is also yes, and the expression is dragged.

I have to say that it is Kim Jae-ho, even the humanoid standing card is so angry, Song Qian took a picture and posted it on the Internet to thank and bless.

Netizens also called out warmth when they saw it, and they were surprised that Kim Jae-ho was also connected with Song Qian.

And this scale is also quite large, ordinary friends will not send such luxury, everyone guesses whether there is something between the two, and then it is crazy @ Song Zhixiao, "Look at your boyfriend!" "

Kim Jae-ho, danger!

In addition to Kim Jae-ho's dining car, the crew also sent a very large cake to Song Qian to celebrate her birthday together, and she was very happy today.

Especially after seeing Kyuhyun's birthday Kim Jae-ho just sent birthday wishes the next day.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho can remember the blessing on the day of occurrence, and he can already become friends.

After all, Kim Jae-ho likes to watch New Journey to the West, so he has a very good impression of Kyuhyun, but Kyuhyun has never come.

Kim Jae-ho never goes out of his way to remember other people's birthdays, after all, he doesn't even have a birthday himself, because this birthday is not his own birthday.

He only knows other people's birthdays when he sees other people's information, so if he is lucky, he has birthday wishes.

Kim Jae-ho's current size, and he doesn't need to use this to prove his relationship with others to gain popularity.

It's a pity that he and Kyuhyun play different games, Kyuhyun plays interstellar, and Kim Jae-ho is very good at micro-manipulation in this life, but he was a handicap in his last life, so he doesn't touch RTS games at all.

However, this does not prevent him from being friends with Kyuhyun, as long as he likes to play games, he can always play together, and Kyuhyun is also a loyal player of Kim Jae-ho's new game "Ordinary Me".

When he said he wanted to play that game, Kim Jae-ho also asked him to record it and post it on the M station.

In fact, the process of artists engaging in this is quite complicated, not that artists can do it if they want to, but fortunately, it is a silly hat, and the cooperation between silly hats and MMP has always been very good.

Recently, Kim Ji-guk was singing, and Kim Jae-ho made a tune for him, and as for the lyrics, he had to do it himself, or use the company's lyricist.

Kim Jae-ho suggested that he come by himself, having his own style and experience is the most important, as a singer, Kim Jae-ho has always been a suggested songwriter.

Sometimes everyone can't understand what your words are, so the lyrics are the best, the writing is poor, it doesn't matter, the writing is good, take off directly!

Anyway, idle is idle, you can think about words when doing sports.

Kim Jae-ho also wrote several songs, so that Kim Junguo wrote a fitness exclusive song, which is to describe the feeling of fitness, which is very explosive.

Kim said he couldn't write, and Kim Jae-ho insisted that he write it.

You force me to fitness, I force you to write songs, torture each other, everyone don't say anyone, perfect!

Kim Jae-ho's suggestion is to use professional terms to pile up a few sentences, at the beginning write the reason why he did not exercise to go to fitness, then write about his pain when he was fit, and finally write about the feeling of fitness and the feelings he brought to himself after falling in love with fitness.

Everything is positive feedback Jin Zhiguo said but the head is the way, the fitness process is stacked with fast professional terms like RAP, such as what bench press several sets and so on, can make the person immersive.

It is a song written for fitness, this is his major, how can he not write, Kim Jae-ho not only gave advice, but also wrote a version of the lyrics, let him change it himself.

Forget his gentle love song style and write a flaming song with famous lines in between, like, "Pain is the greatest gift from God!" "It's not at all what normal people say.

Speaking of Kim Junguo's famous lines, Kim Jae-ho suggested that Kim Junguo ask his younger brothers in charge.

People like Minhao, Guangzhu, those should be familiar and backwards.

During training, Kim Junguo's ghost stories were piled up one after another, and Kim Jae-ho considered whether to divide it into two songs, leaving one to be his famous quote.

People who believe in fitness should enjoy this type of song very much.

Funny and burning.

Kim Junguo usually says and can say, but now let him write that he is shy, and the twisted Kim Jae-ho is annoyed when he sees it, and while complaining, he does sports under the command of Kim Junguo.

Kim Jae-ho is stunt, no matter how tired he is, he can speak.

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